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ID: 48268
Canoeing through trees and sawgrass, The Everglades, Florida, 1906
ID: 48269
Canoeing through sawgrass, The Everglades, Florida, 1906
ID: 48273
ID: 48278
Canoe in slough, Everglades, Florida, 1906
ID: 48283
Canoeing through bonnet choked head, North Harney River, Florida, 1906
ID: 48285
Canoe in bulrushes, North Harney River, Florida, 1906
ID: 48286
Canoe in rushes and mangroves, North Harney River, Florida, 1906
ID: 48287
Canoe between sawgrass and mangroves, North Harney River, Florida, 1906
ID: 48289
Picking up duck, North Harney River, Florida, 1906
ID: 48270
Canoeing through sawgrass, Harney River, Florida, 1906
ID: 48280
Anthony Weston Dimock [and William] paddling through slough, Everglades, Florida, 1906
ID: 48292
Shooting from canoe, Everglades, Florida, 1906
ID: 48293
Anthony Weston Dimock shooting from canoe, Everglades, Florida, 1906
ID: 48279
ID: 48298
Fishing from canoe, North Harney River, Florida, 1906
ID: 48288
Canoeing under mangrove and into sawgrass, North Harney River, Florida, 1906
ID: 48599
Hunting, North Harney River, Florida, 1906
ID: 48310
Lunch,The Everglades, Florida, 1906
ID: 48305
Canoeing through the Everglades, North Harney River, Florida, 1906
ID: 48281
Canoeing through slough, North Harney River, Florida, 1906
ID: 48304
Everglades and canoe, 15 miles east of North Harney River, Florida, 1906
ID: 48306
Canoeing 15 miles east of North Harney River, Florida, 1906
ID: 48307
Canoeing through Everglades, 15 miles east of Harney River, Florida, 1906
ID: 48308
ID: 48314
Cruising with harpoon in canoe, Everglades, Florida, 1906
ID: 48313
Canoe and harpoon, Everglades, Florida, 1906
ID: 48316
Canoe in cattails, North Harney River, Florida, 1906
ID: 48275
Canoe, sawgrass, and trees, North Harney River, Florida, 1906
ID: 48274
Canoe, trees, and sawgrass, North Harney River, Florida, 1906
ID: 48276
Canoe in sawgrass, Head of Rodger's River, Florida, 1906
ID: 48317
Canoe and white bay tree, The Everglades, Florida, 1906
ID: 48294
ID: 48295
ID: 48296
ID: 48297
ID: 48277
Canoe in sawgrass, Everglades, Florida, 1906
ID: 48315
Harpooning alligators, Everglades, Florida, 1906
ID: 46668
Shooting alligator on tussock from canoe, The Everglades, Florida, 1906
ID: 46669
ID: 46670
ID: 46671
ID: 46672
Harpooning alligator in saw grass, The Everglades, Florida, 1906
ID: 46674
Shooting alligator by bulls-eye lantern, The Everglades, Florida, 1906
ID: 48309
Canoeing through Everglades, Florida, 1906
ID: 48365
Anthony Weston Dimock picking lily, Everglades, Florida, 1906
ID: 47605
Anthony W. Dimock and great blue heron, Florida, 1906
ID: 48272
Canoeing through sawgrass, head of Harney River, Florida, 1906
ID: 48381
Canoe at mouth of Broad River Bay, Florida, 1906
ID: 48382
Canoeing at mouth of Broad River Bay, Florida, 1906
ID: 49332
Canoe in Big Cypress, Florida, 1906
ID: 49331
Canoeing near custard apple tree, Big Cypress, Florida, 1906
ID: 46919
Throwing harpoon from the canoe, Florida, 1905
ID: 46916
Fishing for tarpon from canoe, Florida, 1906
ID: 46928
Tarpon fishing, Florida, 1906
ID: 48487
Anthony W. Dimock canoeing during sunset over Cape Sable, Florida, 1906
ID: 48488
Sunset over Cape Sable, Florida, 1906
ID: 46924
Fishing for tarpon from canoe, Cape Sable, Florida, 1906
ID: 46927
Playing tarpon from canoe, Florida, 1906
ID: 46923
ID: 46925
ID: 46926
ID: 46930
Throwing harpoon from canoe, Florida, 1906
ID: 46931
Canoe capsizing after harpoon thrown, Florida, 1906
ID: 46935
Men in canoe, fishing for tarpon, Florida, 1906
ID: 46941
Tarpon and canoe, Cape Sable, Florida, 1906
ID: 48122
Seminole Indians traveling with child in Peterborough canoe, The Everglades, Florida, 1906
ID: 48271
Canoeing near sawgrass key, Harney River, Florida, 1906
ID: 47478
Anthony W. Dimock in canoe next to water turkeys, Harney River, Florida, 1906
ID: 47531
Anthony W. Dimock holding brown curlew, Harney River, Florida, 1906
ID: 47493
Curlews flying, canoe in foreground, Harney River, Florida, 1906
ID: 47494
Birds flying over rookery, canoe in foreground, Harney River, Florida, 1906
ID: 47483
Anthony W. Dimock in canoe, water turkey on paddle, Harney River, Florida, 1906
ID: 47484
Water turkey on canoe paddle, Harney River, Florida, 1906
ID: 48384
Irene at anchor among birds, Henry River, Florida, 1906
ID: 48123
Seminole Indian in Peterboro canoe approaching George Storter's store, The Everglades, Florida, 1906
Seminole in Peterborough canoe, The Everglades, Florida, 1906
ID: 48322
Poling skiff and canoe, The Everglades, Florida, 1906
ID: 48323
Poling launch and canoe, The Everglades, Florida, 1906
ID: 48324
ID: 48325
Poling launch, The Everglades, Florida, 1906
ID: 48326
In launch towing canoe through swamp, The Everglades, Florida, 1906
ID: 48327
In launch towing canoe, The Everglades, Florida, 1906
ID: 48328
ID: 48329
ID: 48330
ID: 48331
Launch and canoe, The Everglades, Florida, 1906
ID: 48332
Men in launch amidst lily pads, The Everglades, Florida, 1906
ID: 48357
In canoe near camp site, The Everglades, Florida, 1906
ID: 48333
Men with launch towing Indian dug-out and canoe, The Everglades, Florida, 1906
ID: 48334
ID: 48386
Men poling launch and canoe, Cape Sable, Florida, 1906
ID: 48387
Canoe and launch, Cape Sable, Florida, 1906
ID: 48388
Harrison canoe poling, Cape Sable, Florida, 1906
ID: 48390
Rounding the cape, Northwest Cape, Florida, 1906
ID: 49657
Portaging in front of falls, Ontario, 1905
ID: 46942
Launch towing canoe for tarpon trolling, Florida, 1906
ID: 49111
Tarpon fishing in canoe, Gasparilla, Florida, 1906
ID: 48396
Canoe, palms, and cedars, Myakka River, Florida, 1906
ID: 48392
Canoeing near meadows, Myakka River, Florida, 1906
ID: 48393
Irene and clouds, Myakka River, Florida, 1906