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"Shell" of paper nautilus, egg case of of pelagic octopus from Geve's Belustigung im Reiche der Natur


"Shell" of paper nautilus, egg case of of pelagic octopus from Geve's Belustigung im Reiche der Natur


Copper plates

Belustigung im Reiche der Natur. Erster Band aus den Papieren des Verstorbenen vollendet durch Johannes Dominicus Schultze


AMNH Librar catalog record:

Natural Histories: Opulent Oceans: Extraordinary Rare Book Selections from the American Museum of Natural History Library

American Museum of Natural History Research Library

Information on rights available at the repository

Bibliographic Number: <a href="" target="_blank">b1094116</a>

American Museum of Natural History


Geve, Nicolaus Georg (artist), Geve, Nicolaus Georg (author), and Schultze, Johann Dominik, 1752-1790 (author), “"Shell" of paper nautilus, egg case of of pelagic octopus from Geve's Belustigung im Reiche der Natur,” AMNH Research Library | Digital Special Collections, accessed January 20, 2025,