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ID: ptc-1764
Illustration of Miniature group showing Navajo home life
ID: ptc-1427
Archaic Indian exhibit
ID: 100110928
Study Showing the Approach from the West Driveway of Central Park to the Eastern Facade of the American Museum of Natural History and New York State Roosevelt Memorial, June 3, 1930
ID: 100213323_49
Grant Caribou Group, Hall of North American Mammals, postcard
ID: 100213323_12
Museum of Natural History, New York City, postcard with paper art, circa 1900
ID: 334090
Dinosaur with birthday cake, American Museum of Natural History's Centennial Year, poster, 1869-1969
ID: 333404
Anthodon restoration, 1968
ID: 316100
Illustration of alligators copied for Dr. Mook, September, 1939
ID: 313529
Photograph of diagram showing paths of certain eclipses in the northern hemisphere
ID: 310770
Drawing of Frank M. Chapman, Curator of Ornithology, October, 1924
ID: 19791
Icthyornis dispar, illustration
ID: 19785
Individual ammonites, illustration
ID: 19784
ID: 19783
ID: 19782
ID: 19781
ID: 131497
Possibly a guide for travelers
ID: 131518
Neanderthal reconstruction made by Works Progress Administration (W.P.A.) worker, 1939-1943
ID: 36900
Moropus Group restoration, 1917
ID: 116175
Paths of the Planets, illustration
ID: 125315
Susannah Wedgwood Darwin, Charles Darwin's mother, photograph of painting
ID: 18631
Bust of Louis Pasteur (1822-1895)
ID: 17285
Painting, China, 1913
ID: 16165
Somerindyke estate on Bloomingdale Road. near 75th St., New York, illustration for D.T. Valentine's Manual, 1863
ID: 16164
The Phoenix and the Rose engaged by the enemy's fire ships and galleys on the 16th Aug. 1776, engraved from the original, for D.T. Valentine's Manual, 1864
ID: 100213466_2
Butterflies from Histoire physique, politique et naturelle de l'ile de Cuba
ID: 100213466_1
ID: 336509
The Shell as Material, Mollusks and Mankind, 1975
ID: 2a2244
Designs of China and Mexico made for Dr. Ekholm's Across the Pacific exhibit
ID: 331938
Ornithomimus mural, Brontosaurus Hall [1941-1954]
ID: 331937
Cricotus and Varanosaurus murals, Brontosaurus Hall [1941-1954]
ID: 331936
Lycaenops and Jonkeria mural, Brontosaurus Hall [1941-1954]
ID: 330624
Eskimo winter house interior, model, Eskimo Hall, 1965
ID: 330623
ID: 329266
Amoeba glass model, Biology of Man Hall, 1963
ID: 327809
Students and Forerunners of Modern Man exhibit, Biology of Man Hall, 1961
ID: 327808
Students at Forerunners of Modern Man exhibit, Biology of Man Hall, 1961
ID: 327804
Forerunners of Modern Man, Biology of Man Hall, 1961
ID: 327803
ID: 327794
Reproduction exhibit, Biology of Man Hall, 1961
ID: 325144
A space station in orbit, Planetarium satellite artwork, 1957
ID: 318262
Quartz sphere mounted on bronze dragon, Morgan Hall, 1961
ID: 314200
Alaska Fur Seal Group, Hall of Ocean Life, 1933
ID: 314199
Elephant Seal Group, Guadaloupe Island, Hall of Ocean Life, May, 1933
ID: 314196
Steller Sea Lion Group, Pribilof Islands, Hall of Ocean Life, May, 1933
ID: 314195
A School of Dolphins, southeast end of balcony, Hall of Ocean Life, 1933
ID: 313332
Carved teak wood screen with painting, Driving the Tiger Out of the Jungle, South Asiatic Hall, 1930
