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ID: 34765
Standing next to section of Copper Queen Mine model, 1916
ID: 34764
Working on Copper Queen Mine model, 1916
ID: 322418
Thomas Voter working on Aurora Borealis black light mural, Hayden Planetarium, March, 1953
ID: ptc-1827
Robert Kane painting moon mural, Hayden Planetarium
ID: ptc-1543
Robert Kane painting mural of the moon
ID: 327667
Charles R. Knight working on model for the American Museum of Natural History
ID: 298760
Artist Belmore Browne paints background for Mountain Goat diorama depicting Alaska, Hall of North American Mammals, May, 1946
ID: 291025p
Oskar Granstedt, Museum tanner, working on the hide of a moose, which is to be applied to the reconstructed animal model, February, 1939
ID: 291023p
Mr. Robert Scherer assembling artificial blossoms for dogwood branches for the bird sanctuary group in the Roosevelt Memorial, February, 1939
ID: 291022p
George E. Petersen assembling paper reproductions of a grass-like plant which is found growing on tree trunks in Hawaii, February, 1939
ID: 313433
Ushinosuke Narahara preparing wax flowers, February, 1931
ID: 314886
Ushinosuke Narahara with miniature group he prepared, Ojibwa Birch Bark Industry, April, 1936
ID: 35002
Preparators at work, Exhibition Preparation, 1900
ID: 37154
Albert Operti working on the Lemur Group diorama, Mammals of the World (Hall of Mammals), June, 1918
ID: 336423
Raymond deLucia preparing Wood Ibis (Stork) Group, Hall of North American Birds, 1975
ID: 327681
Artist Charles R. Knight at work in his Bronxville studio, 1911
ID: 327677
Artist Charles R. Knight, painting a lion from life, about 1905
ID: 327669
Group portrait, with artist Charles R. Knight as very young man, in white jacket, top row, about 1900
ID: 327152
Construction of Japanese Bird Group, Hall of Birds of the World, 1959-1960
ID: 324676
Museum artist Ray DeLucia making giant oak leaf for exhibit, 1956
ID: 322219
Constructing the Moa Group for the Whitney Hall, April, 1952
ID: 322215
George Adams constructing the Moa Group for the Whitney Hall, April, 1952
ID: 322209
ID: 318233
Mr. Belmore Browne painting background for Alaska Bear Group, Hall of North American Mammals, February, 1941
ID: 317663
Robert H. Rockwell at work on clay model of Alaskan brown bear, 1940
ID: 317631
Mr. Belmore Browne and Dr. James L. Clark with sketch model of Alaska Brown Bear Group, November, 1940
ID: 317575
Carlton E. McKinley working on cactus plant, September, 1940
ID: 315713
Styracosaurus, model by Otto Falkenbach, American Museum of Natural History, August, 1938
ID: 315136
Mr. Alastair Brown working on skeleton of Pterodactylus elegans, February, 1937
ID: 314460
Dr. James L. Clark with models of lions, July, 1937
ID: 312179
Robert Rockwell modeling male giraffe for Waterhole Group, 1928
ID: 19731
Ignaz Matausch (1859-1915), Museum artist and entomologist
ID: 19730
ID: 19625
Mr. Bell casting modeled figures of man and boy, Hopi Group, 1915
ID: 296656
Paul Wright sketching background in the Jaguar Group, Hall of North American Mammals, April, 1942
ID: 34226
Charles R. Knight, Museum artist, ca. 1914
ID: 34068
Preparing model of common house fly [ca. 1943]
ID: 31884
Series illustrating construction of composition cases: pouring the mold, 1907
ID: 296649
Fred Mason, Fred Scherer, and Charles Tornell removing ram from Bighorn Sheep group, Hall of North American Mammals, April, 1942
ID: 19995
Modeler [Chris E. Olsen] observing marine group, [Darwin Hall], 1916
ID: 19994
Modeler [Chris E. Olsen] looking at marine group, [Darwin Hall], 1916
ID: 338000p
Gallery, section 1, third floor, 1883
ID: 296558
Fred Mason laying ground work for Bison Group, Hall of North American Mammals, 1941
ID: 324464
Ray deLucia building tree for Western Pine Forest Group, 1956
ID: 120411
Indian lion, complete manikin, 1930
ID: 120407
Making Akeley manikins, lion, 1930
ID: 276302
W. R. Leigh painting background studies, Carlisle-Clark African Expedition, 1929
ID: 286783
James L. Clark making model of African Lion Group for American Museum of Natural History, Carlisle-Clark African Expedition, [1928]
ID: 276196
