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ID: nnc-m36v47-vhc-u036
Man holding nest with eggs, Penang to Budiman, May, 1935
ID: 115521
Nest of Black wren, Samarai, Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 115441
Pigeon egg in nest, Solomon Islands, [1928]
ID: 115442
Young pigeon (C. pestrinaria) in nest, Solomon Islands, [1928]
ID: 114703
Thickhead nest Kaudavu Island, Fiji, 1925
ID: 115684
Kingfisher nest, Meganum, (Madang Province), Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 115587
Nest of white-breasted ground dove, Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 115579
Pitta nest, egg in entrance, Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 115586
Nest with eggs, Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 115602
ID: 115588
Pitta nest in situ, Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 115589
Rollo Howard Beck examines pitta nest, Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 115580
Nest of red cap dove, Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 115590
Pitta nest and Rollo Howard Beck, Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 115656
Man in tree and kingfisher nest, Meganum, (Madang Province), Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 115685
Nest of kingfisher and man in rubber tree, Meganum, (Madang Province), Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 115601
Nest of pitta under fern, Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 115672
Swallows nest on veranda of B. P. store, Meganum, (Madang Province), Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 115600
Close up of pitta nest with egg, Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 31679
Heath Hen Group, March 20, 1907
ID: 31678
ID: 31677
ID: 114759
Nest and two young white-eyes, Kandavu Island, Fiji, 1925
ID: 114712
Fantail's nest with one egg, Fiji, 1925
ID: 115428
Young fly-catcher in nest, Fiji
ID: 108751
A nest of dinosaur eggs in-situ with weathered out eggs in foreground, in the red Cretaceous sandstone at Djadokhta, Mongolia, August, 1923
ID: 990317-1-p45-001188
Wasp nest, Parachartergus amazonensis, collected by James M. Carpenter and Amy Davidson, San Pedro, Peru, March 17, 1999
ID: 990317-1-p45-001187
ID: 981016-1-p45-001194
Wasp nest, Metapolybia undetermined, collected by James M. Carpenter, Placido de Castro, Brazil, October 16, 1998
ID: 981007-1-p45-001186
Wasp nest, Polybia undetermined, collected by James M. Carpenter, Reserva Catuaba, Brazil, December 7, 1998
ID: 980426-1-p45-001193
Wasp nest, Eustenogaster undetermined, collected by James M. Carpenter, Khe Bo, Vietnam, April 26, 1998
ID: 971229-1-p45-001178
Wasp nest, Protopolybia nitida, collected by Alain Dejan, Cayenne, French Guiana, December 29, 1997
ID: 971222-2-p45-001181
Wasp nest, Angiopolybia pallens collected by Alain Dejean, Cayenne, French Guiana, December 22, 1997
ID: 970717-1-p45-001184
Wasp nest, Polybia bistriata, collected by James M. Carpenter, Parque Nacional Monte Pascoal, Brazil, July 17, 1997
ID: 970717-1-p45-001183
ID: 970717-1-p45-001182
ID: 970418-3-p45-001192
Wasp nest, Chartergus globiventris, collected by James M. Carpenter and Amy Davidson, Ipixuna, Brazil, April 18, 1997
ID: 960331-1-p45-001177
Wasp nest, Protopolybia exigua binominata, collected by James M. Carpenter and Amy Davidson, Altos de Campana, Panama, March 31, 1996
ID: 901220-1-p45-001200
Wasp nest, Leipomeles dorsata, collected by James M. Carpenter and John W. Wenzel, Loreto, Peru, 80 km northeast of Iquitos, December 20, 1990
