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ID: 313718
Manus village, model by Basil and Martin, South Pacific Hall, 1931
ID: 311923
Exhibition hall instruction class, "The Philppines", May 1927
ID: 311857
Model of Hawaiian man, Archaeology Hall, 1927
ID: 117397
Rollo H. Beck observes Bushmen with Tam-tams (wooden carved drums), Vanuatu, 1927
ID: 115528
Interior of school house, Cromwell Mountains, Papua New Guinea, 1929
ID: 115485
Village chief's home, exterior with chief and others seated on veranda, Solomon Islands, 1927
ID: 114906
Workers packing bananas in Suva, Fiji for export to New Zealand, 1925
ID: 114726
Fijian man posing with tool, Kanathea Islands, 1925
ID: 114697
Spectators at football game, Fiji, 1925
ID: 114682
Man standing in front of structure, Fiji, 1925
ID: 114681
Woman and child standing on pathway to door of house, children seated inside, Fiji, 1925
ID: 108979
Wooden fishing canoe with oars, Olosega, American Somoa, 1923
ID: 108897
Marquesan woman and children preparing Sunday dinner, Tahuata, Marquises ÃŽles, 1923
ID: 108884
Female wood carver from Hanavave Valley, seated with canoe model, Fatu Hiva, Marquises ÃŽles, 1923
ID: 107935
Stone Tiki in forest, Raivavae, Tubuai Islands
ID: 107811
Girl working in taro plant beds, Rapa Iti, Marotiri (Austral Islands)
ID: 105929
Crumbling Catholic church, Nuku Hiva, Marquises ÃŽles, 1921