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ID: 2A2726
The Transparent Woman from the German Health Museum Cologne, Biology of Man Hall, 1951
ID: 2A2725
ID: 2A23448
The Structure of Life, Invertebrate Hall, 1996
ID: 2A23447
Structure and Classification: Level of Organization, Invertebrate Hall, 1996
ID: 2A23446
Structure and Classification: Body Cavity, Invertebrate Hall, 1996
ID: 2A23445
Structure and Classification, Invertebrate Hall, 1996
ID: 2A23440
Human sperm cells, Invertebrate Hall, 1996
ID: 2A11298
Display of Reptile Teeth and Skulls, Hall of Reptiles and Amphibians, 1975
ID: 2A11295
Display of lizard, turtle, and snake anatomies, Hall of Reptiles and Amphibians, 1975
ID: 288226
Student nurses from St. John's Hospital with museum guide, Natural History of Man Hall, January 1938
ID: 288225
Students nurses, with instructor M.J. Hehner, being guided in Natural History of Man Hall, January 1938
ID: ptc-842
Diplodocus longus, section of skeleton: vertebrae, pelvis, femur, skull, small restoration model, Brontosaurus Hall
ID: ptc-1005
Origin of Mammals exhibit, Hall of Early Mammals [1970-1990]
ID: ptc-7600
Tangka, Moxibustion According to the King of the Moon Treatise, Tibet
ID: ptc-6742
Three Toed Hind Foot display, Hall of Saurischian Dinosaurs, 1995
ID: ptc-5317
Pelvis and vertebrae of Apatosaurus, Hall of Early Dinosaurs, circa 1993
ID: b1214347
Arterial system of the horseshoe crab from Milne-Edwards's Recherches sur l'anatomie des Limules
ID: b1187923_2
Anantomy of Vampyroteuthis from Joubin's Resultats des Campagnes Scientifiques accomplies sur son yacht
ID: b1067930
Neural anatomy of a Neapolitan sea slug from Trinchese's AEolididae e famiglie affini del porto di Genova
ID: b1064426_2
Hawksbill turtle viewed from below, from Schöpf's Historia testudinum iconibus illustrata
ID: b1064426_1
Hawksbill sea turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata) showing "tortoiseshell" from Schöpf's Historia testudinum iconibus illustrata
ID: b1058496_2
Japanese bivalves and shell valves of mussel Crenomytilus grayanus from Lischke's Japanische Meeres-Conchylien
ID: b1048127_10
Telescope fish (Giganturidae) and the barreleye, or spookfish, from Brauer's Die Tiefsee-Fische
ID: b1046417_4
Proteroglyphous sea snake (Hydrophis curtus) from Erpétologie générale, ou, Histoire naturelle complète des reptiles
ID: b1046417_3
Broad-headed snake from Erpétologie générale, ou, Histoire naturelle complète des reptiles
ID: b1046417_1
Snake from Erpétologie générale, ou, Histoire naturelle complète des reptiles
ID: b1040568_2
Male coral polyps releasing clouds of sperm from Lacaze-Duthiers's Histoire naturelle du corail
ID: b1040568_1
Red coral from Lacaze-Duthiers's Histoire naturelle du corail
ID: 315446
Restored skull of Sinanthropus pekinensis, side view, 1937
ID: 296907
Flight exhibit, U.S.O., American Museum of Natural History, 1942
ID: 320139
Beards and teeth, From the Neck Up exhibit, American Museum of Natural History, 1948
ID: 327729
Gallery of Comparative Anatomy, National Museum of Natural History, Paris, France
ID: 36246a
Skeletons of Brontosaurus (Apatosaurus) and man, American Museum of Natural History, 1938
ID: 314519
Comparison of baluchitherium and man by Helen Ziska, 1934
ID: b10527795_2
Skeletal anatomy of humans and birds from Belon's L'histoire de la nature des oyseaux
ID: b10527795_1
ID: b10138225_4
Reproductive system of a female bird in breeding condition from Coues's Key to North American Birds
ID: b10138225_3
Urogenital system of a male bird in breeding condition from Coues's Key to North American Birds
ID: b10138225_2
Illustration of a disected pigeon from Coues's Key to North American Birds
ID: b10138225_1
Upper wing feather arrangement from Coues's Key to North American birds
ID: 134
Leg bones from specimen with pins
ID: 136
Animal skeleton, American Museum of Natural History, New York, 1898
ID: 312012
Mounting skeleton of racehorse Sysonby, 1927
ID: 337378
Mounted skeleton and model of racehorse Sysonby at moment of suspension in fast run
ID: K9996
Eggs and Sperm exhibit, Biology of Man Hall [1960-1970]
ID: 327824
Heart and Lungs exhibit, 1961
ID: 327814
Fossil Evidence of Human Evolution, exhibit, Biology of Man Hall, 1961
ID: 327788
Development of the Face, Reproduction and Embryology exhibit, Biology of Man Hall, 1961
ID: 327830
Skull and Vertebral Column, exhibit, Biology of Man Hall, 1961
ID: 327768
Dr. Shapiro and The Neuron exhibit, Biology of Man Hall, 1961
ID: 314255
The Skeleton from Fish to Man, exhibit panel III, [Hall of the Natural History of Man], 1932
ID: 314154
Comparative Embryology from Fish to Man, [Hall of the Natural History of Man], 1933
ID: 296625
Before and at end of pregnancy, Prenatal Development Series, 1941
ID: 296624
Exhibit showing fetal development at seven months, Prenatal Development Series, 1941
ID: 288224
Students on guided tour, Natural History of Man Hall, 1937
ID: 324639
Transparent model of a woman
ID: K9988
Alveolar sacs, enlarged 90 times, Hall of Biology of Man
ID: K9987
Transparent man showing circulatory system, Biology of Man Hall [circa 1952-1974]
ID: K9983
Sensory receptor in the eye from the Eye Exhibit, Hall of the Biology of Man [circa 1952-1974]
ID: ls-262-015
Our skeleton from fish to man, part 6
ID: ls-262-016
Our face from fish to man, illustrated chart
ID: ls-336-005
Skeleton of the Grimaldi Man, France
ID: ls-336-014
Evolution of the Horse: feet and skulls
ID: ls-262-010
Series of primate feet
ID: ls-262-009
Fetus illustration
ID: ls-262-012
Upright Posture and its Maintenance