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ID: 325888
Zeiss projector against star sky, Hayden Planetarium, April, 1958
ID: 316020
The Zeiss Projector in the Hayden Planetarium, showing coordinates along part of the ecliptic and altitudes on meridian, 1939
ID: 337390
Construction of the Hayden Planetarium
ID: 337440
Entrance to the Hayden Planetarium, photo print showing handwritten caption, 1935
ID: 314330
Architectural drawing of the Hayden Planetarium
ID: 322418
Thomas Voter working on Aurora Borealis black light mural, Hayden Planetarium, March, 1953
ID: 315214
Members of the Hayden Planetarium - Grace Peruvian Expedition; left to right: Clyde Fisher, Owen Stephens, Hans C. Adamson, Dorothy Bennett, William H. Barton, and Charles H. Coles, April, 1937
ID: 315164
Staff of the Hayden Planetarium - Grace Peruvian Expedition; left to right: Hans C. Adamson, Dorothy Bennett, Clyde Fisher, leader, William H. Barton, Jr., and Charles H. Coles, and April, 1937
ID: 315163
Staff of the Hayden Planetarium - Grace Peruvian Expedition; left to right: Charles H. Coles, Clyde Fisher, leader, Dorothy Bennett, William H. Barton, Jr., and Hans C. Adamson and April, 1937
ID: 315009
Staff of the Hayden Planetarium, front row, left to right: Marian Lockwood, Dr. Clyde Fisher, William H. Barton, Dorothy A. Bennet; rear row: Charles Federer and Arthur Draper, September, 1936
ID: 284440
Staff of Planetarium lecturers, left to right: Clyde Fisher, Dorothy A. Bennett, William H. Barton, Jr., Marion Lockwood, and Arthur L. Draper, October 1, 1935
ID: 284439
Staff of Planetarium lecturers, left to right: Clyde Fisher, Dorothy A. Bennett, Arthur L. Draper, Marion Lockwood, and William H. Barton, Jr., October 1, 1935
ID: 297493
Astronomer Marian Lockwood at the control panel, Hayden Planetarium, July 1943
ID: 315551
William Henry Barton, Jr., Hayden Planetarium, Executive Curator, 1937-1941
ID: 2a1366
Catherine Barry, Assistant Curator, Hayden Planetarium, with telescopes, July, 1950
ID: 100213323_09
Hayden Planetarium, New York, postcard, 1936
ID: ptc-1827
Robert Kane painting moon mural, Hayden Planetarium
ID: ptc-1581
Mars from its Farthest Satellite, Deimos, painting by Chesley Bonestell, 1953
ID: ptc-1580
"The Surface of Venus," sun low on horizon, painting by Chesley Bonestell, 1947
ID: ptc-1578
"Lunar Base," painting by Chesley Bonestell, 1947
ID: ptc-1577
Saturn, from its eighth satellite, Iapetus, 2,200,000 miles away, painting by Chesley Bonestell
ID: ptc-1543
Robert Kane painting mural of the moon
ID: ptc-1450
Ahnighito Meteorite on scale, Hayden Planetarium, 1966
ID: ptc-1386
Hayden Planetarium, old exterior, circa 1966
ID: ptc-1318
Relative sizes of the planets, art work by Helmut Wimmer
ID: ptc-1308
The Milky Way, detail, painting by Helmut Wimmer
ID: ptc-1306
Studying the universe, illustration by Helmut Wimmer
ID: DF_080226_9768
Hayden Sphere and Scales of the Universe with Saturn and Jupiter models, Rose Center for Earth and Space, February 26, 2008
ID: DF_080226_9765
Hayden Sphere and Scales of the Universe, Rose Center for Earth and Space, February 26, 2008
ID: DF_071004_0706-edit
Hayden Sphere with entrance to Big Bang Theater and Scales of the Universe with Saturn and Jupiter models, Rose Center for Earth and Space, February 26, 2008
ID: CC_110214_126
Show in progress, Hayden Planetarium Space Theater, Rose Center for Earth and Space, February 14, 2011
ID: CC_110214_122
Show in progress, depicting constellations, Hayden Planetarium Space Theater, Rose Center for Earth and Space, February 14, 2011
ID: K18120_32ap
Zeiss projector, Sky Theater, Hayden Planetarium [1990-1997]
ID: K18118_21p
Celestial Mechanics, Hayden Planetarium [1990-1997]
ID: K18110_21ap
ID: K18110_17ap
Distance Parallax, Hayden Planetarium [1990-1997]
ID: K18110_05ap
Theater entrance, Hayden Planetarium [1990-1997]
ID: K18110_00ap
Your Weight on Other Worlds, Hayden Planetarium [1990-1997]
ID: 335379
Dr. Kenneth Franklin, Hayden Planetarium, 1971
ID: 323981
Horizon projectors in the dome, illustration, Hayden Planetarium
ID: 323713
Young girl with Willamette Meteorite, Hayden Planetarium, 1955
ID: 323710
Joseph Chamberlain and Ahnighito meteorite, 1955
ID: 322423
View inside Planetarium dome, showing a composite of 2 photographs, 1952
ID: 320599
Sun projected on Hayden Planetarium dome, showing sunspots, May, 1949
ID: 315738
Imaginary representation of one possible cause of the End of the World, our sun vastly increasing its output of energy, painting, Hayden Planetarium, October, 1938