ID: 060207-4-p45-001173
Wasp nest, Chartergus undetermined, collected from Guyana in the vicinity of the Mazaruni River near the Venezuela border
ID: 060425-2-p45-001176
Wasp nest, Polybia scutellaris, collected by Jefferies Wyman, Uruguay
ID: 060425-2-p45-001169
ID: 001119-1-p45-001172
Wasp nest, Dolichovespula maculata, collected by Louis N. Sorkin, Rye Brook, New York, November 19, 2000
ID: 102799
The toad eats the gray slug that leaves a shiny track, slug with eggs on leaf, enlarged, insects and butterflies series, circa 1900
ID: 600827_28
Dinosaur skeleton with nest of eggs, Hall of Late Dinosaurs, November 1990
ID: 602016_30
Visitors viewing Dinosaurs and Their Eggs exhibit, Hall of Late Dinosaurs [circa 1966]
ID: 602016_27
ID: 314661
Mounted skeleton of Protoceratops andrewsi and model of the nest, 1935
ID: 19757
[Nest with eggs and bald eagle]
ID: 19668
[Forestry and logging images, nest of eggs in tree trunk and men felling and moving trees out of the woods, circa 1880-1900]
ID: 102108
Aquatic bird with egg on the rocks, Juan Fernandez, December, 1913
ID: 102008
Bird at nest with eggs, Hoste Island, Chile, December, 1914
ID: 102007
Bird in nest with eggs, Hoste Island, Chile, December, 1914
ID: 102006
Bird in nest under rock overhang, Hoste Island, Chile, December, 1914
ID: 102005
ID: 102004
Bird with eggs in nest, Hoste Island, Chile, December, 1914
ID: 102003
ID: 102002
Nest with eggs, Hoste Island, Chile, December, 1914
ID: 102000
ID: 101999
Egg among the rocks, Hoste Island, Chile, December, 1914
ID: 101998
Sitting near the water close to eggs in nest, Hoste Island, Chile, December, 1914
ID: 101997
Nest with feathers, Chile, December, 1914
ID: 101996
Bird in nest, Hoste Island, Chile, December, 1914
ID: 101993
Bird eggs in nest, sea bird group, Chile, December, 1914
ID: 101992
ID: 101990
Nest with eggs near the shore, Chile, December, 1914
ID: 101987
Bird next to egg and nest, Chile, December, 1914
ID: 101986
Egg in nest, Chile, December, 1914
ID: 101985
Bird egg in nest, Chile, December, 1914
ID: 101984
Bird egg, Chile, December, 1914
ID: 101980
Eggs in bird nest at the coast, [Chile], December, 1914
ID: 101979
ID: 101978
ID: 101976
Albatross, penguins, steamer ducks, shearwaters, sterna [...], oyster catcher, kelp goose, petrels, bird group at the water, detail, [Chile], December, 1914
ID: 101975
Albatross nesting, bird group at the water, [Chile], December, 1914
ID: 101974
ID: 101958
Plover nest, Chile, December, 1915
ID: 101957
ID: 101956
Bird nest with eggs, Chile, December, 1915
ID: 101955
Bird nest, Chile, December, 1915
ID: 101954
Skuas, Chile, January, 1915
ID: 101953
Skua eggs in nest, Chile, January, 1915
ID: 45644
Section of nest of mound-building ant, Formica exsectoides, New Jersey, 1906
ID: 45643
ID: 45642
Section of nest of mound-building ant, Formica exsectoides, covered with grass and moss, New Jersey, 1906
ID: 45641
ID: 45640
ID: 45639
Section of nest of mound-building ant, Formica exsectoides, with hat, New Jersey, 1906
ID: 45638
ID: 45637
Nest of mound-building ant, Formica exsectoides, New Jersey, 1906
ID: 45636
ID: 31523
Paper ant nest
ID: 14106
Ostriches and eggs, Natal, Africa, 1910
ID: 325642
Bird Nests, Birds of New York Region, Roosevelt Memorial Building, 1957
ID: 325641
ID: 325640
ID: 325639
ID: 325638
ID: 31949
Golden Eagle Habitat Group, Wyoming, [Hall of North American Birds]
ID: 2A6709
Osprey on nest