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ID: 22300
Russian Pope in traveling clothes on sled, houses in the distance, Siberia, 1901
ID: 22311
Watering the runners of the sledge, Siberia, 1901
ID: 22341
Cooking inside mission house, Siberia, 1895
ID: 22369
Mending the seine net, Kolyma River, 1895
ID: 22396
Women splitting fish, kettle behind and dogs nearby, Siberia, 1901
ID: 22418
Kamchadal store houses, Middle Kamchatka, Siberia, 1895
ID: 22462
Family on sledge, Siberia, 1895
ID: 22482
Store house at Mariinsky Post, Siberia, 1901
ID: 22483
Party of Koryaks drinking tea, expedition member to the left, Siberia, 1901
ID: 22489
Deadfall for foxes, Siberia, 1895
ID: 22519
Man with dogs pulling sledge, Siberia, 1901
ID: 22537
Chukchi sledges and fire-drills, Siberia, 1901
ID: 226856
A portion of the caravan of one hundred Logo porters carrying expedition collections from Faradje to begin the long journey to New York, September 29, 1912
ID: 227033
Two Hundred porters and assistants, emerging from forest after 22 days of marching from Stanleyville to Avakubi, American Museum Congo Expedition, 1909
ID: 227040
The porters emerging from dense forest, Boyulu, Congo, 1909
ID: 227135
James Paul Chapin in front of tent near Ituri river, Congo, 1909
ID: 228604
Man leading cows with packs, Yung-chang, Yunnan, China, February 1, 1917
ID: 228619
Men carrying load up narrow mountain path with mule in tow, Mekong Valley, Yunnan, China, December 17, 1916
ID: 228620
Expedition caravan with loads on narrow mountain path, near Mekong River, Yunnan, China, December 29, 1916
ID: 228635
Camp at altitude of 12,000 feet, Snow Mountain, Yunnan, China, October 21, 1916
ID: 228638
Caravan halting for lunch, Yunnan, China, December 29, 1916
ID: 228647
Expedition camp at temple at Chow-chow, Ta-Li Fu (Dali Baizu Zizhizhou), Yunnan, China, September, 1916
ID: 228654
Man with pack saddle and caravan mule on the Tali-Yung-Chang Road, Ta-Li (Dali), Yunnan, China, January 20, 1917
ID: 228655
Men loading mule, Ta-Li Fu (Dali Baizu Zizhizhou), Yunnan, China, September, 1916
ID: 228663
Tibetan men on road with packs and walking sticks, Ta-Li (Dali Baizu Zizhizhou), Yunnan, China, January 3, 1917
ID: 228668
Shan men looking through camera, Meng-ting, China, January 25, 1917
ID: 228670
Caravan halting for lunch on the way to Shidian, China, February 2, 1917
ID: 228703
Tents and expedition members, Roy Chapman Andrews seated, left, Camp White Water, Snow Mountain, China, November 17, 1916
ID: 228725
Tibetan men with pack animals, near Be-teh, Yunnan, China, December 5, 1916
ID: 228726
Tibetans, Be-teh, Yunnan, China, December 2, 1916
ID: 228752
Shan woman with basket, men seated on ground near tent, Muchang, February 7, 1917
ID: 228769
Transporting chairs on the road from Teng-Yueh (Tengchong) to Bhamo, Yunnan, China, June 3, 1917
ID: 228831
The caravan halts for luncheon on the way to the Tibetan frontier, China, November 19, 1916
ID: 228846
ID: 228887
Mules being loaded onto Taku ferry, North Be-teh region, China, November 1916
ID: 228888
Camp, Yvette Borup Andrews and Roy Chapman Andrews seated on the left, Fu-Chow (Fuzhou) Fukien Province, China, July, 1916
ID: 228889
Camp, Yvette Borup Andrews seated on the left, Fu-Chow (Fuzhou) Fukien Province, China, November 8, 1916
ID: 228890
Camp at Namka, near Nanting River, Burma Frontier, February 15, 1917
ID: 228892
Group in village five days out of Yunnan after brigand attack, Ta-Li Fu (Dali Baizu Zizhizhou), China, September 15, 1916
ID: 228893
Group in village five days out of Yunnan after brigand attack, Ta-Li Fu (Dali Baizu Zizhizhou), China, September 15, 1917
ID: 228933
Tibetans on the road, north Be-teh region, China, December 1, 1916
ID: 228934
ID: 230971
Determining bearing with navigational tool, Etah, Greenland, April, 1917
ID: 231298
Tents and sledges, Etah, Greenland, April, 1917
ID: 231738
Jot, looking into candy box aboard ship, Melville Bay, Greenland, 1913
ID: 231759
