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ID: ptc-2392
Forehead mask of a bear, Tlingit, Alaska
ID: ptc-2332
Wooden chest with operculum, Tlingit, Alaska
ID: ptc-6710
Raven mask, Tlingit, c. 1790-1820
ID: ptc-6708
Mask, Tlingit, c. 1790-1820
ID: ptc-6700
Mask, Tlingit, Alaska
ID: ptc-6701
ID: ptc-6709
ID: ptc-6737
Covered box, wood, Tlingit
ID: ptc-6698
Wooden rattle with carved figure, Tlingit
ID: ptc-6889
Shaman's sea spirit box, Tlingit, Alaska
ID: ptc-6726
Comb, sand hill crane with frog in its mouth, wood, Tlingit, c. 1830-1850
ID: ptc-6736
Covered chest, bear and raven motif, Tlingit, c. 1820-1840
ID: ptc-6734
ID: ptc-6730
Rattle, oyster catcher, Tlingit, c. 1790-1820
ID: ptc-6720
Headdress and mask, Tlingit, c. 1840-1860
ID: ptc-6715
Dying man maskette, Tlingit, c. 1840-1860
ID: ptc-6733
Box panels, wood, animal teeth, cedar bark, and traces of red and black pigment, Tlingit, c. 1780-1810
ID: ptc-6707
Spirit mask, Tlingit, c. 1790-1820
ID: ptc-6696
Mask, shaman singing, c. 1790-1820
ID: ptc-6728
Rattle, human face with tongue sticking out, Tlingit, c. 1820-1840
ID: ptc-6702
Mask, Tlingit, c. 1830-1850
ID: ptc-6703
Mask, sun dog spirit, Tlingit, c. 1830-1850
ID: ptc-6718
Mosquito mask, Tlingit, c. 1810-1830
ID: ptc-6711
Raven mask, Tlingit, c. 1830-1850
ID: ptc-6697
Dying man mask, wood, animal skin, human hair, opercula, and pigment, Tlingit, c. 1800-1830
ID: ptc-6721
Drinking cup with carving of a brown bear, bone and wood, Tlingit, c. 1830-1850
ID: ptc-6732
Costume ornaments, 32 connected disks painted with faces, wood, human hair, and red and black pigment, Tlingit, c. 1850-1870
ID: ptc-6716
Dying man mask, Tlingit, Alaska, c 1800-1830
ID: ptc-6739
Side panels of box, Tlingit, c. 1830-1850, Alaska
ID: ptc-6693
Feast dish with carving, Tlingit, ca. 1790-1820, Alaska
ID: ptc-6704
Ceremonial mask, Tlingit, c. 1830-1850, Alaska
ID: ptc-6714
Maskette, bear, Tlingit, c. 1800-1830
ID: ptc-6729
Rattle with carved face of a hawk, Tlingit, c. 1850-1870
ID: ptc-6735
Covered ceremonial box, wood, H 13 1/2 in, Tlingit, c. 1790-1820
ID: ptc-6722
Staff carved with land otter, Tlingit, c. 1830-1850
ID: ptc-6713
Eagle mask, Tlingit, ca. 1840-1860
ID: ptc-6712
ID: ptc-6717
Mosquito mask, Tlingit, c. 1830-1850
ID: ptc-6699
Shaman's rattle, Tlingit, Alaska, ca. 1820-1840
ID: ptc-6725
Shaman's comb, whale bone and human hair, Tlingit, ca. 1840-1860
ID: ptc-6724
ID: ptc-6740
Headdress model, Tlingit, Alaska
ID: ptc-6731
Shaman's rattle, crane, Tlingit, ca. 1820-1840
ID: ptc-6723
Shaman's wand, Tlingit, ca. 1840-1860
ID: ptc-6694
Mask, Lalatiyail, Bella Coola, c. 1860-80, collected by Boas and Hunt, 1897, British Columbia
ID: ptc-6695
Shaman's rattle, wood, oyster catcher beak, Tlingit, Alaska
ID: ptc-6727
Rattle with face of hawk, probably Tlingit, Alaska
ID: ptc-2389
Shaman's guardian figure, wood, hair, eagle down, operculum, pigment, H 60 cm, Tlingit