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ID: 493
Shell and Coral Hall looking west, 4th floor, main building
ID: 336362
American Museum of Natural History exterior, Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Building, Central Park West
ID: 2a11521
Mollusk Hall, 1976
ID: 334000
Children viewing whale model, Hall of Ocean Life, 1969
ID: 333998
Museum staff viewing suspended Whale model, Hall of Ocean Life, 1969
ID: 331915
Visitor viewing cooking exhibit, Hall of Eastern Woodlands Indians, 1966
ID: 332456
New York State Student Program members viewing Allosaurus skeleton, 1966
ID: 330740
Hayden Planetarium, 1965
ID: 329879
Akeley Hall of African Mammals, from balcony, 1964
ID: 328835
Visitors viewing the Great Canoe, 77th Street Foyer, 1962
ID: 328663
Akeley Hall of African Mammals, from balcony, 1962
ID: 327819
Viewing Man in time and in the Organic World, wall tile exhibit, Biology of Man Hall, 1961
ID: 326625
Girl viewing Triceratops skeleton, Tyrannosaurus Hall, 1959
ID: 2A7644
Child viewing fossil skeletons, Brontosaurus Hall, 1959
ID: 325575
Viewing Olympic Forest Group, Hall of North American Forestry, 1958
ID: 2A5136
Art students, Akeley Hall of African Mammals, 1956
ID: 322578
Viewing Snares Island exhibit, Whitney Hall, 1952
ID: 322577
Viewing Moa Group, Whitney Hall, 1952
ID: 2A2228
Children seated at elephant group, lunch hour during Children's Book Fair, Akeley Hall of African Mammals, 1950
ID: 320509
Viewing Calcareous alga, Cryptozoan, 1949
ID: 320515
Visitors viewing Blue Shark exhibit, Hall of Fishes, 1948
ID: 319358
Visitors viewing paintings by Lynn Bogue Hunt, 77th Street Foyer, August, 1944
ID: 297876
Children with Waste Paper Salvage Exhibit, 77th Street Foyer, May 1944
ID: 297874
Child with Waste Paper Salvage Exhibit, 77th Street Foyer, May, 1944
ID: 298301
Weaving demonstration, Mexican Weaving Exhibit, 77th Street Foyer, March, 1944
ID: 298298
Tortilla-making demonstration, Mexican Exhibit, 77th Street Foyer, March, 1944
ID: 319261
Woman viewing Cultural Sequence of the Valley of Mexico, Mexican Hall, 1944
ID: 297884
Servicemen viewing Indian Elephant Group, Hall of South Asiatic Mammals, 1944
ID: 296639
Dr. Murphy discussing the Geography of the War exhibit, 77th Street Foyer, February, 1942
ID: 287895
Viewing Brontosaurus skeleton, Jurassic Hall, 1937
ID: 287930
Children viewing diorama, 1937
ID: 286258
Viewing portrait of Theodore Roosevelt, 1936
ID: 286257
Girls' class, Roosevelt Memorial Hall, 1936
ID: 286256
Boys' class, Roosevelt Memorial Hall, 1936
ID: 286254
Boys' class entering Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Hall, 1936
ID: 283077
Preparing African Lion Group, Akeley Hall of African Mammals, 1935
ID: 314346
Visitors viewing the Lindbergh Plane and exhibits, Hall of Ocean Life, January 24, 1934
ID: 314206
Painting background for Sable Antelope Group, Akeley Hall of African Mammals, 1933
ID: ls-000-018
Whitney Wing, exterior, American Museum of Natural History, December, 1932
ID: 277263
Teachers from Nature Course departing from AMNH for trip to Trailside Museum in Bear Mountain State Park, 1932
ID: 313612
Students from P. S. 78 of the Bronx viewing exhibit, Hall of South Asiatic Mammals, 1931
ID: 312229
Children viewing Brontosaurus (Apatosaurus) exhibit, 1927
ID: 312163
Studying African Elephant Group, Akeley Hall of African Mammals, 1927
ID: 260219
School children arriving at the Museum to view film on Abraham Lincoln, February, 1927
ID: 39574
Children viewing Penguin Group, 1922
ID: 33605
Children viewing Allosaurus, Hall of Fossil Reptiles, 1911
ID: 33603
Young women studying flowers, Forestry Hall, 1911
ID: 33596
Children viewing Haida canoe exhibit, Hall of Northwest Coast Indians, 1911
ID: 33594
Children viewing mammal exhibits, [Hall of Mammals], 1911
ID: 33094
Philippine Hall, looking north, 1911
ID: 32932
Metal working scene, African Hall, 1911
ID: 33093
Exhibit cases, South Sea Island Hall, 1911
ID: 33099
South Sea Islands Hall, 1911
ID: 33098
South Sea Island Hall, 1911
ID: 33097
Philippine Island exhibits, Philippine Hall, looking south, 1911
ID: 33070
Hall of Mexican Archaeology, 1911
ID: 33036
Hall of Mexican Archaeology, 1910
ID: 33002
Ceremonial canoe in North Pacific Hall, looking north, 1910
ID: 32925
Murals and exhibits, African Hall, 1910
ID: 32800
The Children's Room, April 16, 1910
ID: 32772
The Children's Room, 1910
ID: 32885
Model boats and globe, Philippine Islands exhibit, 1909
ID: 32884
Section I, Philippine Island exhibit, 1909
ID: 32883
Philippine Islands exhibit, 1909
ID: 32877
ID: 32876
Philippine Island exhibit, 1909
ID: 32185
Crowd waiting in line at entrance to International Tuberculosis Exhibition, Sunday, December 6, 1908
ID: 32136
Viewing Indians of the Plains exhibit with Museum instructor, 1908
ID: 286913
Class studying at Museum, Fossil Mammal Hall, 1900
ID: K12021
Girl Scout troop viewing Elephant Group, Akeley Memorial Hall of African Mammals [1962]
ID: 496
Shell and Coral Hall looking east, fourth floor [circa 1904-1925]
ID: ls-127-011
Western façade of the orginal building, American Museum of Natural History, New York City