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ID: 37962
American Robin Group, first habitat bird group in the American Museum of Natural History, Local Birds, 1920
ID: 325667
Diving Ducks, Birds of New York Region, Roosevelt Memorial Building, 1957
ID: 340
Bird Found Within 50 Miles of New York City, [Local Birds, 1894-1936]
ID: 325681
Flycatchers, Larks, Swallows, Birds of New York Region, Roosevelt Memorial Building, 1957
ID: 325680
Rails, Gallinules, Coots, Birds of New York Region, Roosevelt Memorial Building, 1957
ID: 325679
Gulls, Birds of New York Region, Roosevelt Memorial Building, 1957
ID: 325678
Eagles, Ospreys, Birds of New York Region, Roosevelt Memorial Building, 1957
ID: 325677
Kites, Buteos, Birds of New York Region, Roosevelt Memorial Building, 1957
ID: 325676
Falcons, Quails, Pheasants, Grouse, Birds of New York Region, Roosevelt Memorial Building, 1957
ID: 325675
Vultures, Harries, Accipiters, Birds of New York Region, Roosevelt Memorial Building, 1957
ID: 325674
Geese, Swans, Birds of New York Region, Roosevelt Memorial Building, 1957
ID: 325673
Finches, Birds of New York Region, Roosevelt Memorial Building, 1957
ID: 325672
Surface-feeding Ducks, Birds of New York Region, Roosevelt Memorial Building, 1957
ID: 325671
Pigeons, Cuckoos, Owls, Birds of New York Region, Roosevelt Memorial Building, 1957
ID: 325669
Woodcock, Snipe, Sandpipers, Birds of New York Region, Roosevelt Memorial Building, 1957
ID: 325668
ID: 325666
Finches, Sparrows, Birds of New York Region, Roosevelt Memorial Building, 1957
ID: 325665
Petrels, Tropic-birds, Pelicans, Birds of New York Region, Roosevelt Memorial Building, 1957
ID: 325664
Gulls, Auks, Birds of New York Region, Roosevelt Memorial Building, 1957
ID: 325663
Skuas, Godwits, Phalaropes, Avocets, Birds of New York Region, Roosevelt Memorial Building, 1957
ID: 325662
Loons, Grebes, Birds of New York Region, Roosevelt Memorial Building, 1957
ID: 325661
Birds of New York Region, sandpipers, Roosevelt Memorial Building, 1957
ID: 325660
Warblers, Birds of New York Region, Roosevelt Memorial Building, 1957
ID: 325658
Crows, Nuthatches, Titmice, Creepers, Wrens, Mockingbirds, Birds of New York Region, Roosevelt Memorial Building, 1957
ID: 325657
Orioles, Tanagers, Blackbirds, Starlings, Birds of New York Region, Roosevelt Memorial Building, 1957
ID: 325656
Kinglets, Vireoes, Pipits, Waxwings, Thrushes, Shrikes, Birds of New York Region, Roosevelt Memorial Building, 1957
ID: 325655
Herons, Ibises, Birds of New York Region, Roosevelt Memorial Building, 1957
ID: 325654
Hummingbirds, Nightjars, Swifts, Kingfishers, Woodpeckers, Birds of New York Region, Roosevelt Memorial Building, 1957
ID: 325653
ID: 325652
Terns, Birds of New York Region, Roosevelt Memorial Building, 1957
ID: 325650
Plovers, oyster-catchers, turnstones, Birds of New York Region, Roosevelt Memorial Building, 1957
ID: 325642
Bird Nests, Birds of New York Region, Roosevelt Memorial Building, 1957
ID: 325641
ID: 325640
ID: 325639
ID: 325638
ID: 323968
Visitor viewing Birds of New York Region, sapsuckers, woodpeckers, and night hawks, Roosevelt Building, 1955