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ID: 42890
Shell heap from west, Hammond, British Columbia, 1897
ID: 4121
Maritime Koryak children, Siberia, 1897-1902
ID: 41613
Kibitka pulled by horses, Siberia
ID: 42588
Eagle carving, wood, Kwakwaka’wakw (Kwakiutl), British Columbia
ID: 4184
Evenki (Tungus) men and women dancing, Siberia, Russia
ID: 42753
[Alick] Sarent, Kamloops, British Columbia
ID: 43022
Grave post, Comot, British Columbia
ID: 43027
Building with totem pole, Comox, British Columbia, 1897-1902
ID: 41621
Large group in canoe, Berry Feast, 1897-1902
ID: 41652
Inhuktuke Kaka in Armor, Siberia
ID: 41680
Indian Relics
ID: 22339
Shaman with drum, Siberia, 1897-1902
ID: 1948
Summer house of Russianized people on Kolyma River, Siberia, 1897-1902
ID: 1996
Yukaghir group at their summer village on the Korkodon River, Siberia, 1897-1902
ID: 44604
Koryak families outside tent, Siberia, 1897-1902
ID: 11009
Yukaghir group dancing, tents and children in the distance, Siberia, 1897-1902
ID: 11010
A Yakut (Sakha) summer house on the Kolyma River, Siberia, 1897-1902
ID: 11050
Yukaghir letters on birch bark, Siberia, 1897-1902
ID: 22172
Two Yakut girls, Siberia, 1897-1902
ID: 11133
Lamut (Even) reindeer riders, Anui Fair, Siberia, 1898
ID: 11905
House post, British Columbia, 1898
ID: 412070
Pitchers, Room 99, Pueblo Bonito, New Mexico, 1898
ID: 12131
Longhouse frame, Lummi Reservation, Washington, 1899
ID: 43100
"H" shaped sweat house, framework, east side of Nicola Lake, British Columbia, 1899
ID: 412120
Jar from Finca Pompeya near Antigua
ID: 412121
ID: 2636
Koryak family and summer dwelling, Siberia, 1900
ID: 2673
Group of miners, Siberia, 1900
ID: 2a5149
Narlh-hit (halibut house), Neixadi family of Sanya, Tongrass Narrows, Alaska, 1900
ID: 1415
Sable net spread out, Siberia, 1900
ID: 1416
Man going sable hunting, wearing skis, with dog, Siberia, 1900
ID: 22157
Yakut man with leprosy outside his hut, Siberia, 1900
ID: 22161
Yukaghir woman, fur hat, coat, and mittens, Siberia, 1900
ID: 22165
Two young Yakut women in fur coats and hats, Siberia, 1900
ID: 22167
Two Yukaghir women, Siberia, 1900
ID: 2632
Carcass of Chukchi winter dewlling, ruins of house showing some of the frame, Siberia, 1900
ID: 2634
Baron Koff's Bay village, Siberia, 1900
ID: 2635
Koryak woman wearing coat with decoration, Siberia, 1900
ID: 2637
Chukchi life: group gathered at tent on the shore, Siberia, 1900
ID: 2638
Chukchi life: group gathered next to boat to eat and drink, Siberia, 1900
ID: 2640
Governor of Anadyr, with furs and tents, Russia, 1900
ID: 2674
Koryak men in double boat, Siberia, 1900
ID: 2696
[Chukchi] with boat on shore, Siberia, 1900
ID: 11040
A Yukaghir wandering family on the Korkodon River, Siberia, 1900
ID: 11048
Pack horses with valuable furs, Siberia, 1900
ID: 11053
Priests's family in front of church in Verkhne-Kolymsk, 1900
ID: 11054
Verkhne-Kolymsk, 1900
ID: 11074
Russian church on the Tundra, Siberia, 1900
ID: 11076
Yakut (Sakha) houses, Siberia, 1900
ID: 11083
Summer village of the Yukaghir on the Yussvahno River, Siberia, 1900
ID: 11085
