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Book cover with bird from Crichton's A naturalist's ramble to the Orcades


Book cover with bird from Crichton's A naturalist's ramble to the Orcades


A naturalist's ramble to the Orcades

QL690.G7 C74 1866

AMNH Library catalog record: A naturalist's ramble to the Orcades.

Natural Histories: Extraordinary Rare Book Selections from the American Museum of Natural History Library

American Museum of Natural History Research Library

Information on rights available at the repository

Bibliographic Number: b1028607x

American Museum of Natural History


Crichton, Arthur William (author), “Book cover with bird from Crichton's A naturalist's ramble to the Orcades,” AMNH Research Library | Digital Special Collections, accessed July 26, 2024,