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ID: 102813
Moth on branch, insects and butterflies series, circa 1900
ID: 102825
Cocoon, insects and butterflies series, circa 1900
ID: 102824
Insects and butterflies series, circa 1900
ID: 102823
ID: 102822
Polyphemus, silk moth, insects and butterflies series, circa 1900
ID: 102821
ID: 102820
Cocoons on branches, insects and butterflies series, circa 1900
ID: 102819
Moth, insects and butterflies series, circa 1900
ID: 102818
Tomato sphinx moth, wings outstretched on card, insects and butterflies series, circa 1900
ID: 102817
Moth, wings outstretched on card, insects and butterflies series, circa 1900
ID: 102816
Caterpillar on branch, insects and butterflies series, circa 1900
ID: 102815
ID: 102814
ID: 102812
ID: 102811
Female bullseye moth, or Io, photographed from life, insects and butterflies series, circa 1900
ID: 102810
Cocoon open, insects and butterflies series, circa 1900
ID: 102809
ID: 102808
ID: 102807
Moths on leaves of potted plant, insects and butterflies series, circa 1900
ID: 102806
Caterpillars, insects and butterflies series, circa 1900
ID: 102805
[Swallowtail] butterfly, insects and butterflies series, circa 1900
ID: 102804
Cocoon opening, insects and butterflies series, circa 1900
ID: 102803
ID: 102802
[Moth caterpillar on rock?] Insects and butterflies series, circa 1900
ID: 102801
Viceroy butterflies on fruit, photographed from life, insects and butterflies series, circa 1900
ID: 102800
Chinese silkworm caterpillar, insects and butterflies series, circa 1900
ID: 102799
The toad eats the gray slug that leaves a shiny track, slug with eggs on leaf, enlarged, insects and butterflies series, circa 1900
ID: 102798
Chinese silkworm cocoons, insects and butterflies series, circa 1900
ID: 102797
Chinese silkworm cocoons on twigs for support, insects and butterflies series, circa 1900
ID: 102796
Aquarium cocoonery, Moths and plants in small glass tank, insects and butterflies series, circa 1900
ID: 102795
Milkweed caterpillar molting, insects and butterflies series, circa 1900
ID: 102794
Monarch or milkweed caterpillar molting, insects and butterflies series, circa 1900
ID: 102793
Monarch chrysalis, insects and butterflies series, circa 1900
ID: 102792
ID: 102791
Milkweed caterpillar and chrysalis of the milkweed or monarch butterfly, insects and butterflies series, circa 1900
ID: 102790
Caterpillar and cocoon, insects and butterflies series, circa, 1900
ID: 102788
Cecropia cocoon, insects and butterflies series, circa, 1900
ID: 102787
Locust eggs are deposited in the ground, the burrow above is plugged with a frothy substance that hardens like cement, insects and butterflies series, circa, 1900
ID: 102786
Tunnel of solitary wasp in red maple branch, insects and butterflies series, circa 1900
ID: 102785
The goldenrod gall showing the tunnel of the larval fly, insects and butterflies series, circa 1900
ID: 102783
Flies in winter on birch stump, insects and butterflies series, circa 1900
ID: 102782
Common meadow male grasshopper hides with outstretched legs behind a stem and shifts his keep out of view, insects and butterflies series, circa 1900
ID: 102781
Cricket after final molt, insects and butterflies series, circa 1900
ID: 102780
Eyed elator beetle on surface, it is not rare around New York, insects and butterflies series, circa 1900
ID: 102776
Female promethea moth, reddish-brown wings, crossed midway by zigzag line of white and bordered with light brown, insects and butterflies series, circa 1900
ID: 102775
Common male meadow grasshopper rasping his love music, insects and butterflies series, circa 1900
ID: 102774
The narrow-winged katydid, after depositing an egg between the epidermal layers of a leaf, insects and butterflies series, circa 1900
ID: 102773
Common meadow grasshopper (female) deposits eggs in grass stems, insects and butterflies series, circa 1900
ID: 102772
Cecropia after second molt, on wild cherry, photographed from life, insects and butterflies series, circa 1900
ID: 102771
Chinese silkworm, cream-white, with a horn at the posterior end, and the anterior segments much wrinkled, 2 inches long, photographed from life, insects and butterflies series, circa 1900
ID: 102770
Moccasin flower or stemless lady's slipper, insects and butterflies series, circa 1900
ID: 102769
ID: 102768
Tent caterpillar and lower part of tent on wild sherry, photographed from life, insects and butterflies series, circa 1900
ID: 102767
The silken nest of the American tent caterpillar, insects and butterflies series, circa 1900
ID: 102766
[Tree bark?] Insects and butterflies series, circa 1900
ID: 102765
Pussy willow in early spring, possibly with a moth of the yellow bear caterpillar, insects and butterflies series, circa 1900
ID: 102764
Monarch butterflies, or the common milkweed, insects and butterflies series, circa 1900