R. C. Raddatz making leaf molds, Carlisle-Clark African Expedition, 1929
ID: 34259
Model of Copper Queen Mine, Bisbee Arizona, Geology Hall, 1914
ID: 330136
Charles H. Alston and mural, The Origin and Structure of Life, Hall of Invertebrates, 1964
ID: 323178
Child viewing Painting Mural of Mars showing Robert Kane, How Exhibits Are Made, 1954
ID: 323008
Installing diorama, Fossil Fish Alcove, 1954
ID: 2A9755
Robert Kane painting Lunar Landscape, Planetarium, 1968
ID: 297762
Walter Favreau building a model of Ptolemaic theory of the solar system, Hayden Planetarium, 1943
ID: 322422p
Working on black light mural, Total Solar Eclipse: Moon Between Sun and Earth, Hayden Planetarium, 1953
ID: 338501
Working on Museum model
ID: 314068
Mr. Mason working on accessories for Congo Bird Group, Hall of Birds of the World, 1932
ID: 311795
Rounding out the clay model of the East Indian Ox, 1926
ID: 323199
Painting mural for surface of the moon, Hayden Planetarium, 1953
ID: 322413
Painting Hayden Planetarium mural, 1953
ID: 322408
Total Solar Eclipse, Hayden Planetarium mural, 1953
ID: ptc-3137
Artists William R. Leigh and Arthur A. Jansson making studies for the Klipspringer Group, Akeley Hall of African Mammals, Lukenya Hills, Kenya, 1926-1927
ID: ptc-1037
Preparing birds for Flying Bird Group
ID: ptc-1035
Belmore Brown painting new background for Mountain Goat group, Hall of North American Mammals
ID: ptc-1044
ID: ptc-1043
ID: ptc-171
Preparation of bird group, Birds of the World, American Museum of Natural History
ID: ptc-7694
Gertrude Legendre, Steve Quinn, and Anne Sidamon-Eristoff in front of Mountain Nyala diorama, Akeley Memorial Hall of African Mammals, 1998
ID: ptc-6633
Preparators Jeanne Kelly and Marilyn Fox paint background for bones of the Cretaceous fish Xiphactinus, with skeletal cast overhead, Hall of Vertebrate Origins, 1996
ID: ptc-6643
Jeanne Kelly preparing Xiphactinus, Hall of Vertebrate Origins, 1996
ID: ptc-6642
ID: ptc-6641
David McCornack preparing Tylosaurus, Hall of Vertebrate Origins, 1996
ID: ptc-6634
Jeanne Kelly and Marilyn Fox paint background for Cretaceous fish Xiphactinus, with skeletal cast overhead, Hall of Vertebrate Origins, 1996
ID: 293631
James Perry Wilson painting the Wapiti Elk Group background, Hall of North American Mammals, 1941
ID: 36428
Mounting African elephant in Akeley studio, American Museum of Natural History, 1917
ID: 38604
Mounted elephant in Mr. Akeley's studio, American Museum of Natural History, 1920
ID: 283075
Mounting elephants, 5th floor, Preparation, 1935
ID: 284792
Museum preparators with mounted African elephant, 5th Floor Preparation, 1935
ID: 327678
Charles R. Knight with elephant head sculpture for Bronx Zoo Elephant House, New York
ID: 314328b
James L. Clark preparing model of lioness, 1934
ID: 314328a
James L. Clark preparing model of lioness, American Museum of Natural History, 1934
ID: 323121
Lighting construction in Timberline Group, Forestry Hall, 1954
ID: 412302
Old Mastiff "Lou," sketch by Charles Robert Knight, age 12, Brooklyn, 1886
ID: 410841
Carl Ethan Akeley working on "At Bay," plasteline model, American Museum of Natural History, New York
ID: 410840
Carl Ethan Akeley at work on "At Bay," plasteline model, American Museum of Natural History
ID: 410839
Carl Ethan Akeley with "At Bay," plasteline model, New York
ID: 287289
D. Owen Stephens sketching skyline of Andes at eclipse site, Cerro de Pasco, Peru, 1937
ID: K11728
Working on Komodo dragon, Hall of Reptiles and Amphibians
ID: K11727
Working on wild boar in Komodo dragon exhibit, Hall of Reptiles and Amphibians
ID: K11726
ID: K11725
Working on Komodo dragon exhibit, Hall of Reptiles and Amphibians
ID: K11724
ID: 64165
Making accessories for Reptile Hall, 1972
ID: 332578
Ray deLucia and Matt Kalmenoff working on Killer Whale Group, Hall of Ocean Life, 1967
ID: 330591
Carl Akeley creating model of bull elephant for Elephant Group, 1914
ID: 329637
Building model for proposed Hall of Pacific Peoples, 1963
ID: 329258
Working on Condor Group, Birds of the World, 1963
ID: 328448
Bob Kane painting mural, Leonard C. Sanford Hall of North American Birds, 1961
ID: 327772
Working on panel for Biology of Man, 1961