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ID: ptc-3942
Figure, wood, glass beads, barkcloth, and plant fiber, Mangbetu people of Africa
ID: ptc-3941
Pins, ivory, Mangbetu people of Africa
ID: ptc-3940
Pins, iron, Mangbetu people of Africa
ID: ptc-3938
Hat, plant fiber and feathers, Mangbetu people of Africa
ID: ptc-3936
Spool, redwood, banana fiber, and human hair, 21.5 inches (length), Meje [Medje] people of Africa
ID: ptc-3935
Pins, ivory with carved design, Mangbetu people of Africa
ID: ptc-3934
Wooden stool, Zande (Azande), people of Africa
ID: ptc-3933
Wooden stool, Mangbetu people of Africa
ID: ptc-3932
Pipe bowl, ceramic, Meje [Medje] people of Africa
ID: ptc-3931
Cup, gourd and plant fiber, Mangbetu people of Africa
ID: ptc-3930
Wooden bowl, Zande people of Africa
ID: ptc-3929
Mat, plant fiber, Makere of Africa
ID: ptc-3928
Mat, plant fiber, 27.7 in x 19.7 in, Makere people of Africa
ID: ptc-3927
Basket, plant fiber, 7.2 inches (height), Mangbetu people of Africa
ID: ptc-3926
Pot, ceramic and plant fiber, Meje people of Africa
ID: ptc-3925
Basket, wood, plant fiber, and hide with fur, 14 inches (height), Mangbetu people of Africa
ID: ptc-3924
Jar, ceramic, Mangbetu people of Africa
ID: ptc-3923
Jar, ceramic, Zande people of the (Belgian) Congo, Africa
ID: ptc-3921
Basket, plant fiber, H 7.8 in, Mangbetu people of the Congo, Africa
ID: ptc-3920
Arrows, wood, iron, and leaves, Mangbetu people of the Congo, Africa
ID: ptc-3919
Basket, Mangbetu, Medje, (Belgian) Congo
ID: ptc-3918
Knife, iron with ivory handle, Azande (Zande), (Belgian) Congo
ID: ptc-3917
Broom, Mangbetu, Medje, (Beligian) Congo
ID: ptc-3916
Water jar, Mangbetu, (Belgian) Congo
ID: ptc-3915
Woman and child figure, wood, Azande (Zande), Congo
ID: ptc-3913
Double spatula, ivory figures at top, possibly Mangbetu, (Belgian) Congo
ID: ptc-3912
Hoe, wood, iron, (Belgian) Congo
ID: ptc-3911
Water jar with lid, Mangbetu, (Belgian) Congo
ID: ptc-3910
Mangbetu men fishing, Nangazizi, Congo, 1989
ID: ptc-3909
Belt pendant or charm, Mangbetu, Medje, (Belgian) Congo,
ID: ptc-3908
Hat, hide with hair and shells, Mangbetu, (Belgian) Congo
ID: ptc-3907
Hat, hide with fur and feathers, Mangbetu, Medje, (Belgian) Congo
ID: ptc-3906a
Knife, iron and wood, Mangbetu
ID: ptc-3906
Knife, iron and wood, possibly Mangbetu, Rungu, (Belgian) Congo
ID: ptc-3905
Knife, iron, copper, wood, Babeo, Monghelima, (Belgian) Congo
ID: ptc-3904
Whip with ivory handle, Mangbetu, (Belgian) Congo
ID: ptc-3902
Box, wood, bark, H 18 in, Uele, Africa
ID: ptc-3901
Box, wood and bark, Uele region, (Belgian) Congo
ID: ptc-3900
Horn, ivory with artwork, Zande (Azande), (Belgian) Congo
ID: ptc-3899
Chair, Zande (Azande), (Belgian) Congo
ID: ptc-3898
Brass studded wooden stool, Mangbetu or Azande, Akenge, (Belgian) Congo
ID: ptc-3897
Bench, wood, Mangbetu, Medje, (Belgian) Congo
ID: ptc-3896
Knife with figure at handle, (Belgian) Congo
ID: ptc-3895
Gourd cup with incised drawings and plant-fiber handle, incised and signed by Bade, Zande
ID: ptc-3894
Vessel with human face, ceramic, Mangbetu people of Africa
ID: ptc-3893
Harp, Mangbetu, (Belgian) Congo
ID: ptc-3892
Pipes with carved faces, (Belgian) Congo
ID: ptc-3891
Horn with figure at top and leopard hide, Mangbetu people of Africa
ID: ptc-3890
Knife with figure handle, Mangbetu people of Africa
ID: ptc-3889
Knife with figure handle, Mangbetu, Africa