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Libellulae, dragonflies, from Harris' Exposition of English insects


Libellulae, dragonflies, from Harris' Exposition of English insects


Hand-colored engravings

Exposition of English insects :including the several classes of Neuroptera, Hymenoptera, & Diptera, or bees, flies, & Libellulæ : exhibiting on 51 copper plates near 500 figures, accurately drawn & highly finished in colours, from nature : the whole minutely described, arranged & named, according to the Linnean system, with remarks : the figures of a great number of moths not in the Aurelian collection : formerly published by the same author and a plate with an explanation of colours, are likewise given in the work


American Museum of Natural History Research Library

Information on rights available at the repository

Bibliographic Number: b12055384

American Museum of Natural History


Harris, Moses, 1731?-1785? (artist, author), “Libellulae, dragonflies, from Harris' Exposition of English insects,” AMNH Research Library | Digital Special Collections, accessed January 20, 2025,