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ID: 315009
Staff of the Hayden Planetarium, front row, left to right: Marian Lockwood, Dr. Clyde Fisher, William H. Barton, Dorothy A. Bennet; rear row: Charles Federer and Arthur Draper, September, 1936
ID: 286281
Planetarium chamber showing skyline and seating, Hayden Planetarium, November, 1936
ID: 290196
Sir James Jeans, Franz Fiseler and Clyde Fisher with projector, Hayden Planetarium, 1937
ID: 290197
Sir James Jeans and Clyde Fisher with the Hayden Planetarium projection equipment, 1937
ID: 315163
Staff of the Hayden Planetarium - Grace Peruvian Expedition; left to right: Charles H. Coles, Clyde Fisher, leader, Dorothy Bennett, William H. Barton, Jr., and Hans C. Adamson and April, 1937
ID: 315164
Staff of the Hayden Planetarium - Grace Peruvian Expedition; left to right: Hans C. Adamson, Dorothy Bennett, Clyde Fisher, leader, William H. Barton, Jr., and Charles H. Coles, and April, 1937
ID: 315214
Members of the Hayden Planetarium - Grace Peruvian Expedition; left to right: Clyde Fisher, Owen Stephens, Hans C. Adamson, Dorothy Bennett, William H. Barton, and Charles H. Coles, April, 1937
ID: 290472
Dr. Julio C. Tello and Te Ata Fisher, Lima, Peru, 1937
ID: 290454
Te Ata Fisher and Isabel M. Lewis erecting Explorers' Club Flag over eclipse station, U.S. Naval observatory, Huanchaco, Peru
ID: 290453
Te Ata Fisher and Isabel M. Lewis putting up Explorers' Club Flag over Eclipse Station, Huanchaco, Peru, 1937
ID: 290496
Dorothy A. Bennett, Te Ata Fisher, and Major Albert W. Stevens with dugouts on the SS Santa Clara, en route to New York from Lima, Peru, 1937
ID: 290495
Dorothy A. Bennett and Te Ata Fisher with dugouts on the S.S. Santa Clara, en route to New York from Lima, Peru, 1937
ID: 315302
From Sagittarius to Crux, the Southern Milky Way, painting by D. Owen Stephens, Cerro de Pasco, Peru, 1937
ID: 315301
"Gemini, Regulus, and Zodiacal Light," painting by D. Owen Stephens, Cerro de Pasco, Peru, 1937
ID: 287313
Photographing sunspots with 11-foot telescopic camera, Hayden Planetarium, July 28, 1937
ID: 287886
Professor William H. Barton at the control panel, Hayden Planetarium, November 1937
ID: 287887
ID: 287888
Professor William H. Barton at the Control Panel in the Hayden Planetarium, November 1937
ID: 288037
Crowd waiting to enter Hayden Planetarium, December 1937
ID: 315565
Blackfoot Astronomy Lore, the Aurora panel, Hayden Planetarium, painted by Charles R. Knight, 1938
ID: 315567
Charles R. Knight, Abraham Cressy Morrison, and Clyde Fisher in front of Knight's painting of Blackfoot Astronomy Lore, the Aurora panel, Hayden Planetarium, 1938
ID: 316044
The Hayden Planetarium with Starry Sky
ID: 316020
The Zeiss Projector in the Hayden Planetarium, showing coordinates along part of the ecliptic and altitudes on meridian, 1939
ID: 315926
Window of a Space Ship, Hayden Planetarium, 1939
ID: 315980
Mr. Fred Raiser, technician, and Professor William H. Barton with Cosmic Ray Counter machine, Hayden Planetarium, 1939
ID: 315981
Miniature Projection Planetarium made by Ernest Deike, 1939
ID: 315982
Ernest Deike with his miniature Projection Planetarium, 1939
ID: 315984
Ernest Deike with his miniature Planetarium Projection Instrument, 1939
ID: 316184
Visitor at Cosmic Ray Counter machine, Hayden Planetarium, 1939
ID: 292465
William H. Barton, Jr. Executive Curator, Hayden Planetarium, Wayne M. Faunce, Vice-Director and Executive Secretary of the Museum, Hans C. Adamson, Chairman Public and Press Information, and Charles H. Coles, photographer with eclipse expedition equipment, March 26, 1940
ID: 292466
William H. Barton, Jr., Hans C. Adamson, Wayne M. Faunce, and Charles H. Coles with Longines Eclipse Expedition equipment, Hayden Planetarium, 1940
ID: 292818
Assistant Curator Marian Lockwood with group of children in the Copernican Planetarium, Hayden Planetarium, 1940
ID: 296590
Electron telescope and projector used in Mysterious Mars show, Hayden Planetarium, 1941
ID: 293651
Lecture in dome, Hayden Planetarium, 1941
ID: 296288
Ernest Deike and Professor William Barton on the Planetarium roof adjusting a coelostat to bring sunlight into the Planetarium, light is directed into objective lens to the left of Deike's head, June 1941
ID: 296284
A.E. Snyder, General Manager of Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Co. and Professor William Barton at the presentation of the Time Capsule Replica to the Planetarium, June 17, 1941
ID: 296591
Mysterious Mars show, Man from Mars, by Walter Favreau, peering around Mars model, Hayden Planetarium, 1941
ID: 296593
Walter Favreau, Charles Coles, and William Barton, filming The Surface of Mars, September, 1941
ID: 296596
Electron telescope and viewing screen used for Mysterious Mars show, Hayden Planetarium, 1941
ID: 296589