ID: 312300
Apache cooking in pits, second step, Arizona, model, Indians of the Southwest Hall, 1928
ID: 310365
Moose Group, illustration for the North American Mammal Hall, 1923
ID: 297470
Painted scene of southern Sonora, Mexico, background of cut-out diorama, Hall of Mexico, 1943
ID: 297468
Cut-out diorama of the valley and city of Mexico seen from the west, Hall of Mexican and Central American Archaeology, 1943
ID: 297466
Cut-out of fishing with butterfly nets, Lake Patzcuaro, Michoacan, Mexico, Mexican Hall, 1943
ID: 277281
Sketch for Triassic background mural in Dinosaur Hall, July 1932
ID: 322422p
Working on black light mural, Total Solar Eclipse: Moon Between Sun and Earth, Hayden Planetarium, 1953
ID: 312614p
Eskimo woman cooking, model, Eskimo Hall, 1929
ID: 310425p
Model of Pueblo House, Colorado, Indians of the Southwest Hall, 1923
ID: 316044
The Hayden Planetarium with Starry Sky
ID: 332156
Planetarium show material
ID: 332155
Planetarium show poster depicting a rocket and the moon
ID: 328875
Man in Space, Planetarium poster
ID: 314778
Prize winning poster from Planetarium Poster Contest, Education Hall, November 1935
ID: ptc-7438
Basket, reed, cord (Ohiyo), Ainu, Hokkaido
ID: ptc-6812
Tangka, Tibetan, China
ID: ptc-6560
Chinese Butterflies, watercolor on paper, 1830-1871
ID: ptc-6559
ID: ptc-6558
ID: ptc-6557
ID: ptc-6556
ID: ptc-6555
ID: ptc-6036
Portrait of Nicholas M. Hentz
ID: ptc-6027
Drawings, polar bear, musk ox, reindeer, foxes, Eskimo, Greenland
ID: ptc-5927
Tejus rufescens, Plate 45 from Transactions of the Zoological Society of London, Vol. XI, 1885
ID: ptc-5910
Chama, Plate 38 from Transactions of the Zoological Society of London, Volume I, 1835
ID: ptc-3895
Gourd cup with incised drawings and plant-fiber handle, incised and signed by Bade, Zande
ID: ptc-3820
Spirit club or wand or shaman's dance wand, Tlingit, Alaska
ID: ptc-3169
Shield with cover and feather drape, Taos Indians, New Mexico
ID: ptc-3053
Odumata's Sleeping Room and Inner Square of Apookoos House, illustration, exhibition panel from Asante, Kingdom of Gold
ID: ptc-2770
Christmas tree with origami ornaments, 1983
ID: ptc-2709
Embroidered belt from woman's costume, Chu'an Miao, China
ID: ptc-2534
Mahakala (The Great Black One), sculpture, Tibet
ID: ptc-2331
Shadow puppet, Raja Sri Rama, Malay
ID: ptc-1340
Rendering for proposed Hall of Earth History
ID: ptc-1339
ID: ptc-5560
Hapalotis albipes, Tab XXIX from Lichtenstein-Darstellung
ID: ptc-5555
Cervus rufus Jllig (Guazu-pita azar), Tab XX, Mas Fem Jun et Juvencus, in Lichtenstein-Darstellung. . . Saugethiere, 1827-1834
ID: ptc-1333
Saturn, Hayden Planetarium
ID: ptc-1099
Milky Way mural, Hayden Planetarium
ID: ptc-435
Octopus, painting
ID: ptc-1778
Dodo, from The New Dictionary of Natural History by William F. Martyn, 1785
ID: ptc-3587
Clay Creek notebook, Clay Creek, South Dakota
ID: ptc-3584
ID: ptc-3583
ID: ptc-3599
ID: ptc-3598
ID: ptc-3745
Midewiwin bark scroll, Ojibwa
ID: ptc-2158
Moon and flowers, painting, Japanese
ID: ptc-2153
Painting on silk
ID: ptc-2152
Bird painting, Japan
ID: ptc-2162
Bird with flowers, painting, Japan
ID: ptc-2161
Bird on branch, painting, Japan