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ID: 333241
Australopithecus prometheus, Early Pleistocene, Ancient Man of Africa, Biology of Man Hall, 1968
ID: 333240
Zinjanthropus, Ancient Man in Africa, Biology of Man Hall, 1968
ID: 333239
ID: 333238
Plesianthropus transvaalensis, Early Pleistocene, Ancient Man of Africa, Biology of Man Hall, 1968
ID: 333237
ID: 333236
Florisbad Man, Late Pleistocene, Ancient Man of Africa, Biology of Man Hall, 1968
ID: 333235
ID: 333233
Homo rhodesiensis, Biology of Man Hall, 1968
ID: 332663
Paranthropus boisei, Biology of Man Hall, 1967
ID: 328592
Plaster cast, Plesianthropus transvaalensis, Early Pleistocene, Africa, Biology of Man Hall, 1961
ID: 328591
Plaster cast, Wadiak, Late Pleistocene, Asia
ID: 328590
Plaster cast, Upper Cave Man, Late Pleistocene, Asia, Biology of Man Hall, 1961
ID: 328589
Plaster cast, Australopithecus prometheus, Early Pleistocene, Africa, Biology of Man Hall, 1961
ID: 328587
Plaster cast, Florisbad skull, Late Pleistocene, Africa, Biology of Man Hall, 1961
ID: 328586
Plaster cast, Steinheim Man, Biology of Man Hall, 1961
ID: 328585
Plaster cast, Pithecanthropus pekinensis, Middle Pleistocene, Asia, Biology of Man Hall, 1961
ID: 328584
Plaster cast, Rhodesian man, Late Pleistocene, Africa, Biology of Man Hall, 1961
ID: 328583
Plaster cast skull, Late Pleistocene, Europe, Biology of Man Hall, 1961
ID: 327833
Pelvis and Lower Limbs, Fossil Evidence of Human Evolution, Biology of Man Hall, 1961
ID: 327818
Vertebrae panel, Adaptations to Erect, Bipedal Locomotion, Fossil Evidence of Human Evolution, 1961
ID: 327817
Alec Williams examining vertebrae, Adaptations to Erect, Bipedal Locomotion, Fossil Evidence of Human Evolution, 1961
ID: 327816
Dr. Shapiro examining skull, Fossil Evidence of Human Evolution, Biology of Man Hall, 1961
ID: 327815
Fossil Evidence of Human Evolution, Biology of Man Hall, 1961
ID: 327813
Fossil Evidence of Human Evolution and Man in Time in the Organic World, Biology of Man Hall, 1961
ID: 312813
Skulls and artifacts, Upper Paleolithic: Upper Magdalenian, and Tardenoisian cultures, Age of Man Hall, 1929
ID: 312812
Solutrean drawings and sculpture, Upper Paleolithic, Age of Man Hall, 1929
ID: 312810
Neanderthal Race, Middle and Upper Stone Old Stone Age, Age of Man Hall, 1929
ID: 312807
Pithecanthropus erectus, near Trinil, Java, Pleistocene age, Age of Man Hall, 1929
ID: 312806
The Ancestry of Man, Age of Man Hall, 1929
ID: 310883
Men of the Upper Stone Age, section, Age of Man Hall, 1925
ID: ptc-2778
Skulls, Ancestors Exhibition, 1984
ID: ptc-2777
ID: ptc-2776
ID: ptc-1446
Chellean Man, chipping flint from cliff face in the Somme River area of France, detail of miniature group, Hall of Stone Age Man, 1966
ID: ptc-606
Bison carved into antler
ID: ptc-604
Early Stone Age Man, painting by Charles R. Knight, 1920
ID: ptc-612
Skull, Cro-Magnon man
ID: ptc-611
Head of Cro-Magnon man, restoration by McGregor
ID: ptc-629
Pithecanthropus erectus, skull top and femur
ID: ptc-628
Pithecanthropus erectus (Java Man), two restorations, head and skull, by McGregor
ID: ptc-627
Modjokertensis skull
ID: ptc-625
Australopithecus skull
ID: ptc-622
Heidelberg skull restoration
ID: ptc-621
Neanderthal skulls, Dusseldorf and Chapelle-aux-Saints
ID: ptc-620
Neanderthal Man, partial and complete restoration
ID: 327814
Fossil Evidence of Human Evolution, exhibit, Biology of Man Hall, 1961
ID: 310884
Azilian or Transitional Period between Old and New Stone Ages, exhibit, 1925
ID: 310880
The Ancestry of Man, including Pithecanthropus erectus, 1925
ID: 39130
Mammoth and Cro-Magnon man exhibits, [Hall of the Age of Man, circa 1911-1950]
ID: 38095
Dawn of the Stone Age, Age of Man exhibit, 1920
ID: ls-262-023
Profile of Pithecanthropus, McGregor restoration
ID: ls-336-016
Comparison of Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon skeletons
ID: ls-262-024
Comparison of Pithecanthropus, Neanderthal, and Cro-Magnon Man skulls
ID: ls-336-035
Restoration bust of Neanderthal man
ID: LS-262-018
Illustration showing Neolithic implements and artifacts
ID: K9982
Man is a Hominid: Toolmaking, exhibit, Hall of Biology of Man [circa 1952-1974]
ID: K11571
Venus of Lespugue female figurine, 14.7 x 5.5 x 3 cm, reproduction of original, carved in mammoth ivory, Gravettian culture, France
ID: K11565
Bison paintings on canvas from original cave paintings in Altamira Cave, Spain
ID: ls-336-005
Skeleton of the Grimaldi Man, France
ID: ls-336-061
Hunting bear, illustration
ID: ls-336-017
Assortment of tools
ID: ls-262-017
Neolithic man of Campignian Stage, mural by Charles R. Knight
ID: ls-262-025
Restoration casts of Pithecanthropus, Neanderthal, and Cro-Magnon man by McGregor
ID: ls-336-065
Skull of La Chapelle-aux-Saints, the best male specimen of the Neanderthal type of man, from a photograph
ID: ls-113-026
Stage in restoration of head, Chapelle-aux-Saints skull, J. H. McGregor