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ID: B13b
Machaerhamphus alcinus anderssoni, hawk, watercolor by James Chapin, October 6, 1913, Congo
ID: 228683
Tribesboy with hawk, Lichang, China, October 4, 1916
ID: 228996
Man with hawk, near Lichang site, Yunnan, China, 1916-1917
ID: MS_160817_0974-edit
Hall of New York City Birds, August 17, 2016
ID: 19780
Sparrow hawk
ID: 19726
Red-tailed hawk
ID: 19725
Cooper's hawk
ID: 325677
Kites, Buteos, Birds of New York Region, Roosevelt Memorial Building, 1957
ID: 325675
Vultures, Harries, Accipiters, Birds of New York Region, Roosevelt Memorial Building, 1957
ID: b10564457_5
Male, female, and juvenile Northern harriers (Marsh Hawk) from Audubon's The birds of America
ID: b10487451_4
Common Nighthawk from Catesby's Natural history of Carolina, Florida, and the Bahama Islands