Man from Mars, made by Walter Favreau, for Mysterious Mars show, Hayden Planetarium, 1941
ID: 2A620
Sunspots and fingerprints, Hayden Planetarium, 1942
ID: 299089
William H. Barton and giant sextant, Hayden Planetarium, June 24, 1942
ID: 318854
The Planetarium during a performance, 1942
ID: 297516
Model of the Ptolemaic theory of the solar system, constructed by Walter Favreau, Hayden Planetarium, 1943
ID: 297762
Walter Favreau building a model of Ptolemaic theory of the solar system, Hayden Planetarium, 1943
ID: 297763
ID: 319006
Navigation class at Hayden Planetarium, 1943
ID: 297493
Astronomer Marian Lockwood at the control panel, Hayden Planetarium, July 1943
ID: 298035
John Saunders instructing children, Hayden Planetarium, 1943
ID: 297926
Professor William H. Barton at the control panel in the Hayden Planetarium, 1944
ID: 319222
Copernican Room showing solar system, with visitors, Hayden Planetarium, 1944
ID: ptc-1578
"Lunar Base," painting by Chesley Bonestell, 1947
ID: ptc-1580
"The Surface of Venus," sun low on horizon, painting by Chesley Bonestell, 1947
ID: 320792
Rocket for Planetarium Show, Hayden Planetarium, 1947
ID: 2A667
Origin of Solar System by Weizsacker
ID: 320599
Sun projected on Hayden Planetarium dome, showing sunspots, May, 1949
ID: 2A848
Reservation Desk, Conquest of Space Show, Hayden Planetarium, 1950
ID: 2A849
Men at Reservation Desk, Conquest of Space Show, Hayden Planetarium, 1950
ID: 2A850
Children at Resevation Desk, Conquest of Space show, Hayden Planetarium, 1950
ID: 2A851
Frank Forester with children, Reservation Desk for Conquest of Space show, Hayden Planetarium, 1950
ID: 2a1366
Catherine Barry, Assistant Curator, Hayden Planetarium, with telescopes, July, 1950
ID: 2A1524
Frances Langford at the Hayden Planetarium, 1950
ID: 2A2345
Second-year cadets from Westpoint attending special lecture by Mr. Coles, Hayden Planetarium, 1951
ID: 321766
Group viewing Your Weight on Other Worlds, Hayden Planetarium, 1951
ID: 321767
Cadets from Admiral Farragut Academy, Pine Beach, New Jersey, at Your Weight on Other Worlds, Hayden Planetarium, 1951
ID: 321768
Ceremony for junior high school group with Alfred Beck in the Hall of the Sun, Hayden Planetarium, 1951
ID: 322000
Uncle Cosmo Explains the Toledo Scales, detail, Your Weight on Other Worlds exhibit, Planetarium, 1951
ID: 322423
View inside Planetarium dome, showing a composite of 2 photographs, 1952
ID: 322408
Total Solar Eclipse, Hayden Planetarium mural, 1953
ID: 323199
Painting mural for surface of the moon, Hayden Planetarium, 1953
ID: 323193
Hayden Planetarium with buses in parking lot, 1953
ID: 323196
Group entering Hayden Planetarium, 1953
ID: 322422p
Working on black light mural, Total Solar Eclipse: Moon Between Sun and Earth, Hayden Planetarium, 1953
ID: ptc-1581
Mars from its Farthest Satellite, Deimos, painting by Chesley Bonestell, 1953
ID: 322409
Andromeda Nebula, mural, Hayden Planetarium, 1953
ID: ptc-313
Lunar eclipse, June 1954, as seen from New York City
ID: 323208
New podium in dome, Hayden Planetarium, 1954
ID: 323175
Painting for Surface of the Moon mural, Hayden Planetarium, 1954
ID: 326488p
Metal workers installing shields for black light mural display, Hayden Planetarium, 1954
ID: K6433
Northern Michigan, June 30, 1954, day of total solar eclipse
ID: K6434
Ready with equipment to photograph total solar eclipse of June 30, 1954, Michigan
ID: K6443
Inner corona, solar eclipse, Michigan, June 30, 1954
ID: K6450
Partial solar eclipse, five minutes before eclipse ends, Michigan, June 30, 1954
ID: 323169
The surface of the Moon, blacklight mural, Hayden Planetarium, 1954
ID: 326719
The Viking Rocket, Hayden Planetarium, 1955
ID: 323979
Satellite, Hayden Planetarium, 1955
ID: 323243
Spiral galaxy, 1955
ID: 2A4125
Boy viewing Way Stations in Space satellite orbit panel, Hayden Planetarium, 1955
ID: 323710
Joseph Chamberlain and Ahnighito meteorite, 1955
ID: 323713
Young girl with Willamette Meteorite, Hayden Planetarium, 1955
ID: 323709
Ahnighito section of the Cape York meteorite, collected in Greenland, Hayden Planetarium, March, 1955
ID: 323712
Young girl with Willamette meteorite, Hayden Planetarium, 1955
ID: 323714
Joseph Chamberlain and the Willamette meteorite, Planetarium, 1955
ID: 323773
World as a Gyro exhibit, Planetarium, 1955
ID: 323772
Visitors at Earth Satellite, Hayden Planetarium, 1955
ID: 323853
Mr. Ackerman with Earth Satellite, Hayden Planetarium, 1955
ID: ptc-987
Way Stations in Space, display, showing projected flights of rockets and satellites, Hayden Planetarium, circa 1955
ID: 323982
John Tuma working on horizon projector, Hayden Planetarium, 1956
ID: 323983
Horizon projectors in place in dome, Hayden Planetarium, 1956
ID: 324502
Ahnighito meteorite on scale, Saturn display in background, Hayden Planetarium, 1956