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ID: 46077
Looking eastward up the main street of the Christianized Indian village near the mission at Bella Coola; the mountains are purplish above the timber line, British Columbia, July 23, 1909
ID: 46074
Looking across one of the sloughs of the Bella Coola river and the main river beyond it at a point above the cannery, on the far side of the river at a slide, British Columbia, July 23, 1909
ID: 46072
Devils club in fruit, near the post office at Bella Coola In the valley, British Columbia, July 21, 1921
ID: 46070
Looking southwestward from the end of the wharf at Bella Coola showing the opposite side of the inlet; the cannery is a little further left on the far side, Bella Coola, July 21, 1909
ID: 46068
View from the eastern or upper end of the village, Alert Bay, British Columbia, 1909
ID: 46067
Village street while people were all away at the salmon canneries, totem pole visible, Alert Bay, July, 1909
ID: 46066
Main street of the village about three miles above the Rivers Inlet cannery on an island in the little lake below Owekano Lake; nettles were growing up were all away fishing at the salmon canneries and the women were working in the canneries, British Columbia, July, 1909
ID: 46065
Totem pole, west of the saw mill at the head of Rivers Inlet, British Columbia, July, 1909
ID: 46064
Looking southwestward at the second and last totem pole, west of the sawmill at the mouth of the river at the head of Rivers Inlet, British Columbia, July, 1909
ID: 46063
View southwest of the first totem pole, west of the saw mill at the head of Rivers Inlet, with buildings occupied by Hindu and Japanese saw mill laborers on the left, British Columbia, July, 1909
ID: 46062
View southwest of the first totem pole, west of the saw mill at the head of Rivers Inlet, British Columbia, July, 1909
ID: 46061
View in the cemetery south of the hospital where bureau has been placed near the grave of a woman, Alert Bay, July, 1909
ID: 46060
Painted figure of whale on top of a burial house, south of the hospital, Alert Bay, July, 1909
ID: 46058
Rear view of the painted whale and horizontal piece of wood with representations of coppers, cemetery near the hospital, Alert Bay, July, 1909
ID: 46057
Painted figure of a whale and five painted figures representing coppers, cemetery south of the hospital, Alert Bay, July, 1909
ID: 46056
Painted wood figures of a whale, men, and copper in cemetery, south of the hospital, Alert Bay, British Columbia, July, 1909
ID: 46055
Two painted wooden figures representing coppers and one representing a whale, in cemetery south of hospital, Alert Bay, British Columbia, July, 1909
ID: 46054
Painted wooden representation of a copper over grave in cemetery, south of the hospital, Alert Bay, July, 1909
ID: 46041
Chinook and Haida style canoes among the bushes along the edge of the beach, near the industrial school, Alert Bay, British Columbia, 1909
ID: 46038
Man with paddle, Alert Bay, British Columbia, July 12, 1909
ID: 46037
ID: 46036
Man with paddle, Alert Bay, British Columbia, July, 1909
ID: 46033
Carved and painted figurehead on canoe of the Haida type, Alert Bay, British Columbia, July, 1909
ID: 46032
Carved and painted figurehead on a canoe of the Haida type, Alert Bay, British Columbia, July, 1909
ID: 46031
ID: 46030
ID: 46029
ID: 46028
Post marking the northern limit of this part of the Indian reservation at Alert Bay; totem pole, Chinook type of canoe, building with the steeple is mission school, July, 1909
ID: 46026
Interior view of section of house, the boxes on the right are used for holding feast material, Alert Bay, July, 1909
ID: 46025
Totem poles and house posts, Kwakwaka'wakw, Alert Bay, British Columbia, July, 1909
ID: 46024
Totem pole and buildings, view from the north westward, Alert Bay, British Columbia, July, 1909
ID: 46023
View northward along street of Alert Bay, showing totem pole, canon, probably a Hudson's Bay gun, and building with steeple is the mission school, July, 1909
ID: 46022
Houses, totem pole, and canoes on shore, Alert Bay, British Columbia, July, 1909
ID: 46021
Looking north at village street with houses and totem poles, Alert Bay, British Columbia, July, 1909
ID: 46020
Showing cross poles weighted down at the ends with stones on the beach which serve as skids upon which to drag up the canoes, houses with totem poles behind, Alert Bay, July, 1909
ID: 46019
Looking northward along the Indian village at Alert Bay, showing totem poles and canoes; sign on the building to the left describes a copper cutting ceremony, July, 1909
ID: 46018
Representation of a copper carved on a rock in front of the Indian village, at the beach, Alert Bay, British Columbia, 1909
ID: 46017
Totem pole in front of house, canoes on the beach, Alert Bay, British Columbia, July, 1909
ID: 46015
Kwakiutl (Kwakwaka'wakw) village, canoes, houses, and totem poles, Alert Bay, British Columbia, July, 1909
ID: 46014
