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ID: 38717
California elephant seal or sea lion, detail of group, February 1921
ID: 39664
Desert Bird Group with cacti, Tuscon, Arizona, North American Bird Hall, 1922
ID: 39573
Children visiting Polar Bear Group, North American Mammal Hall, 1922
ID: 39574
Children viewing Penguin Group, 1922
ID: 39572p
Little girl at Mountain Goat Group, Hall of North American Mammals, April, 1922
ID: 310203p
Rhinoceros Iguana Group, Santo Domingo, detail, Reptile Hall, 1923
ID: 310636p
American Bison Group, North American Mammal Hall, 1924
ID: 310677p
A Family of Fur Seals, habitat group, American Museum of Natural History, 1924
ID: 310779
Lady beetles on mountain top, diorama, October, 1924
ID: 310795
Apache life in Arizona, diorama, 1924
ID: 310961p
Galápagos Group, left side, Reptile Hall, 1925
ID: 310963p
Galápagos Group, center, Reptile Hall, 1925
ID: 310965p
Iguana, detail, Galápagos Group, Reptile Hall, 1925
ID: 310967p
Iguana on rock, Galápagos Group, Reptile Hall, 1925
ID: 310968p
Iguana on rock, close-up, Galápagos Group, Reptile Hall, 1925
ID: 310969p
Iguana eating leaf, detail, Galápagos Group, Reptile Hall, 1925
ID: 310970p
Iguana eating leaf, close-up, Galápagos Group, Reptile Hall, 1925
ID: art003_b3_07
Sketches made by William Leigh Robinson during the Akeley-Eastman-Pomeroy African Hall Expedition of the American Museum of Natural History (1926) for the botanical elements in the Klipspringer diorama, Akeley Hall of African Mammals
ID: art003_b3_09
ID: ppc_533_b11_f238_006
Landscape painting, photograph mounted to card, for use in Gorilla Group, Akeley Hall of African Mammals
ID: ppc_533_b11_f246_007
Klipspringer on cliff, field photographs for use in background, Klipspringer Group, Akeley Hall of African Mammals
ID: ptc-3137
Artists William R. Leigh and Arthur A. Jansson making studies for the Klipspringer Group, Akeley Hall of African Mammals, Lukenya Hills, Kenya, 1926-1927
ID: ppc_532_b07_f104_037
Water Hole Group and list of collectors and donors for Akeley Hall of African Mammals, pages from Natural History magazine mounted to Antiodactyla folder
ID: 312176
Children viewing Polar Bear Group, 1927
ID: 312345
Macaws, Barro Colorado Bird Group, 1927
ID: 31957
White Heron or American Egret Habitat Group from South Carolina, 1928
ID: 312167
Komodo Dragon Group, Dragon Lizards and Their Pray Habitat Group, 1928
ID: 312180
Robert Rockwell modeling male giraffe for Waterhole Group, 1928
ID: 312179
ID: 312476
Details of Rotifer Group, March, 1928
ID: 312415
Mr. Butler working on scale model of Sumatrensis Rhino Group for Indian Hall, 1928
ID: 411101
Detail of Oyster Group, Cold Spring Harbor, New York in American Museum of Natural History, 1929
ID: 313012
Diomede Bird Group, 1929
ID: 313007
Bird Life on an Arctic Island, Bering Strait, 1929
ID: 313011
Diomede Bird Group, Bering Strait, 1929
ID: 313084p
Fishes of the World: The Sea Rovers, Hall of Fishes of the World, 1929
ID: 313309
Indian Rhinoceros Group, Hall of Asian Mammals, 1930
ID: 313304
Indian Leopard Group, Hall of Asian Mammals, 1930
ID: 313305
Banting, Indian Rhinoceros Group, Hall of Asian Mammals, 1930
ID: 313324
Nilgai or Blue Bull Group, Hall of Asian Mammals, 1930
ID: 313331
Tsine or Banting Group and Indian Rhinoceros Group, Hall of South Asiatic Mammals, 1930
ID: 313338
Indian Lion Group, Hall of Asian Mammals, 1930
ID: 313364
Birds That Are Our Friends, Circulating Nature Study Collection, 1930
ID: 313410
Bird Life of the Pampas and Lagoons of the South America Temperate Zone, Hall of Birds of the World, 1930
ID: 313562
A Short Story About Coal, model submitted by Grade 5, PS 205, Children's Fair, 1930
ID: ppc_533_b03_f058_004
Colobus monkeys, photographs mounted to card, for use in White-Mantled Colobus Group, Akeley Hall of African Mammals
ID: ppc_533_b11_f239_001
Gorilla Group, Akeley Hall of African Mammals, print on card by H.H. Wurts Brothers
ID: ppc_533_b13_f275_002
Spotted Skunk and Cacomistle Group, detail, Hall of North American Mammals
ID: ppc_533_b13_f276_017
Mont Albert Gaspesie, field photograph for use in Canada Lynx and Snow Shoe Hare Group, Hall of North American Mammals
ID: 313612
