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ID: ptc-5178
Cladistic line-up of mammals, including the body outline and skull of the extinct Asian rhinoceros Indricotherium, Hall of Primitive Mammals [circa 1994]
ID: 17584
Ground Sloth Group, [Hall of the Age of Man], base not yet complete, circa 1911
ID: ptc-6750
Panochthus frenzelianus giant glypodont, Buenos Aires, Argentina
ID: ptc-6752
Evolution of mammals exhibit, detail showing Glossotherium robustus, Argentina; Phascolonus gigas, Lake Callabonna, South Australia, Hall of Primitive Mammlals
ID: ptc-6753
Edaphosaurus boanerges from Texas
ID: ptc-6754
Edaphosaurus pogonias, Hog Creek, Texas; Glossotherium robustus, Argentina; Phascolonus gigas, Lake Callabonna, South Australia, Hall of Primitive Mammals
ID: ptc-6755
Megalocnus rodens, great sloth, collected by Barnum Brown, Cienfuegos, Cuba in 1911
ID: MS_140429_7711-edit
Astor Turret, off of the Hall of Primitive Mammals, April 29, 2014