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ID: ptc-5908
Pteropus whitei, "Pteropine bat", by Edward Lear, Plate 6 from Transactions of the Zoological Society of London, Vol. II, 1841
ID: ptc-5552
Vespertilio nigrita, Plate 63 from Die Saugethiere in Abildungen Nach der Natur by Von Schreber
ID: ptc-5520
Rousette keraudren (Pteropus Keraudren, N.), Plate 3 from Voyage Autour du Monde . . .Histoire Naturelle: Zoologie Plancher by Quoy and Grimard, Paris, 1824
ID: ptc-5518
Vespertilio from Original drawings by Lt. Col. Charles Hamilton Smith, Vol. II
ID: ptc-5519
Rousette d'Edwards (Pteropus Edwardsii) de Madagascar, Plate XI from Histoire Naturelle des Mammiferes by Paul Gervais, Paris, 1854
ID: 334328
Dr. Karl F. Koopman (1920-1997), Department of Mammalogy
ID: ptc-2085
Three small bats, Plate 201 from The Natural History of Birds, Volume 4 by George Edwards, 1751
ID: ptc-5210
Vespertilio dutertreus (Gervais), bat, from Historia. . . de la isla de Cuba by Ramon de la Sagra, 1831
ID: K14200
Bat, painted by Benjamin Waterhouse Hawkins
ID: K11247
Bat, side view, close-up, Hall of Reptiles and Amphibians
ID: ptc-7301
Icaronycteris fossil bat in matrix, Microchiropterans icaronycteris, found at Green River formation, Wyoming
ID: 410874
Little brown bats (Myotis lucifugus) hibernating in cave, detail of Indiana habitat group, American Museum of Natural History
ID: M3b
Hypsignathus monstrosus, hammer-headed bat, watercolor by James Chapin, Congo, May 27, 1914
ID: M7ab
Epomops franqueti franqueti, fruit bat, watercolor by James Chapin, March 27, 1914
ID: M5b
Hypsignathus monstrosus, hammer-headed bat, watercolor by James Chapin, Congo, March 6, 1913
ID: M1bb
Hypsignathus monstrosus, hammer-headed bat, watercolor by James Chapin, Congo, March 5, 1914
ID: M1ab
ID: M4b
Hypsignathus monstrosus, hammer-headed bat, watercolor by James Chapin, Congo, February 28, 1914
ID: M8b
Eilodon helvum, fruit bat, watercolor by James Chapin, Congo, October 1, 1913
ID: M7bb
Petalia (nycteris) avakubia, bat specimen No. 6, watercolor by James Chapin, Congo, September 8, 1913
ID: M6b
Epomophorus anurus, fruit bat, watercolor by James Chapin, Congo, November 6, 1911
ID: ptc-5912
Pteropus formosus, "pair of fruit bats" by John Keulemans, Plate 22 from Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 1873
ID: b10187236_3
Vespertilio Chiloensis from Darwin's The zoology of the voyage of H.M.S. Beagle
ID: b10187236_1
Desmodus rotundus with frontal and profile drawings of head from Darwin's The zoology of the voyage of H.M.S. Beagle