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ID: 49659
Bringing firewood and canoe, Lady Evelyn Lake, Ontario, 1905
ID: 128021
Group gathered at the water, British Columbia
ID: 128023
Man working on canoe with group in background, British Columbia
ID: 128018
Men in canoe, British Columbia
ID: 243321
Theodore Roosevelt when he was Police Commissioner [1894]
ID: 12633
Hall of Ethnology [circa 1895-1910]
ID: 31161
Detail of figurehead, Haida Canoe, Northwest Coast Hall
ID: 31163
Haida Canoe, detail, Northwest Coast Hall
ID: 19770
Painting by William De La Montagne Cary
ID: 46929
Righting capsized canoe while tarpon fishing, Florida
ID: 24422
Scenes around Victoria fifty years ago, possibly from scrapbook, circa 1909
ID: 13937
Klootchman's Race, The Winner, Geoge, [Sp.?] Victoria, British Columbia, photograph of a postcard of woman's canoe races, circa 1909
ID: 34228
North Pacific Hall, circa 1910-1940
ID: ls-222-001
Men launching new canoe, Brazil, 1913-1914
ID: 332337
Theodore Roosevelt and party in canoes, South America, [1913-1914]
ID: ls-222-003
Drifting into the unknown wilderness, Brazil, 1913-1917
ID: ls-222-008
Getting ready for the start down the Duvida River, Brazil, 1913-1917
ID: ls-315-056
Colonel Roosevelt's canoe, Brazil, 1913-1917
ID: 34237
The Great Canoe and exhibit cases, North Pacific Hall, [1914]
ID: 117464
Men in canoe with sail up, Papua New Guinea, [1928]
ID: 125089
Papuan village in cove with seagoing canoe with lobster claw sail
ID: ptc-1187
Great Canoe, 77th Street, Grand Gallery [1960-1990]
ID: 331006
Visitors at whale hunting mural, Eskimo Hall
ID: ptc-5364
Haida canoe with mannequins, 77th Street Gallery [circa, 1990]
ID: 410854
Bonito fisherman with canoe and pole, Samoa
ID: 48445
Anthony W. Dimock and L.B.A. in canoe, clouds above, Chokoloskee Bay, Florida, 1908
ID: b11477805_1
Native Americans fishing from canoe from Bry's Americae
ID: 336124
Return of the novice, Kwakiutl (Kwakwaka'wakw) Cannibal Society on the beach at Fort Rupert, 1894
ID: 336058
Fort Rupert from the east, 1894
ID: 336057
View of Fort Rupert, blanket poles, 1894
ID: 336062
Totem Poles at Fort Rupert, British Columbia
ID: 336130
The Kwakiutl Cannibal Society dancing near a canoe on the beach at Fort Rupert, 1894
ID: 336127
The return of a novice to members of the Kwakiutl Cannibal Society, on the beach at Fort Rupert, 1894
ID: 336129
Return of a novice of the Hamatsa Cannibal Society of the Koskima to the beach at Fort Rupert, 1894
ID: 336110
Scene on the beach near canoes, Fort Rupert, 1894
ID: 336111
Scene on the beach at Fort Rupert, 1894
ID: 336063
Blanket poles at Fort Rupert, 1894
ID: 489
View of Bird Hall from Gallery with Haida Canoe, looking south, 1894
ID: 336059
Fort Rupert waterfront seen from the west, 1894
ID: 336056
Fort Rupert seen from the east end, British Columbia, December, 1894
ID: 11019
Yakut fishermen carrying canoe, Siberia, 1894-1909
ID: 1978
Yukaghir with fish gate, Nalemnaia River, Siberia, Russia, 1895
ID: 11155
Men fishing with nets, Siberia, 1895
ID: 11160
Net drying on the shore, Siberia, 1895
ID: 22369
Mending the seine net, Kolyma River, 1895
ID: 22384
Men with boat Fishing, Siberia, 1895
ID: 42852
Northeast corner of house, Bella Bella, British Columbia, 1897
ID: 42854
