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ID: 255107
Mietre procession, Urga, [1921-1930]
ID: 26835
Boats in the harbor, Japan [1909-1910]
ID: 26832
Birds on the shore, Japan, 1909-1910
ID: 26831
[Birds on the shore, Japan, 1909-1910]
ID: 26823
Men and boys in front of hotel building, Japan, March, 1910
ID: 26822
Birds perched on rowboat, Shikoku Island, Japan, March, 1910
ID: 26817
Woman on steps of shrine, Shikoku Island, Japan, March, 1910
ID: 26815
Roy Chapman Andrews in traditional Japanese costume, Shikoku Island, Japan, March, 1910
ID: 26814
Girl with young child, Shikoku Island, Japan, March, 1910
ID: 26813
Portrait of child, Shikoku Island, Japan, March, 1910
ID: 26812
Children with potted tree, Shikoku Island, Japan, March, 1910
ID: 26810
Women having tea, Shikoku Island, Japan, March, 1910
ID: 26809
[Station master and wife], Shikoku Island, Japan, March, 1910
ID: 26800
Traditional Japanese boats, Shikoku Island, Japan, March, 1910
ID: 26798
Traditional Japanese boats on the water, Shikoku Island, Japan, March, 1910
ID: 26797
Woman showing Japanese tea ceremony, Shikoku Island, Japan, March, 1910
ID: 26796
Man showing formal costume of middle class, white marks on sleeves indicate his family, Shikoku Island, Japan, March, 1910
ID: 26795
Station master sleeping in Japanese style bed, Shikoku Island, Japan, March, 1910
ID: 26794
Black-backed gulls on rocks, Shikoku Island, Japan, March, 1910
ID: 26793
ID: 26775
View from road of farming fields, Japan, February, 1910
ID: 26767
The Albatross anchored, Mahyan Islands, Dutch East Indies, November, 1909
ID: 26762
Group gathered near boats at water's edge, Mahyan Islands, Dutch East Indies, November, 1909
ID: 26760
Leader and court aboard ship at Mahyan Islands, Dutch East Indies, November, 1909
ID: 26758
Looking up the street toward the fort from the business quarter, Menado, November, 1909
ID: 26757
Man with oxen walking past temple, Dutch East Indies, November, 1909
ID: 26756
Woman with two young children in road, house in the background, Dutch East Indies, November, 1909
ID: 26755
Market scene, Dutch East Indies, November, 1909
ID: 26754
People in street lined with buildings, Dutch East Indies, November, 1909
ID: 26753
Man outside house in front of fence, Dutch East Indies, November, 1909
ID: 26752
House, Dutch East Indies, November, 1909
ID: 26751
People walking along road near wall, Dutch East Indies, November, 1909
ID: 26750
Young men on bridge, building in the distance, Dutch East Indies, November, 1909
ID: 26749
People walking along road, Dutch East Indies, November, 1909
ID: 26748
Women walking between road and water, Dutch East Indies, November, 1909
ID: 26747
Group in the road, Dutch East Indies, November, 1909
ID: 26746
Man picking up small child, Dutch East Indies, November, 1909
ID: 26743
Dutch East Indies, November, 1909
ID: 26742
Man walking past house, Dutch East Indies, November, 1909
ID: 26740
Boat with sail, Dutch East Indies, 1909-1910
ID: 26739
Men at banana market, Dutch East Indies, 1909-1910
ID: 26737
Close-up of house showing bamboo on windows, Dutch East Indies, November, 1909
ID: 26736
House with shutters and fence, Dutch East Indies, November, 1909
ID: 26735
House with slanted roof and fence, Dutch East Indies, November, 1909
ID: 26734
[View of traditional boat, as seen from the Albatross, Dutch East Indies, November, 1909]
ID: 26733
Houseboats in the river, Dutch East Indies, November, 1909
ID: 26730
Men aboard the Albatross, anchored at dock, Dutch East Indies, November, 1909
ID: 26729
Two men next to tree and river, Dutch East Indies, November, 1909
ID: 26727
Pond and palm trees, Dutch East Indies, November, 1909
ID: 26726
Men fishing from platforms with a net, Dutch East Indies, November, 1909
ID: 26725
Men and women walking through street lined with buildings, Dutch East Indies, November, 1909
ID: 26724