Landing provisions, supplies on shore with ship anchored, Crocker Land Expedition, Etah, Greenland, August, 1913
ID: 232007
Instrument shelter with equipment, Etah, Avannaarsua, Greenland, 1914
ID: 232009
Fitzhugh Green in cabin, Starr Island, Greenland, November, 1914
ID: 232104
Eskimos in cabin main room, Etah, Greenland, November, 1913
ID: 232145
Eva-loo, Ah-ne-nah, and Alning-wah in cabin, Starr Island, Greenland, November, 1914
ID: 232146
Ah-ne-nah in cabin, Starr Island, Greenland, November, 1914
ID: 232149
Eva-loo in cabin, Starr Island, Greenland, November, 1914
ID: 233086
D. B. MacMillan taking observations on Polar Sea, April, 1914
ID: 233103
Eight camp on Arctic Ocean, igloo with American flag, April 1914
ID: 234020
Supplies beside the S.S. Diana, Brooklyn Navy Yard, New York, [1913]
ID: 234022
Expedition supplies arriving at Brooklyn Navy Yard, February, 7, 1913
ID: 234026
Henry Fairfield Osborn (right) with expedition members W. Elmer Ekblaw, Maurice Cole Tanquary, Harrison J. Hunt, Donald B. MacMillan, and Fitzhugh Green, beside the SS Diana, New York City, July, 2, 1913
ID: 241596
Camel and two Mongols resting, Gobi Desert, September 18, 1918
ID: 241602
Camel caravan, Gobi Desert, Mongolia, September 1, 1918
ID: 241656
Traveler in wheelbarrow, Honan, China, February, 1919
ID: 241721
Mongols leaving winter quarters with camel carts, Tuul River, Mongolia, September 10, 1919
ID: 241722
Mongols leaving winter quarters with ox carts, Tuul River, Mongolia, September 10, 1919
ID: 241727
Mongols leaving winter encampment with camel carts, Tuul River, Mongolia, September 15, 1919
ID: 241744
Camel caravan, camels loaded with supplies, between Urga and Turin, September 29, 1919
ID: 241748
Mongol group outside their yurt, between Urga and Turin, Mongolia, June 29, 1919
ID: 241806
Camel caravan crossing Russian bridge, Urga, Mongolia, July 17, 1919
ID: 241811
Expedition caravan, northeast of Urga, Mongolia, July 26, 1919
ID: 241812
Expedition caravan crossing the river, northeast of Urga, Mongolia, July 26, 1919
ID: 241814
ID: 241815
ID: 241816
ID: 241846
Caravan encamped, with camels and tents, near Urga, Mongolia, September, 1919
ID: 241847
Caravan breaking camp, view of tents, equipment, and camels, near Urga, Mongolia, September, 1919
ID: 241866
Base camp at junction of valleys, northeast of Urga, Mongolia, September, 1919
ID: 241890
Leaving Mongol yurts on hunting trip, northeast of Urga, Mongolia, August, 1919
ID: 241893
Two Mongol women looking at magazine, woman at left smoking, kettle on camp stove and horse in background, northeast of Urga, Mongolia, August 1919
ID: 241894
ID: 241898
Mongols and young priests in front of expedition tent, northeast of Urga, Mongolia, July 1919
ID: 241914
Inn courtyard with loaded wagons, Kivei-hua-cheng, October 1919
ID: 241915
ID: 241917
Men threshing grain with hand flail, Kivei-hua-cheng, October 1919
ID: 241919
Threshing with hand threshing machine, Kivei-hua-cheng, October 1919
ID: 241920
ID: 241923
Expedition's cart overturned, Kivei-hua-cheng, October, 1919
ID: 241926
Camel caravan, Kivei-hua-cheng, October, 1919
ID: 241927
ID: 241928
ID: 241929
ID: 242026
Camel caravan crossing Urga Plain, Mongolia, 1919
ID: 2460
Camp scene, mending sledges, Siberia, 1901
ID: 251057
Arrival of 75 camels at Tuerin base, Mongolia, [1921-1930]
ID: 251068
Expedition camp at Tuerin, Mongolia, 1922
ID: 251089
Camels at expedition camp, Mongolia, 1922
ID: 251099
Pushing car, expedition camp at temple at Chow-chow, Ta-Li Fu (Dali Baizu Zizhizhou), Yunnan, China, September, 1916
ID: 251112
Badmajapoff, member of the Third Asiatic Expedition, Mongolia, 1922
ID: 251531
Roy Chapman Andrews dressing Mongol girl's hand, Tsagan Nor, Mongolia, 1922
ID: 253257
Water tins on motor truck, Mongolia, 1921
ID: 253259
Lama with gasoline tin, Mongolia, 1921
ID: 253828
Walter Granger and Shackelford's tent with equipment, rifle, and camera, Mongolia, 1922
ID: 253838
Mongol woman at Lamasary, Mongolia, 1923