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Adult, caterpillar, and pupa of the death's head hawk moth from Moses Harris's "The Aurelian, or, Natural history of English insects"


Adult, caterpillar, and pupa of the death's head hawk moth from Moses Harris's "The Aurelian, or, Natural history of English insects"


Hand-colored engravings

AMNH Library: The Aurelian, or, Natural history of English insects; namely, moths and butterflies : together with the plants on which they feed; a faithful account of their respective changes; their usual haunts when in the winged state; and their standard names, as given and established by the worthy and ingenious society of Aurelians, Moses Harris, 1766, plate XXXVII.

Featured in: Natural histories: extraordinary rare book selections from the American Museum of Natural History Library, edited by Tom Baione. New York : Sterling Signature, c2012.

American Museum of Natural History Library

Information on rights available at the repository.

Bibliographic Number: b10836809

American Museum of Natural History


Harris, Moses, 1731?-1785? (artist, author), “Adult, caterpillar, and pupa of the death's head hawk moth from Moses Harris's "The Aurelian, or, Natural history of English insects",” AMNH Research Library | Digital Special Collections, accessed January 17, 2025,