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ID: 49972
Girls with dog sled, Lac Seul Post, Canada, 1913
ID: 49975
Jas. Sharp packing sled, Lac Seul Post, Canada, 1913
ID: 49967
Patterson's dog team coming out of the woods, Lac Seul, Ontario, 1913
ID: 49966
Patterson's dog team in the woods, Lac Seul Post, Canada, 1913
ID: 49965
Patterson's dog team, Lac Seul Post, Canada, 1913
ID: 49964
ID: 49963
ID: 49962
ID: 49961
Patterson's dog team outside Hudson's Bay Co. post building, Lac Seul Post, Canada, 1913
ID: 49960
ID: 49959
Patterson's house, Lac Seul, Canada, 1913
ID: 49958
ID: 49898
Dog team and Indians [Hudson's Bay Post, Canada, circa 1913]
ID: 49495
Child wearing snow shoes and leaning on fence, [Canada, 1913]
ID: 410008
Cooking dinner for dog team, Lac Seul Post, Ontario, 1913
ID: 410007
Dog team stopping for dinner, Lac Seul Post, Ontario, 1913
ID: 410006
ID: 410005
Good bye, group with dog team and sled at the Hudson's Bay Company, Lac Seul Post, Ontario, 1913
ID: 49578
Dodd's house and boys in the snow, East Corinth, Vermont, February, 1911
ID: 49577
Phil in the snow at Dodd's house, East Corinth, Vermont, February, 1911
ID: 410496
Sledding in snow
ID: 410208
Wilson fastening snowshoes, Grand-Mère, Quebec, circa 1910
ID: 410206
Jad [Julian Anthony Dimock?] on snowshoes, Grand-Mère, Quebec, circa 1910
ID: 410205
ID: 410203
Snowshoeing, bear paw shoes, Grand-Mère, Quebec, circa 1910
ID: 410202
Walking with snowshoes, Grand-Mère, Quebec, circa 1910
ID: 410201
Snowshoeing, racing shoes, Grand-Mère, Quebec, circa 1910
ID: 410200
Coasting and falling with snowshoes, Grand-Mère, Quebec, circa 1910
ID: 410199
ID: 410198
Coasting on snowshoes, Grand-Mère, Quebec, circa 1910
ID: 410197
Snowshoeing, Grand-Mère, Quebec, circa 1910
ID: 410196
ID: 410195
ID: 410194
Snowshoeing, knocking off snow, Grand-Mère, Quebec, circa 1910
ID: 410193
ID: 410192
ID: 410191
ID: 410190
ID: 410189
Running in snowshoes, Grand-Mère, Quebec, circa 1910
ID: 410188
ID: 410187
ID: 410186
ID: 49510
Snow laden trees in front of house, [Peekamoose, New York], December, 1910
ID: 49571
Sugar house, East Corinth, Vermont, March 23, 1910
ID: 49569
Filling sap bucket, East Corinth, Vermont, March 20, 1910
ID: 49561
Emptying tub of sap, East Corinth, Vermont, March 23, 1910
ID: 49560
Emptying sap bucket into tank, East Corinth, Vermont, March 23, 1910
ID: 49559
Phil emptying sap bucket, East Corinth, Vermont, March 23, 1910
ID: 49556
Sap tank and David, East Corinth, Vermont, March 23, 1910
ID: 49555
Driving sap tank, boy [David] looking at camera, East Corinth, Vermont, March 23, 1910
ID: 49554
Phil gathering sap, East Corinth, Vermont, March 23, 1910
ID: 49553
Gathering sap, East Corinth, Vermont, March 23, 1910
ID: 49557
Driving sap team, East Corinth, Vermont, March 23, 1910
ID: 49573
Sugar house by moonlight, East Corinth, Vermont, March 22, 1910
ID: 49547
Maple tree and Mrs. [Dimock], East Corinth, Vermont, March 21, 1910
ID: 49546
Maple tree and Mrs. [Dimock] , East Corinth, Vermont, March 21, 1910
ID: 49541
Maple tree with two pails, East Corinth, Vermont, March 21, 1910
ID: 49568
Emptying sap bucket, East Corinth, Vermont, March 20, 1910
ID: 49567
ID: 49566
Emptying sap bucket into tank, East Corinth, Vermont, March 20, 1910
ID: 49565
ID: 49564
ID: 49563
Emptying bucket into tank, East Corinth, Vermont, March 20, 1910
ID: 49562
ID: 49558
Sap tank and team, East Corinth, Vermont, March 20, 1910
ID: 49551
Maple tree and buckets, East Corinth, Vermont, March 20, 1910
ID: 49923
Sayborn with tape and wearing snow shoes, (Riv Crouche) Canada, circa 1909
ID: 49922
Benett and level, (Riv Crouche) Canada, 1909
ID: 49921
ID: 49920
Benett walking in the snow while carrying snow shoes, (Riv Crouche) Canada, 1909
ID: 49919
Benett carrying snow shoes, (Riv Crouche) Canada, 1909
ID: 272317
Robert Peary sledge party with flags at the North Pole: Navy League, DKE Fraternity, the Peary Polar flag, D.A.R. Peace flag, and the Red Cross Flag, April 7, 1909
ID: 410185
Snowshoeing, running, Grand-Mère, March, 1909
ID: 410183
Snowshoeing, Grand-Mère, Canada, 1909
ID: 410182
Snowshoeing, Grand-Mère, Canada, March, 1909
ID: 410178
L.P. Co. Mill, Grand-Mère, Quebec, 1909
ID: 410181
Habitant hauling wood, Grand-Mère, Quebec, 1909
ID: 410184
Snowshoeing, hurdling, Grand-Mère, Canada, 1909
ID: 410246
Portage teams traveling through snow, National Transcontinental Railway, Canada, 1909
ID: 410243
Men walking, National Transcontinental Railway, Canada, 1909
ID: 410245
Portage teams, National Transcontinental Railway, Canada, 1909
ID: 410242
ID: 410248
Orange peel grab, National Transcontinental Railway, Quebec, Canada, 1909
ID: 410180
Cross, Grand-Mère, Quebec, 1909
ID: 410177
Horse and sleigh, Grand-Mère, Quebec, 1909
ID: 49906
Culler and pines, among the large trunks of felled trees, (Riv Crouche) Canada, 1909
ID: 49903
Man smoking pipe outdoors, (Riv Crouche) Canada, 1909
ID: 410286
Birch trees, National Transcontinental Railway, Canada, 1909
ID: 410137
Dog and packed sled with snowshoes, Saint-Michel, 1909
ID: 410136
Survey boys and dog team, Saint-Michel, 1909
ID: 410135
Camp house of survey boys, Saint-Michel, 1909
ID: 410134
Survey boys at water hole, Saint-Michel, 1909
ID: 410133
Wilson carrying canoe and snow shoes, Saint-Michel, 1909
ID: 410132
Wilson on snow shoes portaging canoe, Saint-Michel, 1909
ID: 410131
ID: 410130
ID: 410128
Burned hills, Saint-Michel, 1909
ID: 410127
Farm house beneath clouds, Saint-Michel, 1909
ID: 410126
Willie in the field near the farmhouse, Saint-Michel, 1909
ID: 410125
Rail fence, Saint-Michel, 1909