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ID: b10187236_2
Phyllostoma grayi from Darwin's The zoology of the voyage of H.M.S. Beagle
ID: b10187236_4
Rhea Darwinii from Darwin's The zoology of the voyage of H.M.S. Beagle
ID: b10187236_7
Felis yagouarondi from Darwin's The zoology of the voyage of H.M.S. Beagle
ID: ptc-3101
Upupa nigripennis, Plate 66 from Birds of Asia, Vol. 1 by John Gould
ID: ptc-3102
Melanochlora sultanea, Plate 51 from Birds of Asia, Vol. 2 by John Gould
ID: ptc-3103
Nectarinia ignicauda, Plate 28 from Birds of Asia, Vol 2 by John Gould
ID: ptc-3104
Psarisomus dalhousiae, Plate 64 from Birds of Asia, Vol.1 by John Gould
ID: ptc-3106
Irena cyanogastra, Plate 22 from Birds of Asia, Vol. 3 by John Gould
ID: ptc-3108
Nyctea nivea, Plate 34 from Birds of Great Britain, Vol. 1 by John Gould
ID: ptc-3109
Falco islandus, Plate 11 from Birds of Great Britain, Vol. 1 by John Gould
ID: ptc-3110
Strix flammia, owl, Plate 28 from Birds of Great Britain, Vol. 1 by John Gould
ID: ptc-3094
Alcedo grandis, kingfisher, Plate 52 from Birds of Asia, Vol. 1 by John Gould
ID: ptc-3095
Oriolus broderipi, oriole, Plate 73 from Birds of Asia, Vol. II by John Gould
ID: ptc-3096
Owls, Strix candida, Plate 18 from Birds of Asia, Volume 1, by John Gould
ID: ptc-3098
Psaropholus ardens, Plate 75 from Birds of Asia, Vol. 2 by John Gould
ID: ptc-3100
Harpactes diardi, Plate 70 from Birds of Asia, Vol. 1 by John Gould
ID: ptc-2902
Paradisea apoda, lithograph by W. Hart and J. Gould
ID: ptc-6853
Hummingbirds: Phaethornis nigrocinctus and Phaethornis episcopus, from Monograph of the Trochilidae by John Gould
ID: ptc-6857
Hummingbirds, Phaethornis amaura, from Monograph of the Trochilidae by John Gould, 1887
ID: ptc-7269
Cometes sparganurus, by John Gould, from Monograph of the Trochilidae [hummingbirds],1887
ID: ptc-5572
Crescent nailtail wallaby (Onychogalea lunata), lithograph by J. Gould and H.C. Richter, Plate LVII in Mammals of Australia, Vol. II by John Gould
ID: ptc-5574
Desert rat-kangaroo, Caloprymnus campestris Plate LXVI in Mammals of Australia, Vol. II by John Gould
ID: ptc-5904
Apteryx australis by John Gould, Plate 10 from Transactions of the Zoological Society of London, Vol. 1,1835