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ID: ptc-7702
Khipu (quipu), counting device, Peru
ID: ptc-7538
"Attentions jeunesse, un peu de sagesse...le SIDA progresse et vous guette sans cesse! Poster for public health, Ministry of Public Health and Social Affairs, Djibouti, photographed for AMNH Temporary Exhibit: Epidemic! The World of Infectious Disease, 1999
ID: ptc-7539
Protegeons-nous contre le SIDA, logo of Ministry of Public Health and Social Affairs, Djibouti, photographed for AMNH Temporary Exhibit: Epidemic! The World of Infectious Disease, 1999
ID: ptc-7542
Protegez-vous contre le SIDA poster, man and woman discussing AIDS education, Ministry of Public Health and Social Affairs, Djibouti
ID: ptc-7797
A New Map: The Shuara (Jivaro) territory based on the observations and explorations of Padre Alberto Castagnoli, misionero Salesiano, and Victor Wolfgang von Hagen, 1935, Eastern Peru (northern Amazonas district) and Western Ecuador, signed by Wolfgang von Hagen to Frank Chapman
ID: ptc-7798
Industrial and Archeological Map of Southern Peru (Part of map made by T. A. Corry), edited by the Commission on Propaganda and Tourism, Cusco Centenniale
ID: ptc-7541
"Get rid of the mosquito" poster from campaign to eradicate yellow fever, exhibit: Epidemic! The World of Infectious Disease
ID: ptc-7664
Map of Assiniboine River area with towns Carberry and Sewell indicated, from The sketchbooks and journals of Ernest Thompson Seton, Volume 1, page 401
ID: ptc-7679
Bird and deer with text, pages 18 and 19 from The sketchbooks and journals of Ernest Thompson Seton, Volume 6
ID: ptc-7680
[Yancey's] farm, watercolor, from The sketchbooks and journals of Ernest Thompson Seton, Volume 6, page 16
ID: ptc-7670
Rabbit or hare, sketch, from The sketchbooks and journals of Ernest Thompson Seton, Volume 6, page 85
ID: ptc-7867
Flash art by A.A. Polada, examples of tattoo art from Body Art: Marks of Identity, 1999-2000
ID: ptc-7869
Tattoo art from Body Art: Marks of Identity, 1999-2000
ID: ptc-7870
ID: ptc-7871
Crude Work Covered or Removed, tattoo art examples by George Burchett from Body Art: Marks of Identity
ID: ptc-7872
Examples of tattoo art from Body Art: Marks of Identity
ID: ptc-7873
Tattoo art from Body Art: Marks of Identity
ID: ptc-7874
ID: ptc-7875
ID: ptc-7876
Tattoo art by Brooklyn Pete, New York City, 1947, Body Art: Marks of Identity
ID: ptc-7814
Leaf, detail
ID: ptc-7807
Proposed plans for American Museum of Natural History, Section 4, by Cady, Berg, and See Architects, New York, 1895
ID: ptc-7882
Blister pearls in shell
ID: K12671
Snapping turtle (Chelydra s. serpentina), 25 lbs., Central Park, New York City
ID: K12684
Blue spotted salamander, complex Ambystoma laterale, Dutchess county, New York
ID: K12686
Blue spotted salamander, complex Ambystoma laterale, Dutchess County, New York
ID: ptc-5361
Passenger pigeon exhibit
ID: ptc-5374
Fossil ammonite, iridescent
ID: ptc-86
White-mantled colobus monkey, Aberdare Mountain Forest, Kenya, diorama, Akeley Hall of African Mammals
ID: ptc-83
Grizzly Bear Family Group of Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, diorama
ID: ptc-7185
Chlamydodera maculata, lithograph by J. Wolf and J. Smit, from Monograph of the Paradiseidae and Ptilonorhynchidae by Sharpe
ID: 2a17202
Cuneiform tablets