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ID: 600799_31
Hall of Early Dinosaurs, Fossil Fish Alcove, October 1990
ID: 600799_22
ID: 600799_16
Hall of Early Dinosaurs, early fishes, Fossil Fish Alcove, October 1990
ID: 600799_05
ID: 600799_02
Hall of Early Dinosaurs, Fossil Fish Alcove, October, 1990
ID: 330675
Eocene Lake History, Paleocene Hall, 1965
ID: 32603
Restoration of Carcharodon megalodon jaws, Fossil Fish Hall, 1910
ID: 32521
Jaws of Carcharodon, Fossil Fish Hall, 1909
ID: 32520
Restoration of jaws of Carcharodon megalodon, Fossil Fish Hall, 1909
ID: ptc-5932
Lungfish, Ceratodus rumcinatus, toothplates, each about 4 cm long, about 210 million years old, Late Triassic, Wurtemberg, Germany
ID: ptc-5883
Eoholocentrum macrocephalum, extinct squirrelfish, L 15 cm, about 57 million years old, Eocene of Monte Bolca, Italy
ID: ptc-5882
Semionotus agassizii, Late Triassic semiontid of New Jersey, approximately 210 million years old
ID: ptc-3343
Diplomystus dentatus, fossil fish
ID: ptc-3342
Phareodus testis, fossil fish, from Early Eocene, Wyoming, (about 57 million years old)
ID: ptc-5803
Devonian Era underwater scene of Escuminac Bay, Quebec, Canada, 360 million years ago. Painting by Robert J. Barber
ID: ptc-6443
Hypsidoris farsonensis, Hall of Vertebrate Origins
ID: ptc-6633
Preparators Jeanne Kelly and Marilyn Fox paint background for bones of the Cretaceous fish Xiphactinus, with skeletal cast overhead, Hall of Vertebrate Origins, 1996
ID: ptc-6642
Jeanne Kelly preparing Xiphactinus, Hall of Vertebrate Origins, 1996
ID: ptc-6316
Silver Trout by Walter H. Rich, from The Fishes of New England, Memoirs of the Boston Society of Natural History, 1914, by William Converse Kendall
ID: ptc-6312
Lake Lanao Cyprinid, from "Two new fishes from Lake Lanao," The Philippine Journal of Science, Manila, 1926, by Albert W. Herre
ID: ptc-6311
Lake Lanao Cyprinid, from Distribution of the True Fresh-water Fishes in the Philippines, Philippinee Journal of Science, Manila, 1924, by Albert W. Herre
ID: ptc-6317
Blackfin Cisco by Charles B. Hudson, from A Review of the Salmanoid Fishes of the Great Lakes, 1909
ID: ptc-6314
Mexican Dace by W. O. Douglas, from A Contribution to the Ichthyology of Mexico, Field Columbian Museum Zoological Series, Chicago, 1902, by Seth Eugene Meek
ID: ptc-5963
Fossil Fish, tinca tarsiger, Late Oligocene period
ID: ptc-5826
Arthrodire, 360-million-year-old Dunkleosteus, a predator
ID: ptc-6002
Sauripteris taylori, pectoral fin and shoulder girdle of extinct rhizodontid fish, Late Devonian of Blossburg, PA, approximately 375 million years old
ID: ptc-5861
Dunkleosteus, Arthrodire, 360 million years old, Late Devonian of Ohio
ID: ptc-5839
Cladoselache fyleri, a shark from the Late Devonian of Ohio, United States, about 375 million years old
ID: ptc-5829
Phareodus testis, about 57 million years old, L 34 cm, Early Eocene of Wyoming, United States
ID: ptc-6003
Dipterus valenciennesi, extinct lungfish, L 17 cm, approximately 380 million years old, Middle Devonian of Achanarras, Scotland
ID: ptc-5997
Perleidus madagascariensis, primitive extinct relative of neopterygian ray-finned fishes, approximately 225 million years old, Early Triassic of Madagascar
ID: ptc-5856
Ischyodus avitus, chimaeroid (rabbitfish) from the Late Jurassic of Solnhofen, Germany
ID: ptc-5853
Protospinax annectans from the Late Jurassic of Solnhofen, Germany, 150 million years old
ID: ptc-5804
Early Jurassic era in Germany (180 million years ago. Depicted are marine animals (from left to right,: Plesiosaurus, Stenopterygius, Mystriosaurus, Dapedium and Hybodus) with pterosaurs (Campylognathoides) flying above the water. Painting by Robert J. Barber
ID: 2A23723
Cast of skull and jaws in wire reconstruction of Orthacanthus sp, 1997
ID: 312961
Ichthosaurian skeleton, drawing by Edward Drinker Cope
ID: 32522
Restored jaws of Carcharodon megalodon from the Atlantic, Fossil Fish Hall, 1909