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ID: 107956
Rollo H. Beck and Louis, ship engineer, in workshop with frigate bird specimen, aboard schooner the France
ID: 117458
A mouse for Kaikai, boy and Rollo Beck with cat, Sevia, Papua New Guinea, [1928-1929]
ID: 117448
Picking corn, Papua New Guinea, [1928-1929]
ID: 117449
Children with ant nests, Papua New Guinea, [1928-1929]
ID: 117438
Teacher and children before school, Papua New Guinea, [1928-1929]
ID: 117439
Teacher and four scholars outside building, Papua New Guinea [1928-1929]
ID: 117457
Ida May Menzies Beck studies headdress, Sevia, Papua New Guinea, [1928-1929]
ID: 117446
Drummers, Meganum, (Madang Province), Papua New Guinea, [1928]
ID: 117464
Men in canoe with sail up, Papua New Guinea, [1928]
ID: 117437
Men watching Rollo Howard Beck at work, Meganum, (Madang Province), Papua New Guinea, [1928]
ID: 115600
Close up of pitta nest with egg, Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 115633
Digging holes for taro planting, Meganum, (Madang Province), Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 115634
Clearing for garden on mountainside, Meganum, (Madang Province), Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 115759
Women planting banana plants after rain, Meganum, (Madang Province), Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 115593
Pastor's children with bundles, Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 115681
Government boat, Meganum, (Madang Province), Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 115710
D. O. hears a case at Keku, Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 115672
Swallows nest on veranda of B. P. store, Meganum, (Madang Province), Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 115872
Woman with two baskets seated against tree, Meganum, (Madang Province), Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 115606
Women clearing jungle, Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 115731
Ida May Menzies Beck cooks supper in mountains while group looks on, Sevia, Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 115670
Men playing soccer under palm trees, Meganum, (Madang Province), Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 115665
Dancers resting, Meganum, (Madang Province), Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 115729
Wild figs growing on tree trunk, Sevia, Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 115704
Child wearing bag on head in the garden for vegetables, Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 115592
Mary planting sugar cane, Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 115730
Ida May Menzies Beck cools her head on trail to the mountains, Sevia, Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 115705
Woman with children heading to the garden, Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 115620
Mission nurse prepares bandages, Nobanob, Meganum, (Madang Province), Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 115703
Pastor leads family to garden, Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 115709
Teacher and family talking, Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 115601
Nest of pitta under fern, Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 115682
Hospital and road lined with palm trees, Meganum, (Madang Province), Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 115652
Ironing shirts, Meganum, (Madang Province), Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 115651
Looking north from hotel, palm trees at water's edge, Meganum, (Madang Province), Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 115761
Rollo Howard Beck arranges crest on pigeon while group looks on, Meganum, (Madang Province), Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 115616
D. O. at work in mountains, group looks on, Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 115768
S. S. Montaro at Gasmata, Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 115653
Women and children watching men folk dance, Meganum, (Madang Province), Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 115582
Pastor and family go to work, Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 115733
Family rests on the way home from garden, Sevia, Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 115581
Women with pawpaw fruit, Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 115743
Men and women from the mountains with tobacco en route to the coast, Zagaheme, Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 115657
Dancers with drums, Meganum, (Madang Province), Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 115666
Fish netters at Sing-sing, Meganum, (Madang Province), Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 115685
Nest of kingfisher and man in rubber tree, Meganum, (Madang Province), Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 115624
Roasting wild pig, Meganum, (Madang Province), Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 115728
Carrying equipment and supplies across stream, Sevia, Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 115727
Two men demonstrating traditional dress customs, Sevia, Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 115637
Ida May Menzies Beck and children sweeping yard, Meganum, (Madang Province), Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 115714
Boys by the brook, Sevia, Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 115615
D. O. questions men during case, Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 115871
Papuan man with design on arm and chest, Meganum, (Madang Province), Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 115659
Dancers with elaborate headdresses, Meganum, (Madang Province), Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 115722
A taro field planted, Sevia, Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 115765
House on stilts, Aitape, Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 115769
Burns Philip store at gold field port, Meganum, (Madang Province), Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 115656
Man in tree and kingfisher nest, Meganum, (Madang Province), Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 115713
Ida May Menzies Beck with young Maronks, Sevia, Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 115661
Hospital buildings, Meganum, (Madang Province), Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 115573
Ida May Menzies Beck watches carriers in Gom River, Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 115720
Mother and children in taro garden, Sevia, Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 115527
Travelers passing through Hompua, Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 115584
Young water carriers, Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 115660
Fisherman dancing, Meganum, (Madang Province), Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 115598
Rev. Hauselmann feeding ants to chickens, Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 115696
Dancers gathered, Meganum, (Madang Province), Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 115590
Pitta nest and Rollo Howard Beck, Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 115719
Girls weeding taro garden, Sevia, Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 115574
Ida May Menzies Beck awaits ferry boat at Gogol River, Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 115636
Papuan pastor watches helpers plant taro, Meganum, (Madang Province), Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 115643
Rollo Howard Beck and children, Meganum, (Madang Province), Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 115599
Rev. Hauselmann and tug of war, Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 115614
Group watching D.O. work at kiap house, Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 115763
Papuan child, Meganum, (Madang Province), Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 115607
D. O. listens to man's story, Zagaheme, Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 115773
Groups in canoes watch the S. S. Montaro sail, Aitape, Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 115577
Ida Beck with Papuan men at water's edge, Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 115583
Woman and children with food, Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 115679
Man standing on private road lined with palm trees, Meganum, (Madang Province), Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 115580
Nest of red cap dove, Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 115686
Groups gathered for dance, Meganum, (Madang Province), Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 115712
Teacher and children at school door, Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 115572
Ida May Menzies Beck crossing Gom River, Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 115762
[Rollo Beck] at work while boys look on, Meganum, (Madang Province), Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 115649
Men seated outside W. R. Carpenter's office, Meganum, (Madang Province), Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 115623
Walking down the trail after church service, Meganum, (Madang Province), Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 115589
Rollo Howard Beck examines pitta nest, Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 115764
ID: 115596
View of range where Rollo Howard Beck collected, Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 115588
Pitta nest in situ, Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 115766
A sheltered cove with boats, at Sek, Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 115602
Nest of white-breasted ground dove, Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 115648
Inner harbor, Meganum, (Madang Province), Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 115734
Man watching the fog roll up, Sevia, Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 115647
Warrior with necklace and headdress at dance, Meganum, (Madang Province), Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 115677
General view of dance grounds, Meganum, (Madang Province), Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 115586
Nest with eggs, Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 115576
Landing passengers from the S. S. Montaro, Papua New Guinea, 1928
ID: 115680
A quiet cove, boats near large tree at coast, Meganum, (Madang Province), Papua New Guinea, 1928