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ID: ptc-3935
Pins, ivory with carved design, Mangbetu people of Africa
ID: ptc-3934
Wooden stool, Zande (Azande), people of Africa
ID: ptc-3933
Wooden stool, Mangbetu people of Africa
ID: ptc-3932
Pipe bowl, ceramic, Meje [Medje] people of Africa
ID: ptc-3931
Cup, gourd and plant fiber, Mangbetu people of Africa
ID: ptc-3930
Wooden bowl, Zande people of Africa
ID: ptc-3929
Mat, plant fiber, Makere of Africa
ID: ptc-3928
Mat, plant fiber, 27.7 in x 19.7 in, Makere people of Africa
ID: ptc-3927
Basket, plant fiber, 7.2 inches (height), Mangbetu people of Africa
ID: ptc-3926
Pot, ceramic and plant fiber, Meje people of Africa
ID: ptc-3925
Basket, wood, plant fiber, and hide with fur, 14 inches (height), Mangbetu people of Africa
ID: ptc-3924
Jar, ceramic, Mangbetu people of Africa
ID: ptc-3923
Jar, ceramic, Zande people of the (Belgian) Congo, Africa
ID: ptc-3921
Basket, plant fiber, H 7.8 in, Mangbetu people of the Congo, Africa
ID: ptc-3920
Arrows, wood, iron, and leaves, Mangbetu people of the Congo, Africa
ID: ptc-5655
Headdress, with ermine pelts, Haida, collected by Powell, 1880-1885
ID: ptc-5618
Sun mask, Bella Coola
ID: ptc-5611
Totem pole, side view, Haida
ID: ptc-4563
Mask, cedar bark, cloth, string, and wood, Kwakwaka'wakw (Kwakiutl)of Rivers Inlet, British Columbia
ID: ptc-4572
Speaker's post, wood, Kwakiutl of Hope Island, British Columbia
ID: ptc-4481
Transformation mask, wood, feathers, and rope, opened position, Kwakiutl, Alert Bay, British Columbia
ID: ptc-4508a
Dantsikw (dancing boards), wood, Kwakiutl
ID: ptc-4500a
Chief figure, wood, hair, iron, Fort Rupert Kwakiutl
ID: ptc-4594
Mask of wood, rope, and copper, Kwakiutl of Hopetown, British Columbia
ID: ptc-4593
Whistle, Kwakiutl of Hopetown, British Columbia
ID: ptc-4592
Raven-of-the-sea transformation mask, wood, in fully-opened position, Kwakiutl of Hopetown, British Columbia
ID: ptc-4590
Raven-of-the-Sea neck ring, cedar bark and wood, Kwakiutl of British Columbia
ID: ptc-4589
Mask of the madam mythological bird dancer, Kwakiutl of Hopetown, British Columbia
ID: ptc-4588
Sea otter mask, wood, rope, and cloth, Kwakiutl of Hopetown, British Columbia
ID: ptc-4587
Whale mask, Kwakiutl of Hopetown, British Columbia
ID: ptc-4586
Bullhead mask, fully-open position, showing Born-to-be-Head-of-the-World, Kwakiutl of Hopetown, British Columbia
ID: ptc-4585
Bullhead mask, halfway open position, showing Raven of the Sea, Kwakiutl of Hopetown, British Columbia
ID: ptc-4584
Bullhead mask, fully closed position, Kwakiutl of Hopetown, British Columbia
ID: ptc-4583
Killer whale dish, Kwakiutl of Hopetown, British Columbia
ID: ptc-4582
ID: ptc-4581
Killer whale dish, wood, Kwakiutl of Hopetown, British Columbia
ID: ptc-4580
ID: ptc-4579
ID: ptc-4576
Headband, bark and cloth, Kwakiutl of Fort Rupert, British Columbia
ID: ptc-4573
Huxwhukw mask, wood, feathers, paint, mirrors, and cloth, Kwakiutl of Wakeman Sound, British Columbia
ID: ptc-5646
Snowshoe, Naskapi, Canada
ID: ptc-4591b
Raven-of-the-Sea mask, closed position, Kwakwaka’wakw, Canada
ID: ptc-4591a
ID: ptc-4548b
Headrings, Kwakwaka’wakw Indians, cedar bark, cloth, Fort Rupert and Village Island, British Columbia
ID: ptc-4523a
Head ring and neck ring, cedar bark, Village Island, British Columbia
ID: ptc-4513b
Grizzly bear claws, for dance, Kwakwaka'wakw Indians, British Columbia
ID: ptc-4508b
Dancing boards, Kwakwaka'wakw, British Columbia
ID: ptc-5617
Fish trap, Powhatan, Virginia
ID: ptc-5628
Stone pipe, Tennessee
ID: ptc-5668
Bear skull, ceremonial object, Cree, Canada