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ID: ptc-7898
Kuelap Site in Peru, watercolor by Adolph Bandelier, map number 3, 1893
ID: ptc-7896
Kuelap Site in Peru, map 4, watercolor by Adolph Bandelier, 1893
ID: ptc-7884
Axe, Postclassic period, Mitla, Mexico
ID: ptc-7864
Model sword or knife with obsidian, Postclassic period, Mexico
ID: ptc-7798
Industrial and Archeological Map of Southern Peru (Part of map made by T. A. Corry), edited by the Commission on Propaganda and Tourism, Cusco Centenniale
ID: ptc-7287
Aerial view of excavations at Templo Mayor, Aztec, Tenochtitlan, Mexico City, 1970s
ID: ptc-7286
Canals, Aztec construction, Templo Mayor, Tenochtitlan, Mexico City, 1970s
ID: ptc-7285
Knife decorated to represent face in profile, Aztec, Templo Mayor, Tenochtitlan, Mexico
ID: ptc-7278
Aerial view of excavations at Templo Mayor, Tenochtitlan, Mexico City, 1970s
ID: ptc-7277
Pottery vessel with figure of Tlaloc, god of water, Aztec, Templo Mayor, Tenochtitlan, Mexico
ID: ptc-7276
Alabaster sculpture with tortoise shell ornaments on front and back, Aztec, Templo Mayor, Tenochtitlan, Mexico
ID: ptc-7275
Alabaster deer figure, Aztec, Mexica culture, Templo Mayo, Tenochtitlan, Mexico
ID: ptc-7274
Ceremonial vase depicting Mictlantecuhtli, Aztec, Mexica culture, Templo Mayor, Tenochtitlan, Mexico
ID: ptc-7273
Greenstone mask, Templo Mayor, Tenochtitlan, Mexico
ID: ptc-7272
Greenstone mask, Olmec, Templo Mayor, Tenochtitlan, Mexico
ID: ptc-7007
Paracas mantle with figure design, Hall of South American Peoples
ID: ptc-6509
Frontispiece, Description de l'Egypte : Reptiles et poissons d'Egypte by Isidore Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire
ID: ptc-613
Mousterian flints: knife, perforator, scraper, weapon
ID: ptc-610
Flints: laurel-leaf blades and engravers, Solutrean culture
ID: ptc-5948
Pseudo-cloisonne style jar, ceramic, H 5.5 in, Lumholtz Collection, Hacienda Estanzuela, West Mexico
ID: ptc-5941
Postclassic bowl, ceramic, Guasave, Sinaloa, Site 117, Feature 28
ID: ptc-5938
Death's head stone, Toltec, Hidalgo, Mexico
ID: ptc-5937
Pipe, clay, Guasave, Sinaloa, Mexico, Site 117, feature 21
ID: ptc-5936
Turquoise pendant, Ekholm Expedition, Guasave, Sinaloa, Mexico, Site 117 feature 19
ID: ptc-5935
Horse collar, clay and shell, Toltec style, Chalco, Mexico
ID: ptc-5934
Spindle whorls, ceramic, Ekholm expedition to Guasave, Sinaloa, Mexico, Site 117, feature 160, 166, XX, 3
ID: ptc-5933
Postclassic stone implements, Mexico
ID: ptc-5703
Clay figurines, casts, Hopewell
ID: ptc-5584
Clovis dart points, 12,000-9,000 B.C.
ID: ptc-5583
Folsom point
ID: ptc-5357
ID: ptc-5303
Ancient city of Alexandria, Egypt, Hall of Asian Peoples
ID: ptc-5296
Ocucaje miniature mantle, Peru
ID: ptc-5281
Excavated East Wing of Aztec ruin, from south, New Mexico
ID: ptc-5280
Reconnaissance expedition passing Cabezon, New Mexico, 1917
ID: ptc-5132
The Great Kiva and excavated East Wing, Aztec Ruins, New Mexico, 1917, from a hand-colored lantern slide by Earl Morris
ID: ptc-5117
Vicus nose ornament with owl, H 11.6 cm, Lambayeque Valley, Peru
ID: ptc-5107
Interlocked tapestry, multicolor, Wari style, Peru
ID: ptc-5037
Recuay vessel showing multi-storied building design, ceramic, Peru
ID: ptc-5013
Figures of standing women, ceramic and stone, 2100-1700 B.C., Valdivia, Ecuador
ID: ptc-4991
Pottery and bone work in excavation at Aztec ruin, from lantern slide
ID: ptc-4039
Island of Titicaca, by Adolph Francis Alphonse Bandelier, showing archaeological areas in Peru and Bolivia
ID: ptc-4038
Island of Titicaca, Challa, drawing 81 by Adolph Bandelier, showing archaeological ruins
ID: ptc-4036
Tambo Colorado, watercolor by Adolph Bandelier, archaeological ruins, drawing #47
ID: ptc-4035
Magdalena del Mar, watercolor by Adolph Bandelier, archaeological ruins, drawing #41
ID: ptc-4034
Surco, watercolor by Adolph Bandelier, archaeological ruins in Peru and Bolivia, drawing #37
ID: ptc-4033
