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ID: 296910
Flight exhibit, American Museum of Natural History, 1942
ID: 296907
Flight exhibit, U.S.O., American Museum of Natural History, 1942
ID: 296909
Flight exhibit, U.S.O. Musette, American Museum of Natural History, 1942
ID: 296795
The Museum Goes to the Schools, 1922, featuring small habitat groups and motion pictures, panel
ID: 296794
The Museum Goes to the Schools, 1942, panel
ID: 296720
Loading loan collection boxes onto museum trucks for delivery to schools, 1942
ID: 296635
George Hawkins, left, and Julius Kagan loading trucks to deliver school museum exhibits, 1942
ID: 296974
Painting of carrier pigeon and airplane, Animals and the War exhibit, American Museum of Natural History, 1942
ID: 296242
New trucks for Department of Education, 1941
ID: 318283
Petersen and Wilson on location for American Museum of Natural History Bison Group, 1940
ID: 131474
Seaplane Guba on Sentani Lake, New Guinea
ID: 131475
Canoes and seaplane Guba on Sentani Lake, New Guinea
ID: 131473
Unloading seaplane Guba at Lake Habbema, New Guinea
ID: 131472
Seaplane Guba on wharf at Lake Habbema, New Guinea
ID: 2A20413
Standing in water near seaplane Guba, New Guinea
ID: 288221
Loading nature study collections onto Museum's Department of Education trucks, 1937
ID: 288220
ID: 290503
Te Ata Fisher on the SS Santa Clara, en route to New York from Lima, Peru, 1937
ID: 290422
Te Ata and Clyde Fisher at airfield in Lima, as Te Ata leaves for Arequipa and Cuzco, Peru, 1937
ID: 286973
Martin and Osa Johnson beside the Spirit of Africa, February, 1937
ID: 286698
Man working construction vehicle, Triborough Bridge, 125th Street and East River, June 3, 1936
ID: nnc2_265
Railroad tracks near ruins, Peru, 1936
ID: 119081
Bathysphere in Hall of Ocean Life, 1935
ID: nnc-m36v47-vhc-u014
Taiping train station, Penang to Budiman, May, 1935
ID: nnc-m36v47-vhc-u007
Man carrying bundle past train cars, Taiping Train Station, Penang to Budiman, May, 1935
ID: nnc-m36v47-vhc-r030
Group with wagons and shelters, Asia, April, 1935
ID: nnc-m36v47-vhc-O012
Man atop elephant, Tamanthi to Homalin, Myanmar, March, 1935
ID: nnc-m36v47-vhc-O011
ID: 314336
Preparing Lindbergh plane for exhibition, Hall of Ocean Life, 1934
ID: 314332
The Lindbergh Plane, Hall of Ocean Life, January, 1934
ID: 126556p
Barnum Brown, D. A. McIntyre, and G.E. Lewis with expedition airplane, Wyoming or Colorado, 1934
ID: 313946
Museum messengers delivering specimens to PS 147, Manhattan, 1932
ID: 313943
ID: 277263
Teachers from Nature Course departing from AMNH for trip to Trailside Museum in Bear Mountain State Park, 1932
ID: 277262
ID: 313803
Children viewing the Story of Transportation exhibit, Children's Fair, 1931
ID: 313559
Boys viewing Radio and Airplane Exhibit, Children's Fair, 1930
ID: 313125
Roald Amundsen and Lincoln Ellsworth exhibit, 1930
ID: 276092
A truck in difficulty, Mongolia, 1928
ID: ls4-54
On the way from Kalgan up to the Pass, near Wan Chuan Hsien, Mongolia, 1928
ID: nnc1_6016
Group paddling canoe, Alaska, 1928
ID: nnc1_6012
Canoe, Alaska, 1928
ID: nnc1_6007
Eskimos paddling canoe, coast of Alaska, 1928
ID: nnc1_5970
Schooner Effie M. Morrissey, Stoll-McCracken Siberian Arctic Expedition, Alaska, 1928
ID: nnc1_5922
Expedition team aboard the schooner, Effie M. Morrissey, Arctic Ocean, 1928
ID: nnc1_5921
Steering the schooner Effie M. Morrissey, Arctic Ocean, 1928
ID: nnc1_5919
Aboard the schooner Effie M. Morrissey, Arctic Ocean, 1928
ID: nnc1_5917
Canoes and expedition team landing ashore, near the Arctic Ocean, 1928
ID: nnc1_5911
Canoes landing ashore, Stoll-McCracken Expedition, near the Arctic Ocean, 1928
ID: nnc1_5908
Canoe, near Arctic Ocean, Stoll-McCracken Expedition, smoking a pipe in foreground, 1928
ID: nnc1_5907
Canoe, near Arctic Ocean, 1928
ID: nnc1_5903
Schooner Effie M. Morrissey and ice floes, Arctic Ocean, 1928
ID: nnc1_5901