Kwakwaka'wakw house on the beach with elaborate totem pole and front with bird's beak which opens on festive occasions to let guests enter, July, 1909
ID: 46011
Totem pole and boats on the beach, looking north toward Kwakwaka’wakw village, from the end of the covered walk near the cannery, in the distance sawmill, store, church, and Indian agent's house, Alert Bay, British Columbia, July 15, 1909
ID: 46008
Ocean spray (spirea) used for making mat needles, tools, and weaving, British Columbia, June, 1909
ID: 46005
Interior of house, dried clams hanging from the rafters, mats on walls used to keep out wind and fish cooking on the fire...British Columbia, 1909
ID: 46004
Interior of house, dried clams hanging from the rafters, mats on walls used to keep out wind...British Columbia, 1909
ID: 46003
Songish and Chinook type of canoes on the beach, Salish village...Victoria, British Columbia, 1909
ID: 46001
Entrance to Victoria Harbor with Chinook type of canoe on the beach and clam basket, half a mile west of the Esquimalt and Nanaimo Railroad Bridge on the Songish Reserve at Victoria, British Columbia, 1909
ID: 45999
Half a mile west of the Squimalt and Nanaimo Railroad Bridge on the Songish Reserve at Victoria, looking northward from the water at Chinook canoes, June, 1909
ID: 45997
Chinook canoe and totem pole lying on the ground on the beach, houses behind, British Columbia, June, 1909
ID: 45996
Looking northward at a Chinook canoe and the general front of the village...cedar bark drying on a rack at the side of the house, British Columbia, June, 1909
ID: 45995
Nuu-chah-nulth man sanding a totem pole with sand paper wrapped around wood (after a photograph of a Haida pole), child looks on, Victoria, British Columbia, 1909
ID: 45994
Nuu-chah-nulth man sanding a totem pole (after a photograph of a Haida pole), child looks on, Victoria, British Columbia, 1909
ID: 45993
Nuu-chah-nulth man making a totem pole after a photograph of a Haida pole, child looks on, Victoria, British Columbia, 1909
ID: 45992
ID: 45990
Nootka woman weaving a hat, girl observes, Songish Reserve, west of the Esquimalt and Nanaimo railroad, British Columbia, June 28, 1909
ID: 43111
Two Cairns, North Saanich, British Columbia, 1899
ID: 43109
Tree roots shown over cairn, North Saanich, British Columbia
ID: 43108
Sockeye salmon drying by net at bridge, Lippoet River, near Douglas, British Columbia, 1897-1902
ID: 43106
Indian men and woman near mouth of Nicola Lake, British Columbia
ID: 43105
Tent buried in rock slide, explored by Teit, 10 miles up, Nicola Valley, 1899
ID: 43102
Kickulie House, Nicola Valley, British Columbia
ID: 43101
Kikulie house, Nicola Valley, British Columbia, 1899
ID: 43100
"H" shaped sweat house, framework, east side of Nicola Lake, British Columbia, 1899
ID: 43047
Cairn number 3, British Columbia, 1897-1902
ID: 43039
Artifact on display, Provincial Museum, British Columbia, 1898
ID: 43037
Specimens in Provincial Museum, Victoria, British Columbia
ID: 43035
ID: 43032
Cattails from which mats are made, Musqueam Reserve, British Columbia
ID: 43031
Shell heap, Denman Island, British Columbia [1897-1902]
ID: 43027
Building with totem pole, Comox, British Columbia, 1897-1902
ID: 43025
Grave Posts, British Columbia, 1897-1902
ID: 43024
Grave yard, Comot, British Columbia, 1898
ID: 43023
Grave yard, Comot, British Columbia, [1898]
ID: 43022
Grave post, Comot, British Columbia
ID: 43017
Rock carving, Nanaimo, British Columbia
ID: 43016
ID: 43009
Tracing of deer-like figure, Nanaimo, British Columbia
ID: 43008
Tracing of flounder and bird, deer-like figures, Nanaimo, British Columbia
ID: 43007
Human being and monster, tracing by R.D. Smith, Nanaimo, British Columbia
ID: 43006
Tracing by R.D. Smith, Nanaimo, Vancouver Island, 1897-1902
ID: 43002
Rock carving on beach, Fort Rupert, British Columbia, 1897-1902
ID: 43001
Deer skin stretched for tanning, Kamloops, British Columbia
ID: 43000
Shell heap, Fort Rupert, British Columbia, 1897-1902
ID: 42999
Gambling, Fort Rupert, 1897-1902
ID: 42997
Burial place north of bridge, Kamloops, British Columbia
ID: 42994
Man sharpening celt on stone, British Columbia, 1898
ID: 42992
Kwakiutl (Kwakwaka’wakw) women at potlatch, Fort Rupert, British Columbia
ID: 42991
Carving of a man, British Columbia, Canada, 1898
ID: 42988
Man, portrait, British Columbia, 1898
ID: 42987
ID: 42986
ID: 42984
Copper boards fastened to trees, one mile East of Fort Rupert, British Columbia
ID: 42978
Carving on rocks, Fort Rupert, British Columbia
ID: 42976
Strata and stump at Great Fraser Midden, Vancouver, British Columbia
ID: 42974
Shell heap near fence, British Columbia, 1898
ID: 42973
Shell heap, British Columbia, 1898
ID: 42972
Shell heap and stairway, British Columbia, 1898
ID: 42971
Orca whale, rock carving, half mile west of Fort Rupert, British Columbia
ID: 42970
Gambling, Fort Rupert, British Columbia, 1898
ID: 42967
Potlatch, Fort Rupert, British Columbia
ID: 42966
Albert Bay, British Columbia