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ID: ptc-6828
Beetles. Coleoptera, Chrysomela 18 guttata, Chrysomela brunnea, Chrysomela cyanicornis, Chrysomela nigricornis, Chrysomela didymus in ...Insects of New Holland, New Zealand... and Other Islands in the...Pacific Oceans by Edward Donovan
ID: ptc-6825
Lepidoptera, Papilio teutonia, papilio melania, papilio pomona in ...Insects of New Holland, New Zealand... and Other Islands in the...Pacific Oceans by Edward Donovan
ID: ptc-6824
Hemiptera in ...Insects of New Holland, New Zealand... and Other Islands in the...Pacific Oceans by Edward Donovan
ID: ptc-6823
Hymenoptera Diptera (fly/flies) in ...Insects of New Holland, New Zealand... and Other Islands in the...Pacific Oceans by Edward Donovan
ID: ptc-6822
Lepidoptera, Papilio antinuous (butterfly) in ...Insects of New Holland, New Zealand... and Other Islands in the...Pacific Oceans by Edward Donovan
ID: ptc-2265
Papilio idea, by Edward Donovan, from An epitome of the natural history of the insects of India and the islands in the Indian seas
ID: ptc-6852
Coleoptera: Buprestis sternicornis, Buprestis chrysis, Buprestis confusa, and Buprestis 4 maculata, Plate III from Donovan, Insects of India, 1800
ID: ptc-6851
Lepidoptera: Vanessa lethe, Nymphalis cocles, and Nymphalis (charaxes) tiridates, Plate XXIII from Donovan, Insects of India, 1800
ID: ptc-6850
Lepidoptera, Ornithopterus heliacon and Papilio idaeus, Plate XIX from Donovan, Insects of India, 1800
ID: ptc-6849
Coleoptera, Dynastes (Chalcosoma) Atlas, Plate I from Insects of India by E. Donovan, 1800
ID: ptc-6848
Anthia 6-guttata and Brachinus bimaculatus, Plate IV from Donovan, Insects of India, 1800
ID: ptc-6847
Lepidoptera: Thecla aeolus (female), Thecla strephon, Thecla philippus, and Thecla pericles, Plate XLII from Donovan, Insects of India, 1800
ID: ptc-6846
Orthoptera: Locusta reticulata, Locusta punctata, and Schizodactyla monstrosa, Plate XII from Donovan, Insects of India, 1800
ID: ptc-6845
Lepidoptera, Papilio antenor and Papilio antiphus, Plate XV from Donovan, Insects of India, 1800
ID: ptc-6844
Lepidoptera: Pieris hippia, Danais affinis, and Nymphalis philomela, Plate XXV from Donovan, Insects of India, 1800
ID: ptc-6843
Lepidoptera: Polyommatus plinius, P. plato, P. Hippocrates, Thecla theocritus, and Polyommatus parrhasius, Plate XLV from Donovan, Insects of India, 1800
ID: ptc-6842
Lepidoptera: Thecla meliboeus, T. tyrtaeus, T. xenophon, T. achaeus, and T. phorbas, Plate XLI from Donovan, Insects of India, 1800
ID: ptc-6841
Lepidoptera, Ornithopterus priamus, Plate XVI from Donovan, Insects of India, 1800
ID: ptc-6838
Orthoptera: Truxalis chinensis and T. vittatus, Plate 10 from Donovan, Insects of China, 1798
ID: ptc-6837
Coleoptera: Lamia rubus, Lamia reticulator, and Lamia punctator, Plate 6 from Donovan, Insects of China, 1798
ID: ptc-6835
Hemiptera, Raphigaster aurantius with other insects, Plate 21 from Donovan, Insects of China, 1798
ID: ptc-6834
Lepidoptera, Nymphalis sylla, plate 38 from Donovan, Insects of China, 1798
ID: ptc-6833
Hemiptera, Raphigaster aurantius with other insects, plate 21 from Donovan, Insects of China, 1798
ID: ptc-6832
Lepidoptera, Nymphalis (charaxes) bernardus, plate 34 from Donovan, Insects of China, 1798
ID: ptc-6830
Hemiptera: Cicada splendidula, plate 16, from Donovan, Insects of China, 1838
ID: ptc-6829
Coleoptera: Buprestis variabilis, Buprestis cancellata, Buprestis crenata, Buprestis undulata, Buprestis splendida, from Donovan, Insects of New Holland, New Zealand
ID: ptc-6827
Coleoptera from Donovan, Insects of New Holland, New Zealand
ID: ptc-6826
Lepidoptera, Papilio perimale, papilio endora, papilio smilax in An epitome of the natural history of the insects of New Holland, New Zealand, New Guinea, Otaheite, and other islands in the Indian, Southern, and Pacific Oceans by Edward Donovan