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ID: DF_030915_00252
Arthur Ross Hall of Meteorites, Ahnighito meteorite, center, 2003
ID: K14835
Cape York Meteorite, Ahnighito section, Hall of Meteorites [1975-1990]
ID: K14836
Cape York Meteorite, Ahnighito section, Hall of Meteorites, [1975-1990]
ID: K14837
Cape York meteorite, Ahnighito section, Hall of Meteorites
ID: K14838
Cape York meteorite, Ahnighito section, Hall of Meteorites [1975-1990]
ID: K14839
Dog fragment of the Cape York Meteorite, Hall of Meteorites
ID: K14840
Gibeon Meteorite, Hall of Meteorites
ID: K14841
ID: K14842
Guffey Meteorite from Colorado, Hall of Meteorites
ID: K14843
Moon rock, on loan from NASA, Mare Basalt, recovered by Apollo 17 mission, American Museum of Natural History, New York
ID: K14845
Moon rock, on loan from NASA, ANT Suite (Brecia), recovered by Apollo 16 mission, American Museum of Natural History, New York
ID: K14847
Meteorite fragment, 66 kg, recovered in Canyon Diablo, Arizona
ID: ptc-3331
Minerals exhibit
ID: ptc-3332
Minerals exhibit, 1978
ID: ptc-3333
Minerals and Crystals exhibit
ID: ptc-3334
Sulfides and Sulphosalts exhibit
ID: ptc-3335
Mineral exhibit
ID: ptc-3336
Cyanotrichite, mineral
ID: ptc-3337
Elbaite crystal, mineral
ID: ptc-3338
ID: ptc-3339
Yellow crystals, mineral exhibit
ID: RM_101006_4771
Arthur Ross Hall of Meteorites, showing Ahnighito meteorite, center, October 6, 2010
ID: RM_101006_4775
Arthur Ross Hall of Meteorites, Ahnighito meteorite, center, October 6, 2010
ID: RM_101006_4802
Ahnighito meteorite, Arthur Ross Hall of Meteorites, October 6, 2010
ID: RM_101006_4807