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ID: 7821
Phyllanthus niruri, specimen from the Canton Christian College Herbarium, Canton, China, photographed for Epidemic Exhibit
ID: ptc-7538
"Attentions jeunesse, un peu de sagesse...le SIDA progresse et vous guette sans cesse! Poster for public health, Ministry of Public Health and Social Affairs, Djibouti, photographed for AMNH Temporary Exhibit: Epidemic! The World of Infectious Disease, 1999
ID: ptc-7539
Protegeons-nous contre le SIDA, logo of Ministry of Public Health and Social Affairs, Djibouti, photographed for AMNH Temporary Exhibit: Epidemic! The World of Infectious Disease, 1999
ID: ptc-7541
"Get rid of the mosquito" poster from campaign to eradicate yellow fever, exhibit: Epidemic! The World of Infectious Disease
ID: ptc-7542
Protegez-vous contre le SIDA poster, man and woman discussing AIDS education, Ministry of Public Health and Social Affairs, Djibouti
ID: ptc-7820
Homalanthus nutans, found on Fiji Islands, specimen from the Herbarium of Brigham Young University, Epidemic Exhibit, 1999
ID: ptc-7821
Phyllanthus niruri specimen from the Canton Christian College Herbarium
ID: ptc-7822
Azadirachta indica, found in Ghana, specimen from the Missouri Botanical Garden Herbarium, Epidemic Exhibit, 1999