ID: 102763
Promethea caterpillars on wild cherry leaf 12 hours after leaving eggs, slightly enlarged and photographed from life, insects and butterflies series, circa 1900
ID: 102762
Promethea caterpillars three days after leaving eggs, banded black and yellow, slightly enlarged and photographed from life, insects and butterflies series, circa 1900
ID: 102761
Luna moth fresh from its cocoon, tails of hind wings not completely expanded, 2/3 natural size, photographed from life, insects and butterflies series, circa 1900
ID: 102760
Full grown Polyphemus caterpillar, insects and butterflies series, circa 1900
ID: 102759
Full-grown bullseye or Io moth caterpillar, green with black-tipped, branches spines, red and white lateral lines, 2 and a quarter inches long, insects and butterflies series, circa 1900
ID: 102758
Procession of young Io caterpillars, photographed from life, insects and butterflies series, circa 1900
ID: 102757
Cecropia moth with small wet wings, just out of its cocoon, photographed from life, insects and butterflies series, circa 1900
ID: 102756
Female Io moth in resting position, natural size, insects and butterflies series, circa 1900
ID: 102755
Ichneumon fly parasite on promethea, insects and butterflies series, circa 1900
ID: 102754
Sphinx moth on branch, fifteen minutes after leaving chrysalis and just before the wings are folded roof-wise over the body, the natural position in the sphinx group, insects and butterflies series, circa 1900
ID: 102753
White-lined sphinx moth on plant, slightly enlarged, photographed from life, insects and butterflies series, circa 1900
ID: 102752
ID: 102751
Larvae of white-lined sphinx moth, insects and butterflies series, circa 1900
ID: 102750
Catocala concumbens moth in two views, resting position and when flying, insects and butterflies series, circa 1900
ID: 102749
Velvety oval willow gall contains its gall gnat larva through the winter, insects and butterflies series, circa 1900
ID: 102748
The back-swimmers, Notonectidae, are powerful enemies of the young tadpoles, insects and butterflies series, circa 1900
ID: 102747
The leaf-winged and broad-winged katydid, insects and butterflies series, circa 1900
ID: 102746
Hickory leaf eaten by a narrow-winged katydid, insects and butterflies series, circa 1900
ID: 102745
The oblong leaf-winged katydid, insects and butterflies series, circa 1900
ID: 102744
The broad-winged katydid, sturdy and square-headed, looks as pugilistic as its powerful clacking sounds, insects and butterflies series, circa 1900
ID: 102743
Shield-backed grasshopper, insects and butterflies series, circa 1900
ID: 102742
Narrow-winged katydid, insects and butterflies series, circa 1900
ID: 102741
ID: 102740
Atlanticus (?), related to the so called "Cave cricket", insects and butterflies series, circa 1900
ID: 102739
Small meadow grasshopper, minute green gymnasts eating seeds and rasping wing music, the call is so feeble it cannot be heard more than a few inches distant, insects and butterflies series, circa 1900
ID: 102738
Immature grasshopper, insects and butterflies series, circa 1900
ID: 102737
ID: 102736
Narrow-winged katydid, with unusual position of the front legs, insects and butterflies series, circa 1900
ID: 102735
ID: 102734
Flowering branch of the Barberry, Berberis vulgaris, insects and butterflies series, circa 1900
ID: 102733
Narrow-winged katydid cleaning the foot of the right hind leg, an awkward process, Insects and butterflies series, circa 1900
ID: 102732
Narrow-winged katydid cleaning the foot of the right hind leg, an awkward process, insects and butterflies series, circa 1900
ID: 102731
The overlapping wings form the musical instrument of the cone-headed grasshopper, insects and butterflies series, circa 1900
ID: 102730
The filmy second wings are plaited fan-like under the musical wings of the large cone-headed grasshopper, insects and butterflies series, circa 1900
ID: 102729
Locust, short-horned grasshopper, insects and butterflies series, circa 1900
ID: 102728
Locust, short-horned grasshopper, a sturdy violinist, insects and butterflies series, circa 1900
ID: 102727
Shield back grasshopper, female, matches the color of the fallen oak leaves under which she deposits the eggs in the ground, insects and butterflies series, circa 1900
ID: 102726
Red legged locusts, Melanoplus rubrum, a toad can swallow a locust before it has time to pour out his molasses, insects and butterflies series, circa 1900
ID: 102725
Short-horned grasshopper, insects and butterflies series, circa 1900
ID: 102724
Long-horned locust, insects and butterflies series, circa 1900
ID: 102723
The large cone-headed grasshopper, like the others he prefers to eat and sing head down, insects and butterflies series, circa 1900
ID: 102722
ID: 102721
Dragonfly, insects and butterflies series, circa 1900