River Yukaghir on the Korkoden River, Siberia, 1900
ID: 11088
Two polar Yakut (Sakha) men, Siberia, 1900
ID: 11089
Photograph of the Yukaghir atop a raft and a map, Siberia, 1900
ID: 11090
Fish traps of the Yukaghir in the water, Siberia, 1900
ID: 11097
Yukaghir in canoes, Siberia, 1900
ID: 11098
Russianized group on the Kolyma River, Siberia, 1900
ID: 1421
Koryak woman wearing summer coat, Siberia, 1900
ID: 1424
Koryaks cutting a white whale, Siberia, 1900
ID: 1425
Koryak storehouses, Siberia, 1900
ID: 1426
Koryak whale ceremony, Kuel Village, Penzhino Bay, 1900
ID: 1427
Koryak girl with a grass mask, Siberia, 1900
ID: 1428
2 Koryak women with grass masks, Siberia, 1900
ID: 1429
Framework of a skin boat with offering grass, Siberia, 1900
ID: 1431
Koryak girl carrying a water bucket, Siberia, 1900
ID: 1448
Family in the sleeping room of a Maritime Koryak house, Siberia, 1900
ID: 1452
Removing of poor Maritime Koryaks, Siberia, 1900
ID: 335523
Piegan encampment, plate 207 from The North American Indian by Edward S. Curtis, [1900]
ID: 1403
Deadfall for hares, Siberia, 1900
ID: 1405
Deadfall for wolves, Siberia, 1900
ID: 2185
ID: 2186
ID: 4469
Apache man, May 1900
ID: 24298
Tangiers, Morocco
ID: 1401
Man in traveling clothes with snowshoes, Siberia, 1900-1901
ID: 11030
Yukaghir women sewing winter tent, Siberia, 1900-1901
ID: 11032
Evenki (Tungus) family with reindeer and homes on the Lena River, Siberia, 1900-1901
ID: 14127
[Ashanti women], Mozambique, about 1900-1910
ID: 14128
Skeleton of a hut showing its architecture, Zulu, South Africa, about 1900-1910
ID: 14132
Woman carrying child, Senegal, about 1900-1910
ID: 275110
A method of crossing the desert which may be superseded by motor transportation, south of El Wad, Algeria
ID: 42090
Painted Horse, age 55, Sioux, Crow father and Sioux mother
ID: 42091
Men on horse back, Indian Congress show, Coney Island, New York
ID: 42092
Indian Congress Coney Island show, New York
ID: 42093
Mrs. Eagle Horse, Sioux, Age 41
ID: 335455
Sun Dance encampment, Piegan, plate 192 from The North American Indian, volume 6, by Edward S. Curtis, [circa 1900]
ID: 24424
Scenes around Victoria 50 years ago, totem poles and buildings, British Columbia, circa 1909
ID: 24428
Totem pole and house, post card photograph bought at Ketchikan, Alaska, circa 1909
ID: 24429
Totem pole, Ketchikan, Alaska, circa 1909
ID: 2470
Eskimo woman, Siberia, 1901
ID: 2567
Yurts, Siberia, 1901
ID: 1575
Koryak girl climbing ladder with water bucket, Siberia, 1901
ID: 2727
Chukchi man with phonograph, surrounded by officers and others, Siberia, 1901
ID: 1309
Lamut (Even) woman on reindeer back, Markova, Yaropol fair, Siberia, 1901
ID: 1304
Lamut (Even) tent, Markova, Yaropol fair, Siberia, 1901
ID: 1311
Chukchi sleeping tent and sled at Markova, Yaropol fair, 1901
ID: 1313
Chuvantsy group gathered, Tumansky fair, Siberia, 1901
ID: 1314
Chuvantsy group gathered with sled, Tumansky fair, Siberia, 1901
ID: 1322
Chukchi ceremony, four birds, Siberia, 1901
ID: 1323
Dogs outside Chukchi house, Siberia, 1901
ID: 1329
People and reindeer at Lamut (Even) camp, Siberia, 1901