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ID: 602344_28
John Lindsley Hall of Earth History
ID: 602344_22
John Lindsley Hall of Earth History [1969-1990]
ID: 602344_06
ID: 602346_17a
Entrance, Hall of Earth History [1969-1991]
ID: 61959_35
Children in the Hall of Earth History, August 1969
ID: 61958_30
John Lindsley Hall of Earth History, August 1969
ID: 602345_05a
Frontiers in Geology exhibit, Hall of Earth History [1969-1990]
ID: 600817_29
Exhibit text, Earth History Hall, October 1990
ID: 600817_25
Seismographic Globe, fourth floor, Earth History Hall, October 1990
ID: 600817_22
ID: 600817_16
Seismographic Globe and exhibit cases, Hall of Earth History, October 1990
ID: 600817_11
Small theater with benches, Earth History Hall, October 1990
ID: 600817_35
Geologic Map of New York Region, Earth History Hall, October 1990
ID: 600817_33
ID: 600817_07
Earth History Hall, Earth model in the center, October 1990
ID: 600817_04
Panel with text and entrance to exhibit area and small theater, Earth History Hall, October 1990
ID: 600815_35
Coelenterates exhibit case and sign to Museum Library entrance, Earth History Hall, October 1990
ID: 600815_33
Exhibit cases, Earth History Hall, October 1990
ID: 600815_26
View of rotating globe and exhibit cases, Earth History Hall, October 1990
ID: 600815_21
General view, Earth History Hall, October 1990
ID: 600815_18
Rotating globe and dioramas of Devonian scenes, Earth History Hall, October 1990
ID: 600815_10
ID: 600815_07
ID: 600814_35a
Exhibit cases showing Brachiopods and Mollusca, Earth History Hall, October 1990
ID: 600814_32a
Exhibit cases, showing Arthropods, Earth History Hall, October 1990
ID: 600814_26a
Wall of exhibit cases, Earth History Hall, October 1990
ID: 600814_22a
Wide view with rotating globe in the center, Earth History Hall, October 1990
ID: 600814_18a
Earth History Hall, October 1990
ID: 600814_14a
ID: 600814_11a
Rotating globe exhibit, Earth History Hall, October 1990
ID: 600814_08a
Exhibits, with rotating globe, Earth History Hall, October 1990
ID: 600814_01a
Exhibits and rotating globe, Earth History Hall, October 1990
ID: 335116
Label for Geologic Map of New York City and vicinity, Hall of Earth History, 1970
ID: 335113
Geologic Map of New York City and vicinity, Hall of Earth History, 1970
ID: 333989
Cockroaches eating dragonfly, Pennsylvanian coal forest diorama, Hall of Earth History, 1969
ID: 333988
Dragonfly, Pennsylvanian coal forest diorama, Hall of Earth History, 1969
ID: 333987
Stegocephalian amphibian, Pennsylvanian coal forest diorama, Hall of Earth History, 1969
ID: 333982
Large nautiloid cephalopod and trilobite, Ordovician diorama based on Upper Ordovician fossil site at Cincinnati, Ohio, Hall of Earth History, 1969
ID: 333981
Ordovician diorama based on Upper Ordovician fossil site at Cincinnati, Ohio, Hall of Earth History, 1969
ID: 333980
Sponges, swimming crustacea, and trilobites, Cambrian diorama based on fossil site in the Middle Cambrian Burgess Shale near Field, British Columbia, Hall of Earth History, 1969
ID: 333978
Cambrian diorama based on fossil site in the Middle Cambrian Burgess Shale near Field, British Columbia, Hall of Earth History, 1969
ID: 333977
Spiny nautiloid, sponges in background, Permian diorama based on a fossil site in West Texas, Hall of Earth History, 1969
ID: 333976
Reef, brachiopods, Permian diorama based on a fossil site in West Texas, Hall of Earth History, 1969
ID: 333975
ID: 333974
Permian diorama based on a fossil site in West Texas, Hall of Earth History, 1969
ID: 333973
Snails and clams, snail-like ammonoid cephalopod on right, Cretaceous diorama based on a fossil site in South Tennessee, Hall of Earth History, 1969
ID: 333972
Squid-like belemnite cephalopods, Cretaceous diorama based on a fossil site in South Tennessee, Hall of Earth History, 1969
ID: 333971
Snail-like ammonoid cephalopod, uncoiled ammonoid cephalopods in background, Cretaceous diorama based on a fossil site in South Tennessee, Hall of Earth History, 1969
ID: 333970
ID: 333969
Large ammonoid cephalopod, Cretaceous diorama based on a fossil site in South Tennessee, Hall of Earth History, 1969
ID: 333968
Cretaceous diorama based on a fossil site in South Tennessee, Hall of Earth History, 1969
ID: 333967
Jurassic diorama based on fossil site in Bavaria, Germany, Hall of Earth History, 1969
ID: 333966
Brittle star and spiriferid brachiopods, Mississippian diorama based on upper Mississippian fossil site at Crawfordsville, Indiana, Hall of Earth History, 1969
