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ID: ls-262-003
Progressive Evolution of the Higher Groups of Primates During the Tertiary Period, 1914
ID: ls-336-068
The Cro-Magnon man looks out over his world: A statue of Prehistoric Man
ID: ls-262-023
Profile of Pithecanthropus, McGregor restoration
ID: ls-262-019
Restoration drawing of cave painters
ID: ls-336-041
Evolution of Horse-foot and Human Hand, illustration
ID: ls-262-022
Illustration comparing brain size through human evolution
ID: ls-336-052
Comparison of human and primate skulls with captions in German, illustration
ID: ls-336-016
Comparison of Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon skeletons
ID: ls-262-024
Comparison of Pithecanthropus, Neanderthal, and Cro-Magnon Man skulls
ID: ls-336-035
Restoration bust of Neanderthal man
ID: K9988
Alveolar sacs, enlarged 90 times, Hall of Biology of Man
ID: K9987
Transparent man showing circulatory system, Biology of Man Hall [circa 1952-1974]
ID: K9986
ID: K9983
Sensory receptor in the eye from the Eye Exhibit, Hall of the Biology of Man [circa 1952-1974]
ID: K9982
Man is a Hominid: Toolmaking, exhibit, Hall of Biology of Man [circa 1952-1974]
ID: K9981
Diagram of erect postures
ID: K11576
Ice Age Art exhibition, 1978-1979
ID: K11575
ID: K11574
Ice Age Art Exhibition, 1978-79
ID: K11573
ID: K11572
Ibex, cave painting, Grotte de Niaux, France
ID: K11571
Venus of Lespugue female figurine, 14.7 x 5.5 x 3 cm, reproduction of original, carved in mammoth ivory, Gravettian culture, France
ID: K11565
Bison paintings on canvas from original cave paintings in Altamira Cave, Spain
ID: ls-262-015
Our skeleton from fish to man, part 6
ID: ls-262-016
Our face from fish to man, illustrated chart
ID: ls-336-070
"The Ape Man," model
ID: ls-262-012
Upright Posture and its Maintenance
ID: ls-262-017
Neolithic man of Campignian Stage, mural by Charles R. Knight
ID: ls-262-025
Restoration casts of Pithecanthropus, Neanderthal, and Cro-Magnon man by McGregor
ID: ls-336-065
Skull of La Chapelle-aux-Saints, the best male specimen of the Neanderthal type of man, from a photograph
ID: ls-336-064
Mauer Man sculpture, Heidelberg Man
ID: ls-262-014
Our Skeleton: From Fish to Man, exhibit illustrating evolution
ID: ls-262-032
Illustration, skull comparison
ID: ls-336-049
Comparison of jaw bones
ID: ls-262-008
Family Tree of Man, evolution chart
ID: ls-262-021
Mandible comparison
ID: ls-113-026
Stage in restoration of head, Chapelle-aux-Saints skull, J. H. McGregor