Museum, formerly house of Raja of Boni, three-quarter front view, Dutch East Indies, December, 1909
ID: 26723
Museum, formerly house of Raja of Boni, front view, Dutch East Indies, December, 1909
ID: 26722
Street in Malay business district, Makassar, Celebes, December, 1909
ID: 26721
Open air barber shop, Makassar, Dutch East Indies, November, 1909
ID: 26720
Main Street, Makassar, Dutch East Indies, December, 1909
ID: 26719
Company of soldiers through tree lined street, Makassar, Dutch East Indies, December, 1909
ID: 26711
Ship anchored at Gan Road, Gillola Island, Dutch East Indies, November, 1909
ID: 26710
Man standing in front of grave house, Gan Road, Gillola Island, Dutch East Indies, November, 1909
ID: 26709
Temple at Gan Road, Dutch East Indies, November, 1909
ID: 26708
Dr. Lee bargaining for a hat in the village at Gain Road, Dutch East Indies, November, 1909
ID: 26707
Group in canoe on river, Dutch East Indies, November, 1909
ID: 26706
Houses on stilts in river, trees behind, Dutch East Indies, November, 1909
ID: 26705
Hut in palm tree, Gillolo Island, Dutch East Indies, November, 1909
ID: 26704
Tropical vegetation, Gain Road, Gillolo Island, Dutch East Indies, November, 1909
ID: 26702
Children atop wall watching Dayak men demonstrate traditional costumes and weapons, Dutch East Indies, November, 1909
ID: 26701
Dayak men demonstrating weapons and shields, Dutch East Indies, November, 1909
ID: 26700
Street in outskirts of Amboina, Dutch East Indies, December, 1909
ID: 26699
Dayak men demonstrating spear and shield, Dutch East Indies, November, 1909
ID: 26698
Dayak man standing in front of tree, tiger teeth in his ears, Dutch East Indies, November, 1909
ID: 26697
Demonstrating traditional costume and spear, Dutch East Indies, November, 1909
ID: 26696
Men and child outside door of Stamp and Zegelkantoor (seal or post office), Dutch East Indies, November, 1909
ID: 26695
Girl in white dress walking on street lined with trees and houses with gates, Amboina, Dutch East Indies, November, 1909
ID: 26694
Banyan tree inside of Fort walk, Dutch East Indies, November, 1909
ID: 26693
Inner gate of fort with lettering above doorway: 1901-1903, Herbouwd Kampement, Nieuw Victoria, Dutch East Indies, November, 1909
ID: 26692
Nutmeg growing, Dutch East Indies, November, 1909
ID: 26690
Chinese girl, Formosa, January, 1910
ID: 26681
Japanese official coming to ship at Kiva-Liang, Formosa, January, 1910
ID: 26680
Child on steps leading to Shuri Palace, where Commodore Perry signed a treaty with the king of Loo Choo Island, Japan, February, 1910
ID: 26679
Children on steps near sago palm in front of Temple of Tablets of Kings, Loo Choo Island, Japan, February, 1910
ID: 26678
Market place where women do all of the trading, Naha, Loo Choo Island, Japan, February, 1910
ID: 26677
Gateway to Temple of Tablets of the Kings, Naha, Loo Choo Island, Japan, February, 1910
ID: 26676
Girls and Captain McCormick, Naha, Loo Choo Island, Japan, February, 1910
ID: 26675
House with doorway in the wall, Loo Choo Island, Japan, February, 1910
ID: 26674
Man and loaded horse, Loo Choo Island, Japan, January, 1910
ID: 26672
Street scene, Loo Choo Island, Japan, January, 1910
ID: 26671
ID: 26670
ID: 26669
Wave about to break over the bow of the S.S. Albatross, January, 1910
ID: 26662
Crew with "Good-Bye-Manila," figure, S.S. Albatross, January, 1910
ID: 26661
Stern of S.S. Albatross, showing sounding platform and flag, January, 1910
ID: 26660
Stern of S.S. Albatross, showing sounding platform, with flag, January, 1910
ID: 26659
ID: 26658
S.S. Albatross, January, 1910
ID: 26657
Chief engineer [and Roy Chapman Andrews], S.S. Albatross, January, 1910
ID: 26648
Birds flying over sea, Philippine Islands, 1909
ID: 26647
ID: 26646
Ships in harbor, Philippine Islands, 1909
ID: 26645
Sailors in rowboat alongside ship, Philippine Islands, 1909
ID: 26644
Man with ox and loaded cart, Philippine Islands, 1909