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ID: ptc-1419
Caribou or American Reindeer
ID: 100146758
Camp at the foot of the Three Mammelles [art original] : Thursday July [27], 1843 by John James Audubon
ID: ptc-6673
Ursus Americanus, from The Viviparous Quadrupeds of North America Vol. 3 by John James Audubon
ID: ptc-1652
Gray Wolf, Canis lupus, painting by Audubon
ID: b10564457_7
Great Auk, Pinguinus impennis, from Audubon's The birds of America
ID: b10564457_6
Brown Thrasher, Ferruginous Thrush, defending nest against Black Snake, from Audubon's The birds of America
ID: b10564457_5
Male, female, and juvenile Northern harriers (Marsh Hawk) from Audubon's The birds of America
ID: b10564457_4
Brown Pelican roosting in Red Mangrove, from Audubon's The birds of America
ID: b10564457_3
Male and female Anhinga from Audbon's The birds of America
ID: b10564457_2
Great Blue Heron from Audubon's The birds of America
ID: b10564457_1
Crested Caracara, Caracara cheriway, from Audubon's The birds of America
ID: b10621283_6
Ring-tailed Bassaris from Audubon's The viviparous quadrupeds of North America
ID: b10621283_4
Common flying squirrels from Audubon's The viviparous quadrupeds of North America
ID: b10621283_3
Townsend's ground squirrels from Audubon's The viviparous quadrupeds of North America
ID: b10621283_2
Nine-banded Armadillo (Dasypus novemcinctus) from Audubon's The viviparous quadrupeds of North America
ID: b10621283_5
Mus leucopus, white footed mouse, landscape in background, from Audubon's The viviparous quadrupeds of North America
ID: b10621283_1
Little white weasel from Audubon's The viviparous quadrupeds of North America