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ID: 331930
Permian Amphibians and Reptiles of the Karroo of South Africa, mural section, Brontosaur Hall [1941-1966]
ID: 331929
Jurassic Reptiles of North America, Diplodocus, mural section, [Brontosaur Hall, 1941-1966]
ID: 331928
Jurassic Reptiles of North America, section of mural, Brontosaur Hall [1941-1966]
ID: 331927
ID: 331926
Beginning of the Age of Dinosaurs in Western North American, section of mural, Brontosaur Hall [1941-1966]
ID: 331940
Brontosaurus, mural section, Brontosaur Hall [1941-1954]
ID: 331939
Paleoscincus mural, Brontosaur Hall [1941-1954]
ID: 331938
Ornithomimus mural, Brontosaurus Hall [1941-1954]
ID: 331937
Cricotus and Varanosaurus murals, Brontosaurus Hall [1941-1954]
ID: 331936
Lycaenops and Jonkeria mural, Brontosaurus Hall [1941-1954]
ID: 322833
Cretaceous Dinosaurs and Marine Reptiles, blueprint for chalk murals, Jurassic Dinosaur Hall [1941-1954]
ID: 322832
Jurassic Dinosaurs, blueprint for chalk murals, Jurassic Dinosaur Hall [1941-1954]
ID: 322831
Early Amphibians and Reptiles, blueprint for chalk murals, Jurassic Dinosaur Hall [1941-1954]
ID: ptc-222
Dinosaurs That Lived Together, Mesozoic landscape, Mural panel, Hall of Early Dinosaurs [circa 1935-1960]
ID: 338167
Eclipse of the Sun, painting by Howard Russell Butler, Hayden Planetarium [circa 1934-1950]
ID: 37953p
Autumn in New Jersey with a Giant Beaver and a Deer Moose, 1919, oil on canvas, mural by Charles R. Knight, Hall of the Age of Man [1919-1966]
ID: 39130
Mammoth and Cro-Magnon man exhibits, [Hall of the Age of Man, circa 1911-1950]
ID: 32509
Mural decoration, Eskimo Hall, [1909]