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ID: ptc-5100
Plain-weave band with stylized sun faces (camelid), Paracas style, Peru
ID: ptc-5099
Simple looped tunic with geometric design, Paracas style, Peru
ID: ptc-5098
Cross-looping: human figure with tumi knife and staff, 5 cm x 4.5 cm, Peru
ID: ptc-5078
Earspools, cut and polished shell with design of human figures, Chimu style, Peru
ID: ptc-5077
Ceramic whistling bottle in the form of Muscovy duck, H 21.8 in, Late Sican style, Peru
ID: ptc-5076
Kero, gold and silver with face design and rattle base, Sican style, Peru
ID: ptc-5069
Double-spouted bottle with animal designs, H 15 cm, Wari style, Peru
ID: ptc-5067
Cup with painted face, ceramic, H 8 cm, Wari style, Peru
ID: ptc-5061
Ceramic plate decorated with painted catfish and snails, D 15.2 cm, Inka, Peru
ID: ptc-5060
Ceramic jar with fisherman design, H 21.3 cm, early Zasca, Peru
ID: ptc-5059
Killer whale ceramic vessel, L 38.5 cm, early Nasca, Peru
ID: ptc-5058
Feline with mouth mask jar, early Nazca, Peru
ID: ptc-5057
Ceramic monkey with offering bowl, early Nasca, Peru
ID: ptc-5056
Bowl with bird design, 6.6 cm, early Nazca, Peru
ID: ptc-5055
Man holding rattle, ceramic bottle, H 25.3 cm, early Nasca, Peru
ID: ptc-5054
Two figurine of ivory and shell, H 7.4 and 7.7 cm, late Nasca, Peru
ID: ptc-5053
Bottle in the form of a ceremonial structure, ceramic, Moche style, Peru
ID: ptc-5052
Bottle painted with ceremonial scene, ceramic, Moche style, Peru
ID: ptc-5051
Bottle in the form of a land snail, ceramic, H 18 cm, Moche style, Peru
ID: ptc-5050
Ceramic bottle with crayfish design, Moche style, Peru
ID: ptc-5049
Vessel, ceramic, Moche style, Peru
ID: ptc-5048
Bottle in the form of a head, ceramic, H 29.4 cm, Moche style, Peru
ID: ptc-5047
Bottle, man on thone, ceramic, made from mould, H 24.6 cm, Moche style, Peru
ID: ptc-5046
Earspools with mosaic warrior design, D 5.5 cm, Moche style, Peru
ID: ptc-5045
Whistling jar with owl form, Vicus style, Peru
ID: ptc-5044
Resist-painted jar with frog form, ceramic, H 14.5 cm, Vicus style, Peru
ID: ptc-5043
Hand-moulded animal vessel, Vicus-style, H 18.5 cm, Peru
ID: ptc-5042
Vessel, ceramic, Vicus style, H 22 cm, Peru
ID: ptc-5041
Nose ornament, gold with repousse animal design, Vicus style, L 11.5 cm, Peru
ID: ptc-5040
Vicus whistling vessel, man with bird headdress, H 26 cm, Peru
ID: ptc-5039
Vessel, ceramic, perhaps man swimming, Vicus style, H 17.5 cm, Peru
ID: ptc-5038
Vessel, ceramic, man holding cup, H 13.1 cm, Peru
ID: ptc-5037
Recuay vessel showing multi-storied building design, ceramic, Peru
ID: ptc-5036
Vessel, ceramic, Recuay style, Peru
ID: ptc-5035
Recuay vessel of man and llama, ceramic, H 23.5 cm, Peru
ID: ptc-5034
Cotton textile, possibly from a tunic, L 166 cm, Peru
ID: ptc-5033
Vessel, Peru
ID: ptc-5032
Nazca ceramic figure, H 38 cm, Peru
ID: ptc-5031
Bottle with painted panels, H 17.6 cm, Peru
ID: ptc-5030
Feather covered ornament, detail of headdress, L 46 cm, Peru
ID: ptc-5029
Paracas mantle border, detail, Peru
ID: ptc-5028
Camelid-fiber mantle with double-headed bird border, Paracas style, Peru
ID: ptc-5027
Figure with painted face, ceramic, H 33.6 cm, Peru
ID: ptc-5026
Gourd rattle with pyroengraved design, L 16.2 cm, Peru
ID: ptc-5024
Vessel depicting fruit, Paracas-style, Peru
ID: ptc-5021
Chavin-style vessel, hammered sheet gold, H 25.8 cm, Peru
ID: ptc-5020
Bottle, ceramic, Chavin style, with San Pedro cactus, Peru
ID: ptc-5019
Spatula, bone, Chavin style, L. 30.7 cm, Peru
ID: ptc-5018
Vessel, ceramic, form of manioc tuber (cassava), H 26 cm, Peru
ID: ptc-5017
Bottle, supernatural being, ceramic, H 29.9 cm, Peru
ID: ptc-5016
Vessel, early ceramic, H 26.4 cm, Andean, Peru
ID: ptc-5015
Bottle, ceramic, human figure wearing jaguar skin, H 19.6 cm, Peru
ID: ptc-5014
Nose ornament, hammered gold, Chavin style, Peru
ID: ptc-5006
Ceremonial knife (tumi), form of a fish with human figure perched on handle, Chimu-Inka style, Peru
ID: ptc-4998
Ceremonial vessel (paccha), ceramic, pointed with human head at top, Chimu-Inka style, Peru
ID: ptc-4997
Female and male figures, clay, Chancay style, Central Coast Peru
ID: ptc-5107
Interlocked tapestry, multicolor, Wari style, Peru
ID: ptc-5066
Polychrome ceramic jar with death head, H 17.1 cm, Wari style, Peru
ID: ptc-5062
Painted figure of a woman, ceramic, H 28.4 cm, Wari style, Peru
ID: ptc-3699
Standing hunchback figure of finely crackled deep bluish-green jade, Preclassic, 1200-500 BC., Olmec
ID: ptc-3691
Bell, cast gold, Mixtec style, Postclassic, A.D. 1200-1500, vicinity of Venustiano, Mexico
ID: ptc-3698
Pendant, jade, H 7.62 cm, Late Classic, A.D. 600-900, Maya
ID: ptc-3640
Monkey pendant, deep sea-green jade, perforations through nose, ears, foot, H 6.2 cm, Olmec style
ID: ptc-3639
Figurine with jaguar mouth, brown jade with incised glyphs and padded eyes, H 7.94 cm, Preclassic, 1200-500 BC, Olmec style
ID: ptc-5013
Figures of standing women, ceramic and stone, 2100-1700 B.C., Valdivia, Ecuador
ID: ptc-5064
Ceramic kero, Tiwanaku style, Bolivia
ID: ptc-5065
Vessel, ceramic, possibly llama, Lucurmata, Bolivia
ID: ptc-4960
Tunic, Inka Colonial period, Bolivia
ID: ptc-5004
Silver long-haired llama figure, Inca, Peru