Advanced Search (Items only)
ID: psc-631-090-07
Men seated under shelter next to bicycle with bowls, Jos, Nigeria, July 1977
ID: psc-630-076-08
Food preparation, Nsukka, Nigeria, August 1965
ID: psc-630-073-10
Man carving wooden bowl outside huts, Nsukka, Nigeria, September 1966
ID: psc-630-072-14
People gathered in village, September 1966
ID: psc-630-072-12
Woman preparing food, September 1966
ID: psc-629-030-02
Woman with baby on back filling water jug at spring, Nigeria, 1960-1970
ID: psc-629-026-10
Man with water jug surrounded by women and children, Nigeria, 1960-1970
ID: psc-629-026-09
Group with large containers, Nigeria, 1960-1970
ID: psc-629-026-08
Men with large containers, Nigeria, 1960-1970
ID: ppc-a78-100213280-18
Woman crushing food with her feet, child looks on, Nigeria, 1960-1970
ID: ppc-a78-100213280-17
Girls preparing to crush food with feet, Nigeria, 1960-1970
ID: ppc-a78-100213280-14
Working with bucket and jars, Nigeria, 1960-1970
ID: ppc-a78-100213280-05
Small containers made of straw with strap, Nigeria, 1960-1970
ID: ppc-a78-100213279-18
Woman and boy walking with water jugs on path near water, Nigeria, 1960-1970
ID: ppc-a78-100213279-08
Two women with large pottery jars and buckets, Nigeria, 1960-1970
ID: ppc-a78-100213278-24
Woman carrying water and child, Ikeagwu, Africa, 1972
ID: ppc-a78-100213278-22
Woman with water containers, Ikeagwu, Africa, 1972
ID: ppc-a78-100213278-20
Carrying a container, Ikeagwu, Africa, 1972
ID: ppc-a78-100213278-19
Carrying water through the trees, Ikeagwu, Africa, 1972
ID: ppc-a78-100213278-18
Girl carrying water, Ikeagwu, Africa, 1972
ID: ppc-a78-100213278-10
Women and children carrying water basins, Ikeagwu, Africa, 1972
ID: ppc-a78-100213268-18
Group working on mud wall, Ikeagwu, Africa, 1972
ID: ppc-a78-100213268-17
Man walking along road and balancing jar on his head, Ikeagwu, Africa, 1972
ID: ppc-a78-100213267-26
Woman [preparing food?], Ikeagwu, Africa, December 24, 1971
ID: ppc-a78-100213267-18
Leaves inside pottery, Ikeagwu, Africa, December 24, 1971
ID: ppc-a78-100213267-17
Woman preparing bowls, Ikeagwu, Africa, December 24, 1971
ID: ppc-a78-100213267-16
ID: ppc-a78-100213267-03
Woman preparing pots, Ikeagwu, Nigeria, December 24, 1971
ID: nnc-m36v47-vhc-s029
Man reaching into tree with pole, another carrying box, May, 1935
ID: nnc-m36v47-vhc-O039
Woman carrying covered wooden boxes, Tamanthi to Homalin, Myanmar, March, 1935
ID: nnc-m36v47-vhc-O038
ID: nnc-m36v47-vhc-O026
Loading baskets, tents in background, Tamanthi to Homalin, Myanmar, March, 1935
ID: nnc-m36v47-vhc-e002
Expedition workers with supplies, Lonkin to Hpakan, January, 1935
ID: 33504
Tohono O'odham woman's rain basket and contents; medicine to bring rain, Arizona, June, 1911
ID: 33503
Tohono O'odham man's rain basket and contents; medicine to bring rain, Arizona, June, 1911
ID: ptc-2394
Vases, white ceramic with black pigment, Great Pueblo, Chaco Canyon, New Mexico
ID: 260808
North water hole, woman getting water, Acoma, New Mexico
ID: nnc2_405
Two recuay jars, Peru, 1938
ID: nnc2_404
Recuay vessels, Peru, 1938
ID: nnc2_403
ID: nnc2_402
ID: nnc2_401
ID: nnc2_399
Bottles, Huari, Norteno, Peru, 1938
ID: nnc2_394
ID: nnc2_391
ID: nnc2_390
Serpent vessel, Peru, 1938
ID: nnc2_389
Recay vessels, Peru, 1938
ID: nnc2_388
Recuay bottles, Peru, 1938
ID: nnc2_382
Vessels, La Rosa Sanchez collection, Peru, 1938
ID: nnc2_381
Vessel, La Rosa Sanchez collection, Peru, 1938
ID: nnc2_380
ID: nnc2_379
ID: nnc2_378
ID: nnc2_377
Bowls, La Rosa Sanchez collection, Peru, 1938
ID: nnc2_376
ID: nnc2_245
Vessel in the shape of seated figure, Peru, 1936
ID: nnc2_244
Pottery vessel, seated figure, shown from the front, Peru, 1936
ID: nnc2_243
Vessels, Peru, 1936
ID: nnc2_242
Vessels, shown from front, Peru, 1936
ID: nnc2_241
Pottery vessels, Peru, 1936
ID: nnc2_240
ID: nnc2_206
Pottery at site, Peru, 1936
ID: nnc2_194
Pottery uncovered at ruins, shovel above, Peru, 1936
ID: nnc2_193
ID: nnc2_192
ID: nnc2_98
Items found in a grave, Peru, 1936
ID: nnc2_97
ID: nnc2_96
Pottery found in a grave, Peru, 1936
ID: nnc2_94
Pottery and vessel found in a grave, Peru, 1936
ID: nnc2_80
Ceramic vessel, Peru, 1936
ID: nnc2_78
Ceramic pot, Peru, 1936
ID: nnc2_77
Ceramic vessel with figure, Peru, 1936
ID: nnc2_76
Ceramic vessel with face, Peru, 1936
ID: nnc2_75
ID: nnc2_73
ID: nnc2_72
ID: nnc2_71
ID: nnc2_69
Ceramic vessels, Peru, 1936
ID: nnc2_68
Ceramic pot with 3 legs, Peru, 1936
ID: nnc2_67
Two vessels, Peru, 1936
ID: nnc2_66
Ceramic vessel [with fish shape], Peru, 1936
ID: nnc2_65
Ceramic vessel with two heads, Peru, 1936
ID: nnc2_64
Ceramic vessel with bird, Peru, 1936
ID: nnc2_54
ID: nnc2_52
Ceramic vessel with figure, Peru, 2936
ID: nnc2_51
ID: nnc2_553
Pottery, Casma Valley, Peru, 1937
ID: nnc2_552
ID: nnc2_550
ID: nnc2_549
ID: nnc2_547
ID: nnc2_540
ID: nnc2_524
Pottery, in situ, Casma Valley, Peru, 1937
ID: nnc2_523
ID: 100213323_36
Postcard depicting ceremonial cup, gold fused to silver, bird on rim has wire neckband ornamented with bells, Northern Chimu culture, (900-1400 A.D.?)
ID: 5311g
Woman with bowl, copy of photograph bought of Maynard of Victoria, British Columbia, circa 1909
ID: 45991
Nootka woman weaving a hat, girl observes, Songish Reserve, west of the Esquimalt and Nanaimo railroad, British Columbia, June 28, 1909
ID: 120152
Paint materials and utensils, December, 1936
ID: 228904
Shan woman with kettle, Yunnan, China, February 16, 1917
ID: 228655
Men loading mule, Ta-Li Fu (Dali Baizu Zizhizhou), Yunnan, China, September, 1916