Students from P. S. 78 of the Bronx viewing exhibit, Hall of South Asiatic Mammals, 1931
ID: 314255
The Skeleton from Fish to Man, exhibit panel III, [Hall of the Natural History of Man], 1932
ID: 313923
Model of Moose Group for North American Hall, 1932
ID: 313911
Section of the Hall of North American Mammals model showing (left to right) Marten and Beaver group models, April, 1932
ID: 313924
Francis Lee Jaques painting background for Congo Forest Bird Group, Hall of Birds of the World, 1932
ID: 314066
Raymond B. Potter placing birds in Congo Bird Group, Hall of Birds of the World, 1932
ID: 314067
Mr. Nahara working on accessories for Congo Bird Group, Hall of Birds of the World, 1932
ID: 314068
Mr. Mason working on accessories for Congo Bird Group, Hall of Birds of the World, 1932
ID: 314076
Health and Cleanliness, exhibit, Children's Fair, 1932
ID: 314128
Congo bird life, Hall of Birds of the World, 1933
ID: 314187
Hall of Ocean Life with killer whale (orca) and giant squid models, looking north across eastern end of balcony, May, 1933
ID: 314185
Hall of Ocean Life, looking west from entrance, Coral Reef Group in center, May, 1933
ID: 314189
Hall of Ocean Life, looking west along southern wall, 1933
ID: 314192
Hall of Ocean Life, southwest corner, May, 1933
ID: 314202
Model, Pacific Walrus Group, 1933
ID: 314195
A School of Dolphins, southeast end of balcony, Hall of Ocean Life, 1933
ID: 314196
Steller Sea Lion Group, Pribilof Islands, Hall of Ocean Life, May, 1933
ID: 314199
Elephant Seal Group, Guadaloupe Island, Hall of Ocean Life, May, 1933
ID: 314200
Alaska Fur Seal Group, Hall of Ocean Life, 1933
ID: 314206
Painting background for Sable Antelope Group, Akeley Hall of African Mammals, 1933
ID: 314207
Construction of Akeley Hall of African Mammals, 1933
ID: 314232
New Forest Bird Group, depicting New Forest, England, 1933
ID: 314332
The Lindbergh Plane, Hall of Ocean Life, January, 1934
ID: 314346
Visitors viewing the Lindbergh Plane and exhibits, Hall of Ocean Life, January 24, 1934
ID: 281096
Painting background and mounting animals for Tiger Group, 1934
ID: 281097
Preparing African Buffalo Group, 1934
ID: 314553
Chris Olsen and Bruce Brunner working on coral reef diorama, Hall of Ocean Life, 1934
ID: 314565
Dr. Miner and modelling staff in front of Coral Reef Group, Hall of Ocean Life, June, 1934
ID: 314532
Coral Reef Group, Hall of Ocean Life, 1934
ID: 314544
ID: 314541
Coral Reef Group, Lindbergh airplane above, Hall of Ocean Life, 1934
ID: 314556
Dr. Miner and Mr. Olsen inspecting Coral Reef Group, Hall of Ocean Life, June, 1934
ID: ppc_532_b14_f143_064
James L. Clark and G. D. Christensen with lion models, clipping from New York Times, October 2, 1934
ID: 411531
Dr. Sherwood with miniature Indian Rock Shelter Group, February, 1935
ID: 283077
Preparing African Lion Group, Akeley Hall of African Mammals, 1935
ID: 411557
Bongo Group, Akeley Hall of African Mammals
ID: 314823
Gorilla group, African Hall, American Museum of Natural History, 1935
ID: ppc_533_b12_f253_011
Mandrill Group, detail, Akeley Hall of African Mammals, photograph mounted to card
ID: 315125
Plains Group, detail, Akeley Hall of African Mammals, 1936
ID: 330586
African Lion Group, Akeley Hall of African Mammals, 1936
ID: 314886
Ushinosuke Narahara with miniature group he prepared, Ojibwa Birch Bark Industry, April, 1936
ID: 315077
Male gorilla, Gorilla group, African Hall, American Museum of Natural History, 1936
ID: 315078
Large Male Gorilla, Gorilla group, African Hall, American Museum of Natural History, 1936
ID: 286623
Girl studying the Alpine Bird Group, Hall of Birds of the World, 1936
ID: 286622
Children with museum instructor studying the Alpine Bird Group, Hall of Birds of the World, 1936
ID: 286620
Class of children studying the Alpine Bird Group, Hall of Birds of the World, 1936
ID: 286621
ID: ppc_533_b03_f063_007
Okapi Group, model, Akeley Hall of African Mammals
ID: 315113
Impala Group, Akeley Hall of African Mammals
ID: ppc_532_b06_f100_014
Mr. Rockwell constructing Water Hole Group giraffe, clippings from Life Magazine, 1937
ID: 315382
Gorilla Group, with text: Akeley African Hall, a Splendid Monument to a Vanishing Wilderness, October, 1937