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ID: ptc-83
Grizzly Bear Family Group of Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, diorama
ID: ptc-8
Alaskan brown bears, male and female, Aghileen Pinnacles, Alaskan Peninsula, diorama
ID: ptc-7672
Bears from the journals of Ernest Thompson Seton, Volume 6, page 59
ID: ptc-7451
Bear claws and thong, Ainu, Japan
ID: ptc-7308
Grizzly Bear of Yellowstone National Park, diorama, Hall of North American Mammals
ID: ptc-7
Alaskan Brown Bear (Ursus gyas), standing male, Aghileen Pinnacles, Alaskan Peninsula, diorama
ID: ptc-6736
Covered chest, bear and raven motif, Tlingit, c. 1820-1840
ID: ptc-6734
ID: ptc-6714
Maskette, bear, Tlingit, c. 1800-1830
ID: ptc-6673
Ursus Americanus, from The Viviparous Quadrupeds of North America Vol. 3 by John James Audubon
ID: ptc-6513
Grizzly bear figure on pole, Kwakiutl, Koskimo
ID: ptc-59
Grizzly Bear habitat group of Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, diorama, Hall of North American Mammals
ID: ptc-5893
Ursus pruinosus, the Blue Bear of Tibet, Plate 27 in Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 1897, by Joseph Smit
ID: ptc-5812
Ursus spelaeus, from the Cave of Mokrau, Moravia, Czechoslovakia
ID: ptc-58
Grizzly Bear habitat group, female and cub of Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, diorama, Hall of North American Mammals
ID: ptc-5792
Giant Panda Group, North Asiatic Hall [1945-1964]
ID: ptc-5791
Giant Panda Group, bamboo forest, North Asiatic Hall [1945-1964]
ID: ptc-5790
Giant panda, section of group, bamboo forest, North Asiatic Hall [1945-1964]
ID: ptc-5668
Bear skull, ceremonial object, Cree, Canada
ID: ptc-5631
Bear-shaped bowl, Tlingit
ID: ptc-5606
Bear claw necklace, Fox Indians, Iowa
ID: ptc-5270
Ursus spelaeus, European cave bear, Fossil Mammal Hall
ID: ptc-4513b
Grizzly bear claws, for dance, Kwakwaka'wakw Indians, British Columbia
ID: ptc-3174
Mess dish, brown bear design with operculum, Tlingit, Alaska
ID: ptc-3136
Mountain sheep and bear, ivory carvings, Koryak, Siberia
ID: ptc-1969
Mess dish, brown bear, Tlingit, Chilkat, Alaska
ID: ptc-189
Giant Panda Group, detail, North Asiatic Hall [1935-1964]
ID: ptc-188
ID: ptc-186
Giant Panda Group, detail, North Asiatic Hall [1945-1964]
ID: nnc-m36v47-vhc-r002
Bottle feeding bear cub, April, 1935
ID: nnc-m36v47-vhc-r001
ID: nnc-m36v47-vhc-q016
Bear cub and gibbon on wall, house in background, Asia, April, 1935
ID: nnc-m36v47-vhc-q015
ID: nnc-m36v47-vhc-q014
Bear cub and gibbon, Asia, April, 1935
ID: nnc-m36v47-vhc-q013
Bear cub and gibbon on wall, Asia, April, 1935
ID: nnc-m36v47-vhc-q012
ID: nnc-m36v47-vhc-q008
Bear cub, Asia, April, 1935
ID: nnc-m36v47-vhc-O019
Bear cub, Tamanthi to Homalin, Myanmar, March, 1935
ID: MS_160815_0882-edit
Jaguar and Grizzly Bear dioramas, Bernard Family Hall of North American Mammals, August 15, 2016
ID: ls-336-061
Hunting bear, illustration
ID: ls-005-021
Yvette Borup Andrews feeding bears,Teng-Yueh (Tengchong), China, April 20, 1917
ID: K916
Bear at base of Tlingit totem pole, United States
ID: K12456
Tlingit feast bowl, bear figures, Alaska
ID: K12446
Relief panel, Tlingit
ID: DF_121120_0983-Edit-Edit
Mountain Goat, Musk Ox, American Bison and Pronghorn, and Alaska Brown Bear dioramas, Bernard Family Hall of North American Mammals, November 20, 2012
ID: DF_121120_0979
American Bison and Pronghorn, Alaska Brown Bear, Alaskan Moose, and Bighorn Sheep dioramas, Bernard Family Hall of North American Mammals, November 20, 2012
ID: DF_120530_9958-Edit
Mountain Goat, Musk Ox, American Bison and Pronghorn, and Alaska Brown Bear dioramas, Bernard Family Hall of North American Mammals, May 30, 2012
ID: DF_120530_0147-edit
Mountain Goat, Musk Ox, American Bison and Pronghorn, Alaska Brown Bear, and Alaskan Moose dioramas, Bernard Family Hall of North American Mammals, May 30, 2012
ID: DF_120501_7621-edit
Alaska Brown Bear, Alaskan Moose, Bighorn Sheep, and Dall Sheep dioramas, Bernard Family Hall of North American Mammals, May 30, 2012
