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ID: 45663
Corn or maize god vessel, Peru
ID: 45665
Auopheles maculipennis, malarial mosquito, plaster cast of thorax, anterior view, 1907
ID: 45666
Freshwater clam pearls, 1907
ID: 45667
Placuna placeuta from the East Indies, March 30, 1907
ID: 45668
Lampsilis rectus from Alabama, specimen half polished, April 10, 1907
ID: 45669
Facade of American Museum of Natural History, New York, August 29, 1907
ID: 45671
Seventh International Congress of Zoologists, assembled outside American Museum of Natural History with Museum staff, Aug 27, 1907
ID: 45674
Crowds outside entrance to American Museum of Natural History, October, 1907
ID: 45675
ID: 46620
Restoration illustration of a Tyrannosaurus Rex skeleton with human for scale, American Museum of Natural History Bulletin, Vol. XXII
ID: 5275
Allosaurus and Brontosaurus, Hall of Fossil Reptiles, August 19, 1907
ID: 5279
Trachodon, Hall of Fossil Reptiles, December 3, 1907
ID: 5280
Sulphur-bottom whale, model, Hall of Mammals, March 24, 1907