Hda de Lynce, watercolor by Adolph Bandelier, archaeological ruins in Peru and Bolivia, drawing #4
ID: ptc-3796
Large limestone block engraved with horse sculpture, Ice Age art, Gravettian period, Abri Labattut, France
ID: ptc-3737
Mosaic pendant, turquoise, Arizona
ID: ptc-3736
Palmate stone, Classic, Mexico
ID: ptc-3735
Palmate stone, rear view, Classic, Mexico
ID: ptc-3734
Yoke, stone, Classic Period, Mexico
ID: ptc-3720
Clay flute, Aztec, Mexico
ID: ptc-3719
Rabbit effigy vessel stone, Postclassic, Mexico
ID: ptc-3718
Plaque, light green jade, human face with closed eyes, wearing ear spools and surrounded by scrolls, top corner missing, L 8.89 cm, Maya, Late Classic, A.D. 600-900
ID: ptc-3717
Gold bead, Mixtec, Oaxaca, Mexico
ID: ptc-3715
Clay bowl, Maya, Classic Period, Mexico
ID: ptc-3714
Ceramic bowl with motif of crustaceans and birds, Postclassic, Cerro Montoso, Veracruz, Mexico
ID: ptc-3713
Terracotta bowl, Late Classic, Mexico
ID: ptc-3712
Clay bowl, Late Classic Maya, Mexico
ID: ptc-3711
ID: ptc-3710
Terracotta bowl with design, Late Classic, Mexico
ID: ptc-3700
Stone figure, Olmec, Vera Cruz
ID: ptc-3697
Effigy bowl, man emerging from shell, Maya, Mexico
ID: ptc-3695
Seated figure, green stone, Olmec, Preclassic, 1000-500 BC, Guerrero, Mexico
ID: ptc-3694
Terracotta figure, Late Classic, Mexico
ID: ptc-3693
Incensario stand, ceramic, Maya, Late Classic, Tabasco or Campeche, Mexico
ID: ptc-3692
Clay figure, ball player with yoke, Huastec, Veracruz, Mexico
ID: ptc-3691
Bell, cast gold, Mixtec style, Postclassic, A.D. 1200-1500, vicinity of Venustiano, Mexico
ID: ptc-3683
Vessel with bird head, Monte Alban style, Classic (Monte Alban I), 500-200 BC., Valley of Oaxaca, Mexico
ID: ptc-3682
Goddess urn, Monte Alban style, Oaxaca, Mexico
ID: ptc-3681
Knife with carved figure, wood, Aztec style, Mexico
ID: ptc-3678
Effigy vessel, clay, Classic, Teotihuacan, Mexico
ID: ptc-3677
Clay tripod vessel, Teotihuacan style, Classic, A.D. 250-750, Mexico
ID: ptc-3676
Covered tripod vessel, clay, with bird on cover, Teotihuacan style, Classic, A.D. 250-750, Teotihuacan, Mexico
ID: ptc-3675
Vessel, Teotihuacan style, fresco decoration, Classic, A.D. 250-750, Mexico
ID: ptc-3673
Stone vase with dragon motif, Formative period, Guerrero, Mexico
ID: ptc-3672
Spherical sculpture, Preclassic, Guerrero, Mexico
ID: ptc-3671
Man seated in flower, ceramic Maya, Jaina style, Late Classic, Mexico
ID: ptc-3670
Seated figure, ceramic, Maya style, Late Classic, Jaina, Campeche, Mexico
ID: ptc-3669
Seated dignitary figure with removable headdress, ceramic, Maya, Jaina, Mexico
ID: ptc-3664
Polychrome tripod vessel, with serpent motif, Postclassic, Veracruz
ID: ptc-3663
Terracotta figure, Late Classic, A.D. 600-800, Remojadas style, Veracruz
ID: ptc-3662
Figure with elaborate headdress, terracotta, Late Classic Nopiloa style, Mexico
ID: ptc-3661
Ceramic head, Remojadas style, Nopiloa, Veracruz
ID: ptc-3660
Figure with hands raised, terracotta, Remojadas style, Veracruz
ID: ptc-3659
Stone hacha, Late Classic, Veracruz, Mexico
ID: ptc-3658
Two stone hachas, both Early Classic Veracruz style, Mexico
ID: ptc-3657
Stone yoke with bird motif, Classic Veracruz
ID: ptc-3656
Hunchback figure, ceramic, Guanajuato, Mexico
ID: ptc-3655
Standing woman figure, ceramic with incising, Preclassic, Colima style, Mexico
ID: ptc-3651
Ceramic village model, Nayarit style, Mexico,
ID: ptc-3649
Seated figure, Colima style, Mexico
ID: ptc-3648
Ceramic figure with drum, Late Preclassic, Colima style, West Mexico, Colima
ID: ptc-3647
Vessel, sleeping dog, Colima style, West Mexico, Colima
ID: ptc-3646
Armadillo figure, Late Preclassic, Colima, Mexico
ID: ptc-3645
Standing warrior figure, Late Preclassic, Colima style, Mexico
ID: ptc-3644
Seated man with helmet figure, ceramic, Late Preclassic, Colima style, West Mexico
ID: ptc-3643
Vessel, male acrobat, buff ceramic, Late Preclassic, Colima style, West Mexico
ID: ptc-3642
Jar supported by three male figures, Late Preclassic-Early Classic, Colima style, West Mexico