ID: DF_120501_7619-OverviewA
Alaska Brown Bear, Alaskan Moose, Bighorn Sheep, and Dall Sheep dioramas, Bernard Family Hall of North American Mammals, November 20, 2012
ID: DF_120501_7606-OverviewB
Alaska Brown Bear, Alaskan Moose, Bighorn Sheep, and Dall Sheep dioramas, Bernard Family Hall of North American Mammals, 2012
ID: CC_Bank_04
Teddy Roosevelt and bear coin bank
ID: b10613079
Book cover with polar bear on glacier from Frederick George Innes-Lillingston's "The land of the white bear"
ID: b10411550
Gilt-stamped book cover with animals in foliage from Miller's Queer pets at Marcy's
ID: art003_b1_16
Proposed design, Florida Black Bear Group, painting
ID: 61299_22
High school group viewing Alaska Brown Bear diorama, New York State Education Program, Hall of North American Mammals, 1967
ID: 61298_20
Visiting high school group viewing bear diorama, New York State Education Program, Hall of North American Mammals, 1967
ID: 411269
Bear and jam pot, 1903
ID: 411268
ID: 411267
ID: 39573
Children visiting Polar Bear Group, North American Mammal Hall, 1922
ID: 37862
Giant panda or bear raccoon, 1919
ID: 37861
Giant panda from Eastern Tibet, 1919
ID: 335786
Arc lamps in use for photograph of bear, AMNH Photographic Studio, 1930
ID: 334291
Alaska, silhouette by Ugo Mochi
ID: 332707
Polar Bear Group, Hall of Ocean Life, 1967
ID: 332706
Polar Bear Group, bear and seal, Hall of Ocean Life, 1967
ID: 327581
Sales desk, museum subway entrance, 1960
ID: 327487
Alaska Brown Bear Group, North American Mammal Hall, 1960
ID: 326303
Wooden headpiece, bear, part of armor, Northwest Coast
ID: 32491
Peary Arctic Club exhibit, first floor, west wing, 1909
ID: 32489
Peary Arctic Club exhibit, 1909
ID: 32486
ID: 32182
Astronomical clock illustrating motions of the earth, central hall, main floor, 1908
ID: 320477
Black Bear Group, Florida swamp, Hall of North American Mammals, May, 1949
ID: 318367
Alaska Brown Bear Group, depicting the Alaskan Peninsula, Hall of North American Mammals, 1941
ID: 318264
Grizzly Bear Group, depicting Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, Hall of North American Mammals, 1941
ID: 318233
Mr. Belmore Browne painting background for Alaska Bear Group, Hall of North American Mammals, February, 1941
ID: 318228
Male Alaska bear, Alaska Bear Group, Hall of North American Mammals, February, 1941
ID: 317731
Unfinished Alaska Brown Bear Group, Hall of North American Mammals, January, 1941
ID: 317665
Robert H. Rockwell at work on clay model of Alaskan brown bear, 1940
ID: 317663
ID: 317631
Mr. Belmore Browne and Dr. James L. Clark with sketch model of Alaska Brown Bear Group, November, 1940
ID: 317359
Three grizzly bears prepared for group in the Hall of North American Mammals, December, 1939
ID: 315882
Panda standing upright, Panda Group, Hall of Asian Mammals, March, 1939
ID: 315880
Giant Panda Group, North Asiatic Hall, 1939
ID: 312176
Children viewing Polar Bear Group, 1927
ID: 2A2231
Lunch hour during Children's Book Fair, North Asiatic Hall, November 1950
ID: 2a2229
Lunch hour during the Children's Book Fair, children in front of Giant Panda Group, North Asiatic Hall, 1950
ID: 2a2226
ID: 2A19248
Ainu woman outside bear cage, Japan
ID: 296899
James H. Carmel posing in construction of Grizzly Bear Group, Hall of North American Mammals, 1941
ID: 24441
Grizzly Bear Totem, Wrangell, Alaska, [circa 1909]
ID: 233725
Polar bear on iceberg, near Fort Conger, Ellesmere Island, Canada, May 28, 1915
ID: 228957
Bears near moving picture camera, Teng-Yueh (Tengchong), Yunnan, China, April 20, 1917
ID: 228956
Bears in chair, Yunnan, China, April 20, 1917
ID: 228955
Yvette Borup Andrews feeding bears, Teng-Yueh (Tengchong), China, April 20, 1917
ID: 228954
Yvette Borup Andrews feeding bears, Teng-Yueh (Tengchong), Yunnan, China, April 20, 1917
ID: 228953
ID: 228952
Yvette Borup Andrews feeding bear, Teng-Yueh (Tengchong), Yunnan, China, April 20, 1917