Southeast corner house, Bella Bella, British Columbia, 1897
ID: 42860
Totem pole, canoe and buildings, Rivers Inlet, British Columbia, 1897
ID: 411785
Kwakiutl (Kwakwaka’wakw) potlatch, British Columbia
ID: 41621
Large group in canoe, Berry Feast, 1897-1902
ID: 42970
Gambling, Fort Rupert, British Columbia, 1898
ID: 411791
Afternoon tea at Kwakiutl potlatch, Fort Rupert, British Columbia, 1898
ID: 26089p
Alex Vereatt testing the depth of the slough where the canoe is trying to ascend, Iskut River, August 19, 1909
ID: 2674
Koryak men in double boat, Siberia, 1900
ID: 2695
Cossacks with boat and dog team, Siberia, 1900
ID: 2696
[Chukchi] with boat on shore, Siberia, 1900
ID: 11083
Summer village of the Yukaghir on the Yussvahno River, Siberia, 1900
ID: 11085
River Yukaghir on the Korkoden River, Siberia, 1900
ID: 11097
Yukaghir in canoes, Siberia, 1900
ID: 1991
Group on shore with fish caught in the river, Siberia, 1900
ID: 2582
Dragging canoe cover, Siberia, 1901
ID: 1384
Wooden canoe, Siberia, 1901
ID: 1681
Yukaghir pilot canoes on Korkodon River, Siberia, Russia, 1901
ID: 1342
Man on sled with old Eskimo (Yupik) dog team, canoes in the distance, Siberia, 1901
ID: 22305
Anadyr man throwing a spear from canoe, Russia, 1901
ID: 1816
Yakut (Sakha) men duck hunting, Siberia, 1902
ID: 47155
Anthony W. Dimock and companion in canoe with tarpon, Marco, Florida, 1904
ID: 48370
Diving, Caximbas Bay, Florida, 1904
ID: 47641
Anthony W. Dimock with camera in canoe, watching blue herons, The Everglades, Florida
ID: 48084
Seminole man at store, The Everglades, Florida, 1905
ID: 48119
Seminole men eating, Jimmy Billy on left, Storter's store, The Everglades, Florida, 1905
ID: 48105
[A. W. Dimock?] and Charley Tommy, The Everglades, Florida, 1905
ID: 48106
Charley Tommy standing in canoe, The Everglades, Florida, 1905
ID: 46913
Cruising with harpoon, Marco, Florida, 1905
ID: 49640
Robert and George paddling canoe Silver Streak, Lady Evelyn Lake, Canada, 1905
ID: 49639
[Bob and George] paddling, Lady Evelyn Lake, 1905
ID: 49641
Bob and George in canoe, Silver Streak, Ontario, Canada, 1905
ID: 49644
George hoisting canoe, Lady Evelyn Lake, Ontario, 1905
ID: 49637
Bob fishing from canoe, Lady Evelyn Lake, Canada, 1905
ID: 49638
ID: 49642
Bob [and George] fishing from canoe, Lady Evelyn Lake, Canada, 1905
ID: 49643
George lifting canoe, Lady Evelyn Lake, Canada, 1905
ID: 49651
Bob fishing, Ontario, 1905
ID: 49647
Bob fishing for trout, George paddling, Canada, 1905
ID: 49648
Bob fishing by falls, Canada, 1905
ID: 49649
Bob fishing from canoe by falls, Canada, 1905
ID: 49650
Bob landing trout in front of falls, Canada, 1905
ID: 49654
George and canoe against sky, Canada, 1905
ID: 49655
ID: 49656
George carrying canoe, Canada, 1905
ID: 49658
Bringing firewood to canoe, Canada, 1905
ID: 49646
Sunrise, Lady Evelyn Lake, Ontario, 1905
ID: 49665
Jobbers portaging canoe, Lady Evelyn Lake, Canada, 1905
ID: 46676
Taking alligator into canoe, The Everglades, 1906
ID: 48264
Skiff and canoe, Osceola's Branch, Harney River, Florida, 1906
ID: 48265
Harrison canoeing through sawgrass, Harney River, Florida, 1906
ID: 48537
Harrison canoeing in saw grass, Harney River, Florida, 1906
ID: 48266
Canoeing near sawgrass key, Harney River, Florida, 1906
ID: 48267