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ID: 2A7834
Opaque ornamental stones: lapis lazuli, rhondonite, malachite, Morgan Gem Hall, 1965
ID: 2A7835
Carving materials: jade, Morgan Gem Hall, 1965
ID: 2A7836
ID: 2A7837
Rock crystal, agate, chalcedony, and glass beads, Morgan Gem Hall, 1965
ID: 2A7838
ID: 2A7842
Display case, Morgan Gem Hall, 1965
ID: 2A7843
Unusual and rare gems, Morgan Gem Hall, 1965
ID: 2A7844
ID: 2A7845
Carving materials, Morgan Gem Hall, 1965
ID: 2A7846
ID: 2A7847
ID: 2A7848
ID: 2A7849
Corundum gems: ruby and sapphire, Morgan Gem Hall, 1965
ID: 2A8031
Cat's eye and chrysoberyl, rearranged case, Morgan Gem Hall, 1965
ID: 2A8032
Peridot, chrysoberyl, sinhalite, rearranged case, Morgan Gem Hall, 1965
ID: 2A8033
Beryl: emerald and aquamarine, rearranged case, Morgan Gem Hall, 1965
ID: 2A8034
Ruby and sapphire case, rearranged, Morgan Gem Hall
ID: 2a8877
Gem Hall from west, 1966
ID: 2A8878
ID: 2A8879
View from east, Gem Hall, 1966
ID: 2A9839
Diorama of carboniferous Pennsylvania coal forest, Earth History Hall, 1969
ID: 2A9847
Viewing relief globe, Earth History Hall, 1969
ID: 2A9848
Seismographic Globe, Hall of Earth History, 1969
ID: 2A9849
Vincent Manson adjusting instruments on Seismographic Globe, Hall of Earth History, 1969
ID: 310029p
Silurian exhibit, Geology Hall, [circa 1920]
ID: 310518p
Map of Northern Asia
ID: 310675
Map of a section of Mongolia, 1924
ID: 310892
Map of section of Mongolia
ID: 310893
Map of a section of Mongolia, 1925
ID: 310908
Section of Mongolia, 1921-1925
ID: 310935
Section of Mongolia, 1925
ID: 311066
Map of China, Mongolia, and Siberia, prepared by Morris, 1924
ID: 311188
Geological map, section of Mongolia, 1925
ID: 311210
Exhibits in Geology Hall
ID: 311211
Exhibit cases, Geology Hall [circa 1900]
ID: 311212
Exhibit cases [1880-1924]
ID: 311213
Exhibit cases, Geology Hall, [circa 1900]
ID: 311306p
Expedition route map, Miao T'an, 70 miles east of Ula Usu, Mongolia, 1926
ID: 311308
Section of expedition trail, Mongolia, 1926
ID: 311310p
Section of Sair Usu trail, Mongolia, 1926
ID: 311311p
ID: 311312p
Sair Usu and Kobdo Kalgan trail, Mongolia, 1926
ID: 311313p
Section of Kobdo Kalgan trail, 1926
ID: 311341
Map of general geology along Third Asiatic Expedition route, Mongolia, 1922-1923
ID: 311392
Map of general geology along Central Asiatic Expedition routes, central Mongolia, 1922, 1923, and 1925
ID: 311500p
Chart illustrating continental uplift of North America and Mongolia, 1926
ID: 311501p
Continental sediments of Mongolia, Granger, Berkey, Osborn, 1926
ID: 311563
Map of Central Asiatic Expeditions, Mongolia, 1926
ID: 312133
Bertha Kaler's class from Ethical Culture School, Morgan Hall, 1928
ID: 313007
Bird Life on an Arctic Island, Bering Strait, 1929
ID: 313011
Diomede Bird Group, Bering Strait, 1929
ID: 313089p
Hall of Gems, 1929
ID: 313441
Pyrite, Morgan Memorial Hall, 1931
ID: 313442
Sulfides: chalcopyrite, chalcocite, pyrite, marcasite, cinnabar, Morgan Memorial Hall, 1931
