Title page of "The conchologist's first book; or, A system of testaceous malacology, arranged expressly for the use of schools, in which the animals, according to Cuvier, are given with the shells, a great number of new species added, and the whole brought up, as accurately as possible, to the present condition of the science." By Edgar A. Poe.
Title page of "The conchologist's first book; or, A system of testaceous malacology, arranged expressly for the use of schools, in which the animals, according to Cuvier, are given with the shells, a great number of new species added, and the whole brought up, as accurately as possible, to the present condition of the science." By Edgar A. Poe.
Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849. The conchologist's first book; or, A system of testaceous malacology, arranged expressly for the use of schools, in which the animals, according to Cuvier, are given with the shells, a great number of new species added, and the whole brought up, as accurately as possible, to the present condition of the science. Philadelphia, Pub. for the author, by Haswell, Barrington, and Haswell, 1839.
American Museum of Natural History Research Library
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American Museum of Natural History