ID: 315568
Oil painting by Charles R. Knight illustrating the astronomical mythology of the Siksika [Blackfeet] Indians, Hayden Planetatarium, 1938
ID: 314924
Hayden Planetarium exterior, American Museum of Natural History, May, 1936
ID: 314850
Detail of edge of steel dome, showing holes and cut out fringe, with city skyline view, Hayden Planetarium, October, 1953
ID: 314290
Dr. Clyde Fisher and telescope, November, 1933
ID: 2A7217
Kenneth L. Franklin, 1963
ID: 2A5978
New control panel in booth, Thomas Nicholson and colleague, Hayden Planetarium, 1958
ID: 2A2566
Mr. Schachter, 1st Annual Space Travel Symposium, American Museum of Natural History, October, 1951
ID: 2A2565
Mr. Willy Ley, 1st Annual Space Travel Symposium, American Museum of Natural History, October, 1951
ID: 2A2564
Mr. Robert P. Haviland, 1st Annual Space Travel Symposium, American Museum of Natural History, October, 1951
ID: 2A2563
Dr. Heinz Haber, 1st Annual Space Travel Symposium, American Museum of Natural History, October, 1951
ID: 2A2562
Dr. Fred Whipple, 1st Annual Space Travel Symposium, American Museum of Natural History, October, 1951
ID: 292218
Two boys with Ahnighito, Hayden Planetarium, May, 1939
ID: 286281
Planetarium chamber showing skyline and seating, Hayden Planetarium, November, 1936
ID: 286035
Visitors looking at transparency, Hayden Planetarium, August 1936
ID: 329721
James Pickering with Ahnighito meteorite, Hayden Planetarium, 1963
ID: 338069
First floor corridor, Hayden Planetarium, 1935
ID: 337439
Construction of Hayden Planetarium, February 11, 1935
ID: 337386
Construction of the Hayden Planetarium, November 7, 1934
ID: 337384
Construction of the Hayden Planetarium, November 20, 1934
ID: 337381
Construction of the Hayden Planetarium, January 3, 1935
ID: 336155
Moving Ahnighito meteorite to place on scale, Planetarium, circa 1956
ID: 336153
Moving Ahnighito meteorite to place on scale, Planetarium [circa 1956]
ID: 336151
Ahnighito meteorite on scale, Hayden Planetarium, 1956
ID: 334306
Man on the Moon exhibit, Hayden Planetarium, 1969
ID: 334303
Your Weight on the Sun, Hayden Planetarium, 1969
ID: 334302
Your Weight on Mars, Hayden Planetarium, 1969
ID: 332069
Ahnighito meteorite on scale, Hayden Planetarium [1956-1966]
ID: 329720
Ahnighito meteorite on scale, Hayden Planetarium, 1963
ID: 329514
Your Weight on Other Worlds, Hayden Planetarium, 1963
ID: 325604
Boy with Solar Machine, Hayden Planetarium, 1958
ID: 325247
S.I. Gale, guest lecturer, explaining the Control Booth, Hayden Planetarium, 1957
ID: 325144
A space station in orbit, Planetarium satellite artwork, 1957
ID: 324610
Herschel Clock, Hayden Planetarium, 1956
ID: 324501
Ahnighito meteorite on scale, Planetarium, 1956
ID: 324499
Reading the weight of the Ahnighito meteorite, Hayden Planetarium, 1956
ID: 324413
ID: 324218
Visitors viewing Willetts Memorial Weather exhibit, Hayden Planetarium, 1956
ID: 323853
Mr. Ackerman with Earth Satellite, Hayden Planetarium, 1955
ID: 323773
World as a Gyro exhibit, Planetarium, 1955
ID: 323772
Visitors at Earth Satellite, Hayden Planetarium, 1955
ID: 323714
Joseph Chamberlain and the Willamette meteorite, Planetarium, 1955
ID: 323712
Young girl with Willamette meteorite, Hayden Planetarium, 1955
ID: 323709
Ahnighito section of the Cape York meteorite, collected in Greenland, Hayden Planetarium, March, 1955
ID: 323178
Child viewing Painting Mural of Mars showing Robert Kane, How Exhibits Are Made, 1954
ID: 322438
Airplane model, Planetarium, 1953
ID: 322437
Frank Forrester with airplane model, Planetarium, 1953
ID: 322436
Longines Presents the History of Time exhibit, Planetarium, 1953
ID: 322434
ID: 322000
Uncle Cosmo Explains the Toledo Scales, detail, Your Weight on Other Worlds exhibit, Planetarium, 1951
ID: 321767
Cadets from Admiral Farragut Academy, Pine Beach, New Jersey, at Your Weight on Other Worlds, Hayden Planetarium, 1951
ID: 321766
Group viewing Your Weight on Other Worlds, Hayden Planetarium, 1951
ID: 320960
Eugenie Clark, PhD, examining Polynesian navigation material with globe for Conquest of the Earth show, Hayden Planetarium, January 20, 1950
ID: 315980
Mr. Fred Raiser, technician, and Professor William H. Barton with Cosmic Ray Counter machine, Hayden Planetarium, 1939
ID: 314968
Ahnighito section of the the Cape York meteorite in the first floor corridor, Hayden Planetarium, June, 1936
ID: 314967
Ahnighito section of the Cape York meteorite in the first floor corridor, Hayden Planetarium, June, 1936