ID: 333965
Crinoid echinoderm calyx (crown), Mississippian diorama based on upper Mississippian fossil site at Crawfordsville, Indiana, Hall of Earth History, 1969
ID: 333964
Crinoid echinoderms, Mississippian diorama based on upper Mississippian fossil site at Crawfordsville, Indiana, Hall of Earth History, 1969
ID: 333963
Bryozoan, Archimedes, Mississippian diorama based on upper Mississippian fossil site at Crawfordsville, Indiana, Hall of Earth History, 1969
ID: 333962
Mississippian diorama based on upper Mississippian fossil site at Crawfordsville, Indiana, Hall of Earth History, 1969
ID: 333961
Rugose corals and trilobites, Devonian diorama based on fossil site in Central New York, Hall of Earth History, 1969
ID: 333960
Straight nautiloid cephalopod and coiled nautiloid cephalopod, Devonian diorama based on fossil site in Central New York, Hall of Earth History, 1969
ID: 333959
Spiny trilobite, Devonian diorama based on fossil site in Central New York, Hall of Earth History, 1969
ID: 333958
Devonian diorama based on fossil site in Central New York, Hall of Earth History, 1969
ID: 333957
Eurypterid (sea scorpion) and snail, Silurian diorama based on fossil site near Rochester, New York, Hall of Earth History, 1969
ID: 333956
Eurypterid (sea scorpion) and worm, Silurian diorama based on fossil site near Rochester, New York, Hall of Earth History, 1969
ID: 333955
Eurypterid (sea scorpion) attacking swimming crustacean, Silurian diorama based on fossil site near Rochester, New York, Hall of Earth History, 1969
ID: 333954
Silurian diorama based on fossil site near Rochester, New York, Hall of Earth History, 1969
ID: 333953
Large sea urchin with solitary rugose corals, Pennsylvanian diorama based on fossil site in north central Texas, Hall of Earth History, 1969
ID: 333952
Large solitary rugose corals, Pennsylvanian diorama based on fossil site in north central Texas, Hall of Earth History, 1969
ID: 333951
Coiled nautiloid cephalopod, Pennsylvanian diorama based on fossil site in north central Texas, Hall of Earth History, 1969
ID: 333950
Brachiopods with sea urchin in background, Pennsylvanian diorama based on fossil site in north central Texas, Hall of Earth History, 1969
ID: 333949
ID: 333948
ID: 333947
Pennsylvanian diorama based on fossil site in north central Texas, Hall of Earth History, 1969
ID: 333905
Globe of the World, Hall of Earth History, 1969
ID: 333904
Globe of the earth, Hall of Earth History, [1969]
ID: 333902
Sidney Horenstein and Seismographic Globe, Hall of Earth History, 1969
ID: 333901
Globe of the World, Hall of Earth History, [circa 1969]
ID: 333900
Globe of the World, Hall of Earth History [1969]
ID: 327742
Key to Cambrian submarine landscape restoration, Hall of Earth History, 1961
ID: 318465
Cambrian marine landscape, revised painting by John Bowen, W.P.A. artist, possibly for Earth History Hall [circa 1941-1961]
ID: 2A9849
Vincent Manson adjusting instruments on Seismographic Globe, Hall of Earth History, 1969
ID: 2A9848
Seismographic Globe, Hall of Earth History, 1969
ID: 2A9839
Diorama of carboniferous Pennsylvania coal forest, Earth History Hall, 1969
ID: 2A9838
Diorama, based on Cambrian fossil site in Middle Cambrian Burgess Shale near Field, British Columbia, Hall of Earth History, 1969
ID: 2A9837
Diorama based on Upper Ordovician fossil site, Cincinnati, Ohio, Hall of Earth History, 1969
ID: 2A9764
Pennsylvanian diorama based on a fossil site in north-central Texas, Earth History Hall, 1968
ID: 2A9764a
ID: 2A9763
Permian diorama based on a fossil site in west Texas, Earth History Hall, 1968
ID: 2A9763a
ID: 2A9762
Devonian diorama based on a fossil site in central New York, Earth History Hall, 1968
ID: 2A9762a
ID: 2A9761
Silurian diorama based on a fossil site near Rochester, New York, Earth History Hall, 1968
ID: 2A9761a
ID: 2A9760
Cretaceous diorama based on a fossil site in south Tennessee, Earth History Hall, 1968
ID: 2A9759
Jurassic diorama based on a fossil site in Bavaria, Earth History Hall, 1968
ID: 2A9759a
ID: 2A9758
Diorama based on upper Mississippian fossil site at Crawfordsville, Indiana, Earth History Hall, 1968
ID: 2A9758a
ID: ptc-1702
Geologic map, New York region
ID: ptc-1588
Cretaceous period diorama depicting fossil site of Coon Creek, Tennessee, Hall of Earth History, 1969
ID: ptc-1587
Devonian diorama based on fossil site in central New York, Hall of Earth History, 1969