ID: 313485
Outline map of Mongolia, 1931
ID: 313862
Varved clay showing seasonal correlation, from Haverstraw, New York and New Haven, Connecticut, 1932
ID: 314048
Mineralogist, Herbert P. Whitlock with class in the Gems and Mineral Hall, 1932
ID: 314307
Mr. Carr's junior science students working with soil specimens, 1933
ID: 314553
Chris Olsen and Bruce Brunner working on coral reef diorama, Hall of Ocean Life, 1934
ID: 31478
Display cases, Gem Room, 1906
ID: 315543
Fire pit of the Kilauea Volcano by Arthur Jansson, a composite from data of U.S. Observatory Reports painted for exhibit background, Geology Hall, 1938
ID: 316113
Map of Central Asiatic Expedition routes, Mongolia
ID: 317693
Pre-Cambrian rocks, Grand Canyon, Hall of Geology, 1937
ID: 317695
Pre-Cambrian exhibit, Geology Hall, 1937
ID: 317696
Carboniferous flora exhibit, Hall of Geology, 1937
ID: 317698
Fossil Cephalopoda, Hall of Geology, 1937
ID: 318261
Six inch rock crystal ball and exhibit cases, Morgan Memorial Hall of Gems, 1941
ID: 318824
Key to New Zealand Landscapes, Economic Geology Hall, 1941
ID: 318825
Natural History of New Zealand, Economic Geology Hall, 1941
ID: 318826
ID: 318827
ID: 319148
Mount Pelée Volcano, painting by Charles R. Knight, Hall of Petrology
ID: 319869
There is No Monopoly, exhibit panel, Atomic Energy Exhibit, 1947
ID: 320073
Special display of Swiss Minerals, Morgan Hall, 1947
ID: 320074
ID: 320075
Special display of Swiss Minerals with map, Morgan Hall, 1947
ID: 32042
Deep quarry, Wyoming, 1907
ID: 321038
Silicate exhibit, Gem Hall, 1950
ID: 321866
Geological History and Structure, Warburg Landscape Hall, 1951
ID: 322018
Camels at base of Flaming Cliffs, Mongolia, 1925
ID: 322361
Carboniferous forest exhibit, Geology Hall, 1952
ID: 322362
Pre-Cambrian exhibit, Geology Hall, 1952
ID: 322363
Pre-Cambrian eras exhibit, Geology Hall, 1952
ID: 322372
Plant History of the Earth exhibit, Geology Hall, 1952
ID: 322373
Paleozoic and Cambrian Period exhibit, Geology Hall, 1952
ID: 323013
How A Fish Is Fossilized, Fossil Fish Hall, 1954
ID: 323395
Types of Foraminifera, Oil Geology Hall, 1955
ID: 323396
Charles Tornell installing oil derrick parts, Oil Geology Hall, 1954
ID: 323400
Fault Trap Oil Field, Oil-Geology Hall, 1954
ID: 323401
Salt Dome Oil Field, Oil Geology Hall, 1954
ID: 323402
Reef Oil Field, Oil Geology Hall, 1954
ID: 323403
Anticline Oil Field, Oil Geology Hall, 1954
ID: 323404
Geophysical Methods of Oil Discovery, panel from Electrical and Radioactivity Logging, Oil Geology Hall, 1955
ID: 323405
Kenneth Crook installing Origin of Petroleum, Oil-Geology Hall, 1954
ID: 323406
Geophysical Methods of Locating Oil: Electrical and Radioactivity Logging, Oil-Geology Hall, 1955
ID: 323407
Stratigraphic Trap Oil Field, Oil Geology Hall, 1954
ID: 323411
Economics of Oil Exploration, Oil Geology Hall, 1955
ID: 323412
Geophysical Methods, Seismic Prospecting, Oil Geology Hall, 1955
ID: 323413
ID: 323414
Christmas Tree valve, Oil Geology Hall, 1955