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ID: K14286
Large-billed puffin, painted by Daniel Giraud Elliot
ID: K3004
Artist Belmore Browne paints background for Mountain Goat diorama depicting Alaska, Hall of North American Mammals [1946]
ID: K3005
Artist Belmore Brown paints background for Mountain Goat diorama, Hall of North American Mammals
ID: ls-262-017
Neolithic man of Campignian Stage, mural by Charles R. Knight
ID: ppc_532_b06_f100_017
Ignaz Marausch constructing flea model, preparation folder
ID: ppc_532_b14_f143_064
James L. Clark and G. D. Christensen with lion models, clipping from New York Times, October 2, 1934
ID: ppc_533_b08_f160_012
Man with bear cub, photographs mounted to card, for use in Alaska Brown Bear Group, Hall of North American Mammals
ID: ppc_533_b11_f243_002
Man holding plant specimen intended for use in Gorilla Group diorama, photographs mounted to card
ID: ppc_533_b11_f245_001
Museum artists painting, Leukenia Hill, field photograph mounted to card, for use in Klipspringer Group, Akeley Hall of African Mammals
ID: ppc_533_b12_f254_009
Group portraits from expedition to Africa, photographs mounted to card
ID: ppc_533_b14_f294_004
Landscape, camp site, expedition team, photographs for use in Florida Black Bear Group, Hall of North American Mammals
ID: ptc-1035
Belmore Brown painting new background for Mountain Goat group, Hall of North American Mammals
ID: ptc-1037
Preparing birds for Flying Bird Group
ID: ptc-1043
ID: ptc-1044
ID: ptc-1543
Robert Kane painting mural of the moon
ID: ptc-171
Preparation of bird group, Birds of the World, American Museum of Natural History
ID: ptc-1827
Robert Kane painting moon mural, Hayden Planetarium
ID: ptc-3137
Artists William R. Leigh and Arthur A. Jansson making studies for the Klipspringer Group, Akeley Hall of African Mammals, Lukenya Hills, Kenya, 1926-1927
ID: ptc-6633
Preparators Jeanne Kelly and Marilyn Fox paint background for bones of the Cretaceous fish Xiphactinus, with skeletal cast overhead, Hall of Vertebrate Origins, 1996
ID: ptc-6634
Jeanne Kelly and Marilyn Fox paint background for Cretaceous fish Xiphactinus, with skeletal cast overhead, Hall of Vertebrate Origins, 1996
ID: ptc-6641
David McCornack preparing Tylosaurus, Hall of Vertebrate Origins, 1996
ID: ptc-6642
Jeanne Kelly preparing Xiphactinus, Hall of Vertebrate Origins, 1996
ID: ptc-6643
ID: ptc-7694
Gertrude Legendre, Steve Quinn, and Anne Sidamon-Eristoff in front of Mountain Nyala diorama, Akeley Memorial Hall of African Mammals, 1998