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ID: ptc-2810
Group standing in front of American Museum of Natural History, opening of Asante Kingdom of Gold exhibit, Central Park entrance, 1984
ID: 292978
Group with Equestrian Statue at the entrance to the Roosevelt Memorial, American Museum of Natural History, October, 1940
ID: 292977
Group with Equestrian Statue at the entrance to the Roosevelt Memorial, view from the south, American Museum of Natural History, October, 1940
ID: 292972
ID: 292966
Equestrian Statue at the entrance to the Roosevelt Memorial, American Museum of Natural History, October, 1940
ID: 292963
Installing the Equestrian Statue at the entrance to the Roosevelt Memorial, American Museum of Natural History, October, 1940
ID: 314092
Entrance to Roosevelt Memorial and Roosevelt statue, under construction, American Museum of Natural History, December, 1932
ID: 314091
ID: 314090
Facade of entrance to Roosevelt Memorial under construction, with photograph of Roosevelt statue placed on top, American Museum of Natural History, December, 1932
ID: 337704
Drawing of Central Park Promenade from steps of American Museum of Natural History by Theodore Kautzky, circa 1940
ID: 100110928
Study Showing the Approach from the West Driveway of Central Park to the Eastern Facade of the American Museum of Natural History and New York State Roosevelt Memorial, June 3, 1930
ID: 100213323_10
New York State Theodore Roosevelt Memorial, postcard
ID: 100213323_08
77th Street facade of the American Museum of Natural History, New York City, postcard
ID: 100213323_02
77th Street facade of the American Museum of Natural History, New York City, postcard [no date]
ID: 62169_09
Parade banner outside the Museum, Macy's and All New York Salute the 100th Anniversary of the Museum of Natural History, 1869-1969, 77th Street and Central Park West, November 1969
ID: 62166_11
The Dinosaur, Macy's Parade float, outside American Museum of Natural History, Central Park West, November, 1969
ID: 62158_21a
Dinosaur balloon over crowds, Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, American Museum of Natural History, Central Park West and 77th Street, November 1969
ID: 62157_14a
Dinosaur float, Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, 77th Street and Central Park West, American Museum of Natural History, November 1969
ID: 62156_12a
Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade banner outside the Museum reading, "Macy's and All New York Salute the 100th Anniversary of the Museum of Natural History, 1869-1969." 77th Street and Central Park West, November 1969
ID: 62152_13a
Dinosaur balloon and elephant float, Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, American Museum of Natural History, Central Park West, November 1969
ID: 62151_07a
Dinosaur float, Macy's Parade, American Museum of Natural History, Central Park West, November 1969
ID: 67059_25a
Dino the Dinosaur, Macy's Parade balloon, American Museum of Natural History, November, 1977
ID: 63864_36a
Woman assisting visitors at information desk, [Rotunda], 1970
ID: 63864_32a
ID: 602634_30
First ticket sales, Central Reservations, Main Entrance, Central Park West, 1996
ID: 602634_20
ID: 602634_12
ID: 319422
Proposed design for the alteration and addition to the American Museum of Natural History
ID: 317620
Facade of the New York State Theodore Roosevelt Building, showing statue in position, [main Museum entrance, Central Park West] October, 1940
ID: 313675
Detail of Delmont Plan, Museum and Central Park, Charles Delmont, 1931
ID: 310826
Drawing for Roosevelt Memorial Hall
ID: 2A6109
Crowds visiting Museum, main entrance at Central Park West, 1956
ID: 2A5958
Cleaning bronzework, Roosevelt Memorial, Central Park West entrance, 1952
ID: 411186
Grave board, British Columbia
ID: 286253
School group entering the Roosevelt Memorial from Museum steps facing Central Park West, October, 1936
ID: psc-23-24
Origami Christmas tree, American Museum of Natural History, 1988
ID: psc-23-18
Origami Christmas Tree, American Museum of Natural History, 1987
ID: psc-23-17a
ID: psc-23-16
ID: psc-23-12
Origami Christmas Tree, American Museum of Natural History, 1980
ID: psc-23-8
Origami Christmas Tree, American Museum of Natural History, 1976-1977
ID: psc-23-1a
Origami Christmas Tree, American Museum of Natural History, 1973
ID: ptc-6788
Central Park West entrance from the North with banners for Global Warming exhibit, American Museum of Natural History, 1992
ID: ptc-6028
Barosaurus, detail of neck vertebrae in mount, Theodore Roosevelt Rotunda, American Museum of Natural History
ID: ptc-3394
Roosevelt Memorial by John Russel Pope, 1926
ID: ptc-2774
Group of world scientists, American Museum of Natural History main entrance, Ancestors Exhibition, 1984
ID: ptc-2646
Theodore Roosevelt Memorial, Central Park West entrance, American Museum of Natural History, 1970s
ID: ptc-1090
American Museum of Natural History, aerial view
ID: ptc-7810
Proposed Roosevelt Memorial Facade
ID: ptc-6927
American Museum of Natural History, Central Park West facade, ca. 1989
ID: 481
Main Hall, American Museum of Natural History, 1895
ID: K12305
Entrance banner for Asian Peoples exhibit, American Museum of Natural History
ID: 286254
Boys' class entering Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Hall, 1936
ID: 336362
American Museum of Natural History exterior, Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Building, Central Park West
ID: 32051
American Museum of Natural History, 1908