Canoe near schooner Effie M. Morrissey, Arctic Ocean, 1928
ID: nnc-m36s75-5900
Schooner, Effie M. Morrissey, Stoll-McCracken Expedition, 1928
ID: 410910
The American Minister's party and members of the expedition at Chang Pei Hsien, on the plateau above the pass, first night's stopping place after leaving Kalgan, Mongolia, 1928
ID: 410903
ID: 411310
Roy Chapman Andrews holding baby antelope caught by J. McKenzie Young, Mongolia, 1928
ID: 410902
ID: 410962
Camel caravan of 125 carrying food and equipment, arriving at Shireh Usu or Chimney Butte Camp, Mongolia, 1928
ID: 410961
First view of camel caravan at Shireh Usu, Mongolia, 1928
ID: 410960
Roy Chapman Andrews and Tserin go out to meet the camels, Mongolia, 1928
ID: 410955
Automobiles stopped near a Chinese walled city to cool motors, enroute from Kalgan to Peking, China, 1928
ID: 410951
Automobiles in sand and lake region of Hul Tsagan Nor, Mongolia, 1928
ID: 410950
Motor cars enroute near Pang Kiang, Mongolia, 1928
ID: 410949
Motor cars en route near Pang Kiang, Mongolia, 1928
ID: 410948
ID: 410943
Baron Sog, a lamasery on the southern edge of the Gobi Desert, Mongolia, 1928
ID: 311929
Composite of scenes in New York City, ca. 1927
ID: 410851
Ancient Hawaiian war vessels, drawing
ID: 260219
School children arriving at the Museum to view film on Abraham Lincoln, February, 1927
ID: 311775
Department of Education delivery trucks ready for transport of slides and nature collections, 1927
ID: 268453
Telega and wagon, 1926
ID: 268199
Serai courtyard with carts, Karashar, Ürümqi, Xinjiang, 1926
ID: 410704
J. McKenzie Young inspects one of the air cleaners equipped on all cars, Mongolia, 1926
ID: 118239
Photo sent by Dr. Charles C. Mook showing damage from earthquake, Three Forks, Montana, 1925
ID: 410722
Expedition motor caravan atop the dinosaur beds, Mongolia, 1925
ID: 410783
Merin leading camel caravan across the desolate dunes of Tsagan Nor in search of water, Mongolia, 1925
ID: 410780
Camels at Flaming Cliffs, Mongolia, 1925
ID: 410774
Camel caravan resting in the midst of the sand dunes midway between Tsagan Nor and Boga Bogdo, Mongolia, 1925
ID: 410770
Camels crossing the dunes of the Tsagan Nor for water, Mongolia, 1925
ID: 410769
View from atop Flaming Cliffs looking at camel caravan entering Valley of Shabarahk Usu, Mongolia, 1925
ID: 410768
Camels at the Flaming Cliffs, Mongolia, 1925
ID: 410728
Dodge motor cars and trucks leaving Shabarahk Usu, Mongolia, 1925
ID: 410723
Motor cars atop dinosaur beds, Shabarahk Usu, Mongolia, 1925
ID: 410712
Nelson in camp sorting thousands of flints gathered at Shabarahk Usu, Mongolia, 1925
ID: 410699
Norman Lovell working on expedition motor trucks with interpreters looking on, Mongolia, 1925
ID: 258204
Roy Chapman Andrews and J. Mackenzie Young with car stuck in snow, Mongolia, 1925
ID: 322018
Camels at base of Flaming Cliffs, Mongolia, 1925
ID: 322019
Camel caravan entering valley of Shabarahk Usa from Flaming Cliffs, Mongolia, 1925
ID: ls-003-053
Roy Chapman Andrews and George Olsen at nest of "the even dozen dinosaur eggs," Third Asiatic Expedition, Mongolia, 1925
ID: 251731
Broken pinion gear on motor truck, with commercial camel caravan bound for Urga, Mongolia, April, 1923
ID: 251326
Expedition spectators watching field meet, Tsagan Nor, Mongolia, 1922
ID: 251101
Dodge car crossing Ongiyn River, Mongolia, 1922
ID: 251068
Expedition camp at Tuerin, Mongolia, 1922
ID: 39479
Herman A. Sievers, senior messenger with motor cycle, in front of the American Museum of Natural History, 1922
ID: 251295
A stop near a well brings a crowd [to view cars], Mongolia, 1922
ID: ptc-6433
Guide with camel, Central Asiatic Expedition, Gobi Desert, Mongolia
ID: ptc-5387
Camp, Mongolia, Central Asiatic Expedition
ID: 38984
Children exiting Museum to school buses at the 77th Street Entrance, 1921
ID: ls-143-046
Conditions of streets in the Lower